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Aug 30, 2012, 6:25 AM
Thank you all for getting around to so many areas with excellent coverage, including the Polk Street area earlier! I've been travelling around South of Market, Civic Center and my Market Street corridor a lot lately and it's astonishing at how much activity has skyrocketed in the last year. :cheers:

Aug 30, 2012, 6:30 AM
Looking good SF! some great infill projects starting in your fair city to the north. I didnt realize that the Warriors arena was already starting. When is it supposed to open?

Also, can anyone fill me in on SF city parking min / max requirements?

peanut gallery
Aug 30, 2012, 5:03 PM
^It hasn't started yet and there's a long process of approvals to go before it can. Those tents are for the America's Cup races. SF has no minimum parking requirement and maximum caps vary by neighborhood. I believe they generally vary from .5:1 to .75:1, but someone else probably can characterize it more accurately or confirm.

peanut gallery
Aug 30, 2012, 5:13 PM
This is what I feared when 8 Washington opponents were able to gather enough signatures to put it on the ballot. You have to consider the group behind the polling, but I have no trouble believing that this is at least close to the mark. Personally, I feel this project is dead (not officially, but I think it's just a matter of time).

8 Washington: Supervisor Olague Votes Herself out of Favor
SF Weekly
By Joe Eskenazi
Wednesday, Aug 29 2012

Denizens of landlocked District 5 may not be able to locate 8 Washington Street. But, wherever it is, they're against it.

A poll commissioned by the group that qualified a referendum against the proposed luxury waterfront condo tower claims city residents oppose the development by more than a 2-to-1 ratio. But in left-friendly, tenant-heavy District 5, 8 Washington is reviled at a 5-to-1 clip. "It's political dynamite citywide," says former Supervisor Aaron Peskin, a fervid 8 Washington opponent. "But it's nuclear dynamite in District 5."
Source: SF Weekly (http://www.sfweekly.com/2012-08-29/news/8-washington-christine-olague-board-of-supervisors-district-5-race-julian-davis-rose-pak-willie-brown-ed-lee/)

Aug 30, 2012, 8:06 PM
If I'm not mistaken, John King did a review of the St Regis a number of years ago, and wrote that the building would have looked better if it had been taller. I remember agreeing with him on that one, as it's definitely a bit stumpy-looking as built.

Aug 31, 2012, 2:09 AM
This is what I feared when 8 Washington opponents were able to gather enough signatures to put it on the ballot.

The annoying thing is that tons of the signatures were gathered far, far, away from where 8 Washington is (i read that many votes were gathered in the mission district for example), and many of them were gathered through misleading explanations, with claims that the embarcadero will be destroyed with a giant wall (not true, at all), or that this project is bad because it's not affordable and is yet another step in pushing poor people out of SF (no one is gonna get pushed out of a tennis club, because no one lives there, and of course something in that prime downtown location will not be affordable), or that it would greatly increase traffic (laughable), or some such nonsense.

Aug 31, 2012, 2:30 AM
The annoying thing is that tons of the signatures were gathered far, far, away from where 8 Washington is (i read that many votes were gathered in the mission district for example), and many of them were gathered through misleading explanations, with claims that the embarcadero will be destroyed with a giant wall (not true, at all), or that this project is bad because it's not affordable and is yet another step in pushing poor people out of SF (no one is gonna get pushed out of a tennis club, because no one lives there, and of course something in that prime downtown location will not be affordable), or that it would greatly increase traffic (laughable), or some such nonsense.

I've given up on 8 Washington and moved on--it's totally irrelevant to San Francisco in the scheme of things. Bring on the Transbay Tower and bigger fish!

Aug 31, 2012, 6:14 AM
I agree with viewguy; I'm looking forward to bigger fish! Even the second Rincon tower is exciting to me. Let's not forget: back in the late 80s/early 90s, buildings of 500-1000 feet were unfathomable, and now we're right on the brink of several of them!

I also agree with Philip that John King can be fair, though he's clearly not as big a big project fan as most of us...

Aug 31, 2012, 9:10 AM
Indeed, forget 8 Washington, it wasn't all that exciting to me anyway.

John King is off here, but I think he has been right before and I think his commentary is important, regardless of what he thinks on this issue.

Aug 31, 2012, 7:07 PM
It's been a long time since I've posted here (although I still read). I've got to say I disagree with the several comments about "moving on" from 8 Washington (although I'm sure it's personally a lot healthier than what I do!) For me, it's just too important an issue, and the (typical) opposition has in this case been completely dishonorable.

Anyway, here's what I sent several Supervisors yesterday:

Supervisors Kim, Olague, Mar,

I am not a professional planner, developer, or in any way connected to the 8 Washington project. I've lived in San Francisco for 32 years and have rented the same flat off Dolores Park for the past 22.

While not a professional, as an avid student of Jane Jacobs I have always been very interested in urban development, and have followed it for many years in SF. For all the reasons carefully outlined in a Chronicle article (April 23, 2012; copied below) + much more, I urge you to not change your vote on this project. Please, please do not let the standard politics of the City's anti-development people kill this long (long!) evolving development!

Most San Franciscans barely pay any kind of attention to matters such as this... relying instead on the catchwords and cliches of ideologues such as Aaron Peskin, Sue Hester, and now Jon Gollinger. And so when citizens hear "don't build a WALL on the Embarcadero!!!, our course they'll oppose it. But it is the job of City Supervisors to study things in detail, be judicious, and not be swayed by obvious misinformation. (How many of the thousands of people manipulated into signing on to oppose this project do you think will really dislike it, once it's built? I think very, very few.)

Before voting next week, please just take a quick look again (below) at the things that recommend this project. It's important... 8 Washington probably will determine how well the City's waterfront is developed and maintained in the next generation, plus: the City needs more precious open space and housing (of all kinds) -especially downtown!

Mark Miller,
San Francisco


I developed this to send along with the letter:

peanut gallery
Aug 31, 2012, 10:10 PM
Hear, hear! Great letter, Mark! Your third paragraph really says it all. I can't imagine your average person seeing this after it was completed and thinking: gee, I wish that was a stretch of chain link fence and a surface lot instead.

It's not going to make a big difference on a macro scale, but look at the pictures Mark posted. That is a dead section of the Embarcadero. With some public space, retail and a few more residents right on the street it will come alive. Visually, it fits in perfectly and will be a huge improvement to that part of the waterfront, IMHO. I also think developments like this incrementally add to the overall appeal of the city, making it a more desirable place to live and visit. Thus, though it's not the most important proposal in the city, it does fill a significant gap on the Embarcadero (quite well, in fact) and I think it's a really great opportunity that seems will be missed.

Oh well, I'll let it go like I let go of 555 Washington and others before it. I'll try not to beat a dead horse! :)

Sep 1, 2012, 12:54 AM
It's been a long time since I've posted here (although I still read). I've got to say I disagree with the several comments about "moving on" from 8 Washington (although I'm sure it's personally a lot healthier than what I do!) For me, it's just too important an issue, and the (typical) opposition has in this case been completely dishonorable.

Anyway, here's what I sent several Supervisors yesterday:

Supervisors Kim, Olague, Mar,

I am not a professional planner, developer, or in any way connected to the 8 Washington project. I've lived in San Francisco for 32 years and have rented the same flat off Dolores Park for the past 22.

While not a professional, as an avid student of Jane Jacobs I have always been very interested in urban development, and have followed it for many years in SF. For all the reasons carefully outlined in a Chronicle article (April 23, 2012; copied below) + much more, I urge you to not change your vote on this project. Please, please do not let the standard politics of the City's anti-development people kill this long (long!) evolving development!

Most San Franciscans barely pay any kind of attention to matters such as this... relying instead on the catchwords and cliches of ideologues such as Aaron Peskin, Sue Hester, and now Jon Gollinger. And so when citizens hear "don't build a WALL on the Embarcadero!!!, our course they'll oppose it. But it is the job of City Supervisors to study things in detail, be judicious, and not be swayed by obvious misinformation. (How many of the thousands of people manipulated into signing on to oppose this project do you think will really dislike it, once it's built? I think very, very few.)

Before voting next week, please just take a quick look again (below) at the things that recommend this project. It's important... 8 Washington probably will determine how well the City's waterfront is developed and maintained in the next generation, plus: the City needs more precious open space and housing (of all kinds) -especially downtown!

Mark Miller,
San Francisco


I developed this to send along with the letter:

Thanks Mark! IMO, a logical (something SF can lack from time to time) and well written outlook on this non-issue that's become an issue. If greed is the fuel for both sides, then I'd much rather side with the developers on this one and actually get something out of it - open space, restaurants, and an overall 'polish' for that stretch of the Embarcadero.

Sep 3, 2012, 6:19 AM
just so we don't lose track of this one, went by 5th and Folsom (http://www.socketsite.com/archives/2012/05/groundbreaking_midmarket_news_900_folsom.html) today...

first, this is the future fire station across Folsom from the project. the station is to replace the one that will be eliminated with the MOMA expansion:


this is looking north across the west side of the site from Folsom:


looking toward the northeast corner from Folsom:


looking back toward the southeast corner (5th and Folsom) from Clementina:


the separate project on 5th between Clementina and Tehama is also underway, but the site just looks mostly like clutter at the moment. you can see a little of it in this shot looking south on 5th:


with these projects, the 5M Project (http://www.5mproject.com/), the UOP Dental Building (http://dental.pacific.edu/future_school_facility.html), and the Mint Museum (http://sanfranciscomuseum.org/), Fifth Street between Market and Folsom (south of there is still kinda dicey) will be a completely different place than its recent past

Sep 3, 2012, 9:02 AM
I forgot about 5, that sounds likes it's going to be amazing.

Thanks for the shots here, and of 350 Mission.

Sep 3, 2012, 6:56 PM
also, 333 Harrison's burka is starting to come off:


here is the front:


Jerry of San Fran
Sep 4, 2012, 3:10 AM
Timbad - nice update - I have not been in that area for a very long time and am amazed at the changes already happening! I trust the apartments across the street from the fire station will have double paned windows to insulate from the noise of the sirens.

And I see a sex shop across the street from the fire station - I wonder if that will go as the neighborhood changes - it has been there for many years.

Sep 4, 2012, 7:03 PM
The 6/71 inbound Muni stop at Page/Franklin is going to be discontinued from Sept. 1 to Dec. 1 (http://www.sfmta.com/cms/malerts/ConstructionSept.1throughDec.12012.htm) due to construction.

Sep 5, 2012, 12:17 AM
The Target sign went up at the 'new' Metreon:

Source: www.rinconhillsf.org

On Wednesday evening (August 29, 2012), a big truck pulled up in front of the Metreon on 4th Street with some new signage. Two red semi-circles and a dot – Target’s trademark bulls-eye! The store is getting ready to tentatively open on October 14, 2012! I’m so excited!
More pics and article: http://www.rinconhillsf.org/yerba-buena/city-target-gets-a-bullseye-at-the-metreon/

Also, thanks for the pictures timbad!

Jerry of San Fran
Sep 5, 2012, 7:27 AM
Trinity Place tower II construction is now visible from my apartment. It will be about 3 stories shorter than tower I to the east. The blue mechanism on the right is for pumping concrete.

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8034/7935453410_303d3d5961_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/antinous/7935453410/)

peanut gallery
Sep 5, 2012, 4:07 PM
Thanks for the updates, guys!

I hadn't really thought about it before, but 5M will create a little highrise cluster around the Intercontinental. In fact, that one tower is right across the street. That should be a nice improvement.

Also, it looks like I'll have to keep beating a certain almost-dead horse: The BOS vote on 8 Washington didn't change last night, still 8-3 in favor. So it looks like it's going to the ballot unless the developer gives up. If it does go through, I'm very curious to see how the measure will be worded. Some of the Sups mentioned the utterly misleading and one-sided nature of the signature gathering effort (which is frankly to be expected). That won't happen in an actual vote.

Sep 6, 2012, 1:26 AM
I thought this project had already broken ground. Evidently, it did yesterday:

Demolition kicks off rebirth of St. Anthony’s dining hall
By: Bay City News | 09/04/12 6:01 PM

Demolition began Tuesday at the original St. Anthony’s Dining Room, which is being razed in order to construct a new facility in its place.

The dining room, located at 45 Jones St. in the Tenderloin, has served an estimated 38 million meals to low-income and homeless people since opening in 1950. It closed in February to make way for construction on the organization’s new dining room, set to open in summer 2014.

On Tuesday morning, construction cranes began tearing down a wall of the building to start demolition, which is scheduled to continue through January, St. Anthony spokesman Karl Robillard said.

Read more at the San Francisco Examiner: http://www.sfexaminer.com/local/2012/09/demolition-kicks-rebirth-st-anthony-s-dining-hall#ixzz25eGaYQby

And a video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=IH44MjQW8fk) of the project.

peanut gallery
Sep 6, 2012, 10:14 PM

Here's another little project that is about to get started. From Curbed SF (http://sf.curbed.com/archives/2012/09/06/whats_happening_at_the_lot_near_9th_irving.php):


The site in question is 1266 9th Ave, and the 2-story office building was recently demo'd to make room for a four-story mixed-use building with 15 dwelling-units and 5,650sf ground floor retail. The project was approved back in 2008, but construction is expected to begin soon and be completed in late 2012. The ground floor will be home to a new La Boulange location with outdoor seating.

Not sure how they can complete it by the end of the year. Perhaps they meant 2013?

Sep 7, 2012, 3:32 AM
^^^Must be. Interesting development...takes out the parking lot that was next to Hotei. Parking is certainly tight in the 9th and Irving area, but looks like a nice addition to the 9th Ave strip with new residential and a La Boulange.

Sep 7, 2012, 3:20 PM
From J.K. Dineen in today's SF Business Times (http://www.bizjournals.com/sanfrancisco/blog/real-estate/2012/09/from-wrecking-ball-toretail-in-san.html):

It is the most tantalizing plywood construction barricade San Francisco has seen in years.

Retail developer Dallas real estate firm Cypress Equities and the New York private equity firm Carlyle Group have erected a 15-foot fence along the 900 block of Market Street. It doesn’t look like much, but it is the first tangible sign that the construction is imminent on one of the most stubbornly derelict stretches in San Francisco.

After years of false starts, finally Market Street Place (formerly called CityPlace) is set to rise.

Cypress Equities CEO Chris Maguire said that demolition on the long-vacant buildings will start in December, and excavation shortly thereafter. Meanwhile, the developers will soon put up banners and signs touting the project along the 270 feet of frontage between 935 Market St. and 965 Market St.

peanut gallery
Sep 7, 2012, 4:09 PM
Mid-market is going to be almost unrecognizable from what it is today in a few years. Ever see photos of pre-Moscone Yerba Buena from the 70's? I think looking at Mid-market photos from today (or to make the contrast more acute, from a few years ago) will be like that say 10 years from now.

Sep 7, 2012, 4:55 PM
thats great ! theres kind of a cutt-off by powell and market not that many people walk beyond that point but a generous amount still do (idk why lol) now with this project everything will change for good ! and hopefully in 5-10 years all of market will be revitalized and linked up !

Sep 7, 2012, 10:13 PM

A car-free, 12-unit condo and retail development was approved unanimously yesterday by the SF Planning Commission, despite opposition from some residents. The project will include no car parking and 28 bike parking spaces.

The building at 1050 Valencia Street will be targeted toward residents seeking the kind of car-free lifestyle that’s increasingly popular in neighborhoods like the Mission District, which is short on housing but among the most walkable, bikeable, and transit-rich parts of San Francisco. The building will be located on the corner of Valencia and Hill Streets, along one of the city’s most heavily-traveled bicycling streets and business corridors. It’s also close to the 24th Street BART station and several major Muni lines. Currently, the site hosts a vacant restaurant space.


peanut gallery
Sep 7, 2012, 11:43 PM
^There sure has been a lot of hoopla over this one on the local blogs. Have you guys seen what the Liberty Hill Neighborhood Association proposed in its place? It was pretty bad. But even among people who thought their complaints were nonsense and wanted to see something built here, there are many who don't like this proposal at all. I just don't see what's so bad about it. Frankly, I have a pretty low threshold for what I consider good architecture; I know my taste isn't very sophisticated. But I just don't see what's so awful about this design. Maybe someone on here can help me out with that.

Sep 7, 2012, 11:49 PM
^There sure has been a lot of hoopla over this one on the local blogs. Have you guys seen what the Liberty Hill Neighborhood Association proposed in its place? It was pretty bad. But even among people who thought their complaints were nonsense and wanted to see something built here, there are many who don't like this proposal at all. I just don't see what's so bad about it. Frankly, I have a pretty low threshold for what I consider good architecture; I know my taste isn't very sophisticated. But I just don't see what's so awful about this design. Maybe someone on here can help me out with that.

I'm far from an architecture critic, but it doesn't really bother me either. It doesn't excite nor disappoint, but I do know it looks a helluva lot better than what's there now. Didn't that used to be a KFC?

Sep 8, 2012, 12:16 AM
http://i.imgur.com/xRwZql.jpg (http://i.imgur.com/xRwZq.jpg)

Sep 8, 2012, 6:55 PM
I'm far from an architecture critic, but it doesn't really bother me either. It doesn't excite nor disappoint, but I do know it looks a helluva lot better than what's there now. Didn't that used to be a KFC?

Yes, it was a KFC that was converted into another restaurant--rather cleaver actually, since it was certainly better than those red and white stripes with a chicken bucket!

easy as pie
Sep 8, 2012, 8:36 PM
^There sure has been a lot of hoopla over this one on the local blogs. Have you guys seen what the Liberty Hill Neighborhood Association proposed in its place? It was pretty bad.

these clowns were mightily slapped down by planning. they basically wanted a bunch of parking, a lower height and fewer residents - all running completely against the neighborhood plan. basically, 3-4 old cranks fighting against the continued improvement of valencia street because it will make the neighborhood infinitesimally more crowded, just beat it.

Sep 10, 2012, 10:30 PM
Re 1050 Valencia: You know, it's funny. I USED to be quite an architecture critic. I perused lots of good stuff (both large and small projects) from around the world... one of the nice benefits of the internet. 15 years ago, I would have denounced this proposal as a somewhat undersized, boring neo-victorian. But today, it actually looks pretty good to me, too. In a way, that's kind of sad. (Maybe my tastes have been dumbed-down my the City's overly-bureaucratic and populist planning process.) Architecture can and should inspire.

But on the other hand, even under the best of circumstances, not EVERY project in a city should be exceptional. (Then, you'd have a bunch of stuff all visually competing too much.) So maybe the best we should expect from small projects like this is that they not be TOO predictable and cheap looking. And this one is fine by that standard.

Sep 11, 2012, 11:38 PM
Re 1050 Valencia: You know, it's funny. I USED to be quite an architecture critic. I perused lots of good stuff (both large and small projects) from around the world... one of the nice benefits of the internet. 15 years ago, I would have denounced this proposal as a somewhat undersized, boring neo-victorian. But today, it actually looks pretty good to me, too. In a way, that's kind of sad. (Maybe my tastes have been dumbed-down my the City's overly-bureaucratic and populist planning process.) Architecture can and should inspire.

But on the other hand, even under the best of circumstances, not EVERY project in a city should be exceptional. (Then, you'd have a bunch of stuff all visually competing too much.) So maybe the best we should expect from small projects like this is that they not be TOO predictable and cheap looking. And this one is fine by that standard.

Well said! Not every new development needs to be architectural ecstasy. A simple handsome development can do the goodwork of infil while providing a contrast and backdrop for the true gems.

With that said, we need more gems!! I'd particularly like some buildings that are NOT neo-victorian. No bay windows, wood siding, etc. Just something fresh and modern. Is that too much to ask?

Sep 14, 2012, 6:47 AM

Sep 14, 2012, 5:35 PM
A request for proposals was just sent out for a 400 foot residential tower with an 85 foot podium building, and up to 580 residential units (20% of which would be afforadable), at 1st and Folsom Streets:


Here are a couple renderings from that pdf, showing the proposed locations/heights for towers of the transbay redevelopment plan:



This particular 400' building would be at the location of the tower that's just to the right of that more rectangular tower in the middle of that first render (the one in between the over passes). It'll be pretty amazing if all of those towers end up getting built.

Sep 14, 2012, 9:58 PM

Sep 14, 2012, 11:43 PM
San Francisco is the NYC of the west. I'm a die hard LA fan, but it's nothing when compared to the massive skyline of SF. I wish LA had a bay like either city. It's great to see this city continuing to grow.

Sep 15, 2012, 8:02 PM
What are your thought on the repainting of Crocker Galleria?






In Between:
















Sep 15, 2012, 8:06 PM
^Looks pretty nice from the pics, but I'd have to see it person to really tell how it compares to the old paint job.

Sep 15, 2012, 11:12 PM
A request for proposals was just sent out for a 400 foot residential tower with an 85 foot podium building, and up to 580 residential units (20% of which would be afforadable), at 1st and Folsom Streets:

Here are a couple renderings from that pdf, showing the proposed locations/heights for towers of the transbay redevelopment plan:

The only difference is that I have used photoshop to link them together... Ok... so I don't do good work!!! Credit to http://www.socketsite.com/archives/2012/09/rfp_for_400foot_tower_and_580_units_at_first_and_folsom.html#comments


Sep 15, 2012, 11:40 PM
^nice! It may not be perfect, but you did a pretty good job. Downtown SF will be a lot more impressive after the next decade or so if everything goes according to plan.

Sep 16, 2012, 7:33 PM
The only difference is that I have used photoshop to link them together...

thanks for doing that - my first thought when I saw the divided image was, 'I wish we could see that all at once, sewn together'

Sep 17, 2012, 3:20 PM
So I was messing around on Emporis, and found out that since 1997, 53 highrises have been built in San Francisco (while only 4 were built from 1989-1997). I know we've had a boom since the late 90s, but I didn't know it was that big. Cool.

Sep 17, 2012, 7:46 PM
If all of the towers are built as large as shown in that render, that almost doubles the size (or at least the perceived size) of the downtown SF skyline. Impressive, to say the least.

Sep 18, 2012, 1:18 AM
1600 market is being demolished right now. good to see progress happening at that site finally. i think that's 4 active projects on market between van ness and safeway.

Sep 18, 2012, 1:19 AM
1600 market is being demolished right now. good to see progress happening at that site finally. i think that's 4 active projects on market between van ness and safeway.

Great news. Thanks!

And since we're on the topic...

City Bonds Slated To Finance 2175 Market Street Development


According to the City and County of San Francisco Residential Mortgage Revenue Bond Law, the City of San Francisco is empowered to issue and sell mortgage bonds "to finance the development of multi-family housing including units for lower income households and very low income households."


Sep 18, 2012, 4:46 AM
Well said! Not every new development needs to be architectural ecstasy. A simple handsome development can do the goodwork of infil while providing a contrast and backdrop for the true gems.

With that said, we need more gems!! I'd particularly like some buildings that are NOT neo-victorian. No bay windows, wood siding, etc. Just something fresh and modern. Is that too much to ask?

I couldn't agree with you more NOPA and have thought this for a long time!
[Sorry for the delayed response--took a Cancun break for a week and longing to go back already!]

Sep 19, 2012, 1:19 AM
"Bay Lights" was approved and should be up and running by early next year.

Over the next several months, electricians in harnesses will be climbing the suspension cables during the midnight hours to affix the LED lights to the vertical suspender cables that connect to the bridge deck. Each bulb will be adjusted to a level of brightness ranging from zero to 255.
Villareal, 45, will direct the installation via laptop, while stationed on a boat, on Treasure Island or on the second-floor deck of Waterbar restaurant on the Embarcadero.
"I'm using software as a primary material," he says. "There's a long process of trying things, and there is a lot of randomness and discovery in that process, as I come to resolution on what the piece will be."
This project has nothing to do with the construction of the new span on the Oakland end of the bridge. "Bay Lights" will only be installed on the 1.5-mile suspension bridge between Treasure Island and San Francisco. The LED lights will complement the permanent necklace that has draped the suspension cables since the bridge's 50th anniversary in 1986.
"Bay Lights" will be visible only from the waterfront north of the bridge, or from a boat on the bay. It will operate between dusk and 2 a.m. nightly and will not be visible from the bridge deck, so as not to distract motorists.
A nonprofit organization, Illuminate the Arts, has been established specifically for the project, with a six-member board of directors. A staff of three worked for a year to earn a transportation art permit from Caltrans, which owns and operates the bridge.

Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/art/article/Bay-Bridge-to-beam-vivid-light-sculpture-3872898.php#ixzz26sGXw6qk

And the website which has some great videos of the project:


Sep 19, 2012, 1:38 AM
With Bay Lights and the new East Span, the Bay Bridge will be looking its best ever. I only wish Bay Lights was permanent.

Sep 19, 2012, 2:04 AM
Great news. Thanks!

And since we're on the topic...


I'm really looking forward to this latest addition to my neighborhood--the gas station at that site has closed already.

Sep 19, 2012, 3:33 AM
Taken today:


Sep 19, 2012, 3:44 AM
1600 market is being demolished right now. good to see progress happening at that site finally. i think that's 4 active projects on market between van ness and safeway.

They moved really quickly on this. The building was still standing as of Monday morning. This morning (Tuesday), the building is entirely gone, and most of the debris has been hauled away already.

It's basically a vacant lot already just 36 hours after heavy demolition started.

Sep 19, 2012, 4:47 AM
More news about the Moscone expansion:


Moscone Center expansion plans unveiled by travel association

New plans for the Moscone Center would add 200,000 square feet of convention space. Conventions have reportedly been asking for more space.
In a bid to re-establish The City’s place among West Coast convention destinations, the Moscone Convention Center could add more than 200,000 square feet of underground and aboveground convention and meeting space.

San Francisco Travel Association President Joe D’Alessandro unveiled plans to add the meeting and exhibition space Friday during a San Francisco Business Times event about future development here.

The South of Market convention center is no longer large enough to accommodate all the clients looking to hold events in San Francisco, D’Alessandro said, and The City has lost $2 billion in business because of space limitations. Despite ranking just 25th in size for convention facilities, he added, the Moscone Center generates the most money per square foot.


Sep 19, 2012, 11:41 AM
I'm really excited about the Bay Lights! Can't wait.

How is the Eastern Span coming along? How come no one talks about it here?

Jerry of San Fran
Sep 20, 2012, 9:04 PM
I was by 1600 Market St. recently and was amazed to see the building torn down in a few days after I walked by. Another apartment building going up on this corner.

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8031/8007243814_9218b5699c_m.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/antinous/8007243814/)

Sep 21, 2012, 8:52 AM
Wow Bay Lights is great project. Probably they cant keep it permanent because of finances.

Sep 21, 2012, 3:16 PM
Wow Bay Lights is great project. Probably they cant keep it permanent because of finances.

I chipped in a few bucks for this and I'm happy to see it moving forward. It's such a no brainer for a world class city.

I'm hoping it becomes so popular that the city or some philanthropist comes forward to fund it permanently.

Sep 22, 2012, 4:59 AM
I chipped in a few bucks for this and I'm happy to see it moving forward. It's such a no brainer for a world class city.

I'm hoping it becomes so popular that the city or some philanthropist comes forward to fund it permanently.

I think that's exactly what will happen--many people will contribute towards making it permanent, just like we did when they first put lights on the Bay Bridge.

easy as pie
Sep 22, 2012, 7:02 PM
yeah, i think if it turns out nicely and is well-received, it'll be there forever, which is great, obvious. man, the waterfront is just rolling right now - we have the f-line extension to fort mason, a fort mason redevelopment that's on track (but still in the design stages), fisherman's wharf with a couple great projects (the arch park and pier teardown; jefferson street upgrades), the cruise ship terminal, the exploratorium, this lighting project on the bridge, and the warriors stadium. not to mention everything happening in china basic mission bay, which is sort of waterfront, even if it's not on the embarcadero. a very nice time. now if 8 washington can get back on track, and we can get the subway out to fort point, along with a proper redevelopment of the muni lot...

Sep 23, 2012, 9:51 AM
The F-Line is being extended to Fort Mason? How did I not hear about that? That's great news!

Sep 23, 2012, 4:40 PM
Is it back on the table? It's been talked about for years, but there's no money for it.

There was some hope that America's Cup interest might push it forward, and the National Park Service released an environmental impact statement on it earlier this year, but I haven't heard a thing about it actually moving forward.

easy as pie
Sep 23, 2012, 5:12 PM
it was never "off the table", even when alioto-pier managed to cut studies short, the feds still went ahead and did it. i can't find a link, but in the months since the npb eir certification, there have been funding requests filed to various higher level sources, with the project pegged at ~30 million (some people have said 40 million, but i've never seen that in anywhere but socketsite). this one will be built, it's just a matter of when. there's also a pretty strong likelihood that an e-line train, running the length of the embarcadero the ballpark to fort mason, would compliment the castro to fort mason f-line.

also just read (i think on streetsblog) that the jefferson street revitalization has been downgraded so as to have it done in time for the america's cup, which is a shame, as i'd rather seen it delayed and done right than done shoddily. truly, we bungle everything in this city.

Jerry of San Fran
Sep 23, 2012, 8:52 PM
We do not often get these low clouds, so I grabbed my camera this morning to get this lovely scene. The crane installation started yesterday, Saturday. Being that Folsom Street is closed at 9th Street having one lane closed will make the traffic mess even worse today!

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8457/8017011030_7aec01967c_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/antinous/8017011030/)

Jerry of San Fran
Sep 23, 2012, 8:58 PM
As of today 09-23-12 the building is about 1/3 built. As you may have noticed when going by the air ducts are being installed on several floors.

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8443/8016999513_b8cd348f08_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/antinous/8016999513/)

Sep 24, 2012, 9:08 AM
That's good info easy as pie, thank you! That's really exciting.

Nice shots Jerry, thanks!

Sep 26, 2012, 5:15 AM
Cool photos, Jerry. Here's a photo update of 1600 Market from this morning:

http://i.imgur.com/MVRl8l.jpg (http://imgur.com/MVRl8)

http://i.imgur.com/Wke8ml.jpg (http://imgur.com/Wke8m)

Jerry of San Fran
Sep 26, 2012, 8:59 PM
minesweeper - thanks for the update - not a great project but glad to be this problem corner revied. A lot of busineeses tried to make a go of it ther without much success.

Sep 27, 2012, 3:51 AM
Block 6

Sep 28, 2012, 1:38 AM
Good find spyguy. Thanks! Really like the little 'sky parks' on the east side of the building.

Sep 28, 2012, 11:37 PM
More upper-Market news...2200 Market demo has started!

From the Curbed Inbox:

Seems they are tearing down the restaurant at 2200 Market. What is going in its place?

Back in 2009, the project for a 5-story, 55-foot-tall building with 22 residential units and two commercial units at Market and Sanchez was approved. The new building would require the demo of an existing restaurant, but nothing seemed to be happening for a while. The property remained a restaurant in the meantime (though changing businesses a few times), so we assume there were some financial hold-ups for the development. In July 2012 they finally got the building permits to demo the restaurant and start construction on the new building, so it looks like things are finally moving along.


Jerry of San Fran
Sep 29, 2012, 5:27 AM
More upper-Market news...2200 Market demo has started!


1977 - big news. I turn my back for a moment and another building is gone! I'm glad to see that under utilized corner developed. It has sat mostly empty for too many years. And the new building is not bad. That makes 5 the number of new buildings between Van Ness Ave. & Castro Street.

Sep 29, 2012, 7:24 PM
1977 - big news. I turn my back for a moment and another building is gone! I'm glad to see that under utilized corner developed. It has sat mostly empty for too many years. And the new building is not bad. That makes 5 the number of new buildings between Van Ness Ave. & Castro Street.

Yup--just the other day they were boarding off the old Leticia's/Thai House/Happy Boy Drive In, and this morning it's totally gone! That will make seven active projects on Upper Market, not five, since the gas station across the street is now completely closed too.

easy as pie
Sep 30, 2012, 4:30 PM
plus the gas station on the corner of castro and market isn't long for this earth.

Oct 1, 2012, 6:46 AM
Yup--just the other day they were boarding off the old Leticia's/Thai House/Happy Boy Drive In, and this morning it's totally gone! ...

in case anyone was curious for a photo, I was by there this afternoon:


exciting stuff on Market! here is the future Whole Foods at Dolores, looking south:


and the one kitty-corner from it (down the hill from the US Mint) whose address I forget at the moment:


Oct 1, 2012, 6:57 AM
the wraps have come off 333 Harrison (which I guess is called Rincon Green now):



can't wait for the landscaping to go in.

there wasn't much of note to see across the way at ORH2, at least nothing much visible from across the street.

Oct 2, 2012, 1:30 AM
I think of all the upper market projects, the one that is farthest along is 1844 (?) or whatever the address is for the project next to The Center. It was a giant hole just a month or two ago, and the frame is a couple stories above ground already.

Oct 2, 2012, 1:36 AM
"Market Street Place" has a new site:


Oct 2, 2012, 1:42 AM
"Market Street Place" has a new site:

http://marketstreetplace.com/ WOW ! thanks !! super exited ! finaly some real progress and indication that something will happen ! :D

Oct 2, 2012, 2:07 AM
WOW ! thanks !! super exited ! finaly some real progress and indication that something will happen ! :D

Yeah, this is a great sign:

Source: http://marketstreetplace.com

easy as pie
Oct 2, 2012, 2:22 AM
oh wow, that's nice. for folks who don't remember, that's the cityplace project that (yeesh) the carlyle group picked up.

Oct 2, 2012, 6:21 AM
After enjoying "Looper" last night at the delightfully air-conditioned SF Center I snapped this pic of the new Target on my way back to the garage:


Oct 3, 2012, 7:00 PM
The crane is fully built. Photo taken this morning:

http://i.imgur.com/zWakvl.jpg (http://imgur.com/zWakv)

easy as pie
Oct 3, 2012, 8:33 PM
wow, really wasn't much in the way of excavation, this one should begin to rise relatively quickly.

Oct 4, 2012, 8:18 PM
Question about the Presidio: I was just looking on Google Earth and that place is Huge! It seems like kind of a strange place and a bit like a waist of land. Is it very hilly? Can you go on the property at all hours of the night or does it close at sunset? Right by the ocean there are "residences" that look abandoned... What is planned for all of this land? The North Eastern Corner looks like it has been rehabbed and now schools and arts things are there similar to the old Naval Training Center in San Diego. Thanks guys

Oct 5, 2012, 4:10 AM
Thanks for the pictures minesweeper, fflint.

Here are a few shots of 2299 Market:

Source: http://www.newconstructionsf.com

Source: http://www.newconstructionsf.com

More here (http://www.newconstructionsf.com/san_francisco/2012/neighborhood/castro/10/2299-market-construction-update/#).

Oct 5, 2012, 3:26 PM
Question about the Presidio: I was just looking on Google Earth and that place is Huge! It seems like kind of a strange place and a bit like a waist of land. Is it very hilly? Can you go on the property at all hours of the night or does it close at sunset? Right by the ocean there are "residences" that look abandoned... What is planned for all of this land? The North Eastern Corner looks like it has been rehabbed and now schools and arts things are there similar to the old Naval Training Center in San Diego. Thanks guys

The Presidio is now a national park. All of the old officers quarters are rehabbed and rented out. The old enlisted men's housing, so are being rehabbed, some may be torn down. It is not a wasteland, it is a park (and yes, it's hilly).

The only barracks and administration buildings are built out as offices for non profits, etc.. Lucas Digital Arts has it's HQ there as well, near the lombard gate.

Oct 5, 2012, 4:54 PM
^^^^ Are these homes rented out to just anyone or ex military personnel? The old barracks area on the west side looks like they have incredible ocean views. Are there plans to tear those down and build housing? And I will ask again can anyone go on that land 24 hours a day or is access restricted? :cheers:

Oct 5, 2012, 5:35 PM
^No tear down plans, though some still have to be refurbished before being rented out. No new housing, other than places that are being refurbished and aren't open yet.

Anyone can rent, the military has no involvement with the Presidio any longer. There are some preferences and low income housing set-asides for employees of the various employers in the Presidio (non-profits, Lucas Arts). The rental prices are absurd (http://www.presidio.gov/lease/pages/default.aspx) - it's baffling to me that they're able to charge the prices that they're getting, but vacancy is essentially zero (the only folks that I've met who have rented there have been on corporate relocation and/or share a place with 10 roommates - $3700 for 1350 sq ft (http://www.presidio.gov/lease/Pages/west-washington.aspx) in a crappy 60's building, many of the older houses are $8-10,000+ a month). You can rent similarly-sized places in nearby (very, very nice) neighborhoods for less. I used to live very near the Presidio and loved it, but I wouldn't want to live in it - too disconnected from retail/restaurant areas.

It's a national park, so the only restrictions would be those put in place by the park service. I think there are technically "closed" times in the middle of the night like Golden Gate Park has, but I've walked through at all times and you can certainly drive through at any time. The only "restricted" areas are places like the golf courses and the two freeways with fencing around, but the rest is criss-crossed with trails that anyone can use. (And again, no military restrictions of any kind, as the military has no involvement with it any longer).

Oct 6, 2012, 5:10 AM
Block 6

I somehow missed this. Glad to finally see a render for that tower, it looks pretty good.

Oct 6, 2012, 3:23 PM
^^^^ Are these homes rented out to just anyone or ex military personnel? The old barracks area on the west side looks like they have incredible ocean views. Are there plans to tear those down and build housing? And I will ask again can anyone go on that land 24 hours a day or is access restricted? :cheers:

The park is closed after dark, except for housing areas where people live, or the reach along Chrissie Field where some offices are located, as well as then central parade ground. all the areas near the water are closed after dark. Too dangerous. Anyone who can afford the $5000 to $10K per month can rent.

Oct 6, 2012, 4:53 PM
The park is closed after dark, except for housing areas where people live, or the reach along Chrissie Field where some offices are located, as well as then central parade ground. all the areas near the water are closed after dark. Too dangerous. Anyone who can afford the $5000 to $10K per month can rent.

Are the areas by the water closed off simply by a gate or are there people patrolling? I think it would be cool to go out by the water there at night but I guess Lincoln Park can provide a similar experience. I don't know why but the Presidio seems so mysterious and interesting to me. I love rugged coastal areas that aren't crowded with housing units.

Oct 6, 2012, 6:23 PM
Are the areas by the water closed off simply by a gate or are there people patrolling? I think it would be cool to go out by the water there at night but I guess Lincoln Park can provide a similar experience. I don't know why but the Presidio seems so mysterious and interesting to me. I love rugged coastal areas that aren't crowded with housing units.


Oct 6, 2012, 8:25 PM
Ha! I'll bring it back on topic. Where is Block 6 located?

easy as pie
Oct 6, 2012, 8:56 PM
yeesh folks, google your questions, already! http://www.socketsite.com/Mission%20Bay%20Block%20Watch%205-25-12.jpg

Oct 6, 2012, 10:13 PM
yeesh folks, google your questions, already! http://www.socketsite.com/Mission%20Bay%20Block%20Watch%205-25-12.jpg

easy, easy! :-) that's not the right block 6.

from the view shown in the second image, it must be referring to TransBay block 6, which is on Folsom, between Fremont and Beale. map here (http://www.sfredevelopment.org/ftp/uploadedimages/Projects/Boundary.jpg#Map)

easy as pie
Oct 8, 2012, 11:56 PM
it's unconfirmed at this point, but the capital plan for the 2011 bond money appears to show that some funding has been found for the piazza st francis in north beach, that is, the pedestrianization of vallejo st between columbus and grant.

the project: http://landscapeoffice.com/portfolio/piazza_st_francis.html and/or http://www.poetsplaza.org/index.html ...not really sure which one is more up-to-date

number 3-4 on this map of improvements to come (http://sfdpw.org/modules/showdocument.aspx?documentid=2462) corresponds to Columbus/Stockton & Vallejo Pedestrian Improvements on this glossary (http://sfdpw.org/modules/showdocument.aspx?documentid=2461), seems pretty unlikely it could be anything but the pedestrianization project for which detailed engineering studies and designs have been developed and received preliminary approval. the 800,000 dollar evaluation is on the lowest side of previous estimates but the diocese itself has offered to kick in and i think there's still an active fundraising effort going on. no timeline, obviously, but given the vigor with which these have been moving forward (2nd street already with design alternatives, polk street moving into consultations), i'd guess we'll be hearing something soon.

Oct 9, 2012, 2:00 AM
it's unconfirmed at this point, but the capital plan for the 2011 bond money appears to show that some funding has been found for the piazza st francis in north beach, that is, the pedestrianization of vallejo st between columbus and grant. ...

hopefully great news on a neat little project that can fly under the radar! thanks, easy

Oct 9, 2012, 5:14 AM
Some more info and new renderings of the Transbay Tower's tweaked design:

While the design for San Francisco’s Transbay Tower to rise on the south side of Mission Street between 1st and Fremont Streets has shrunken from 1,200 to 1,070 feet, the proposed 61-story tower will still cast new shadows across San Francisco, shadows which can be problematic and fodder for litigation.

The proposed tower will yield 1.37 million square feet of office space; 10,600 square feet of retail; 39,370 square feet of off-street subterranean parking; and over 28,300 square feet of public open space, including a 24,000 square foot plaza at the corner of 1st and Fremont Streets featuring a funicular connecting the plaza with the 5.4 acre City Park above the Transit Center.


More info (http://www.socketsite.com/archives/2012/10/planning_to_raise_the_shadow_limits_for_the_transbay_di.html#more).

Oct 9, 2012, 4:49 PM
2175 Market is a go after being approved unanimously October 4th. I think this makes seven projects that are under construction or approved in Upper Market street corridor. Exciting !
