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May 11, 2010, 3:36 AM
But we all know it came about because of the Golden Jet. Oh. Wait. No, it is because of the Elton John song "Bennie and the Jets"...

Those of course, came after the team was named. ;)

May 11, 2010, 4:36 AM
Glendale is only 250,000 residents. Not a huge tax base to support ongoing losses ...

May 11, 2010, 5:02 AM
The roller coaster continues, folks. Ice Edge has just broken off talks with the city of Glendale.

Oh, and it's 99% guaranteed that regardless of which team comes back to Winnipeg, it'll be called something other than the Jets, and will likely have completely new colours. There's even been rumours of calling it the "Manitoba something or other".

All of which I vehemently disagree with, but Chipman won't listen to me.

The name's a classic, the colours are classic, and naming teams after states/provinces is LAME. Ah well. I'd be happy ish with blue and gold, but then it'd be like Buffalo and St. Louis - well, unless it was actually GOLD, which would be pretty unique and cool.

Exactly, I think the only team that comes close to having gold on their jerseys are the Penguins.

May 11, 2010, 5:06 AM
they NEED to bring the queen back.....who cares about the name....the queen is a must.

May 11, 2010, 5:13 AM
A return by Winnipeg to the NHL warrants a new team name, my vote would be the Warriors, synonymous with Winnipeg hockey teams of the past and would also be more representative of current Winnipeg demographics.


May 11, 2010, 6:27 AM

just kidding. i know what you meant... i think...

May 11, 2010, 8:04 AM
^ :haha:

May 11, 2010, 11:08 AM

not bad..sortof looks like a tube of toothepaste....oh and they have to be called the Jets. That name is in our blood-well known with awesome branding world wide.

May 11, 2010, 3:59 PM


May 11, 2010, 6:40 PM



May 11, 2010, 9:47 PM
The roller coaster continues, folks. Ice Edge has just broken off talks with the city of Glendale.

Oh, and it's 99% guaranteed that regardless of which team comes back to Winnipeg, it'll be called something other than the Jets, and will likely have completely new colours. There's even been rumours of calling it the "Manitoba something or other".

All of which I vehemently disagree with, but Chipman won't listen to me.

I'm pretty positive if an NHL team returns to Winnipeg, they will be called the Jets. Unless you have some substantiated information I am not privy to.

May 11, 2010, 9:51 PM
A return by Winnipeg to the NHL warrants a new team name, my vote would be the Warriors, synonymous with Winnipeg hockey teams of the past and would also be more representative of current Winnipeg demographics.


That would never happen. The name itself, is fine, but the team owners would never go for it, since it is too similiar to one of Manitoba's largest criminal gangs. The same thing happened in San Jose 20 years ago. The fans voted to name the team the "Blades." Since there was already a violent gang called the Blades, the San Jose NHL team opted for the #2 pick- the Sharks.

Only The Lonely..
May 11, 2010, 11:02 PM
they NEED to bring the queen back.....who cares about the name....the queen is a must.

And while we're at it, maybe a Chi-Chi's will mysteriously open up on one of the nearby surface lots and get back into the business of peddling ten cent draught on game day.

Well, we can always hope..

May 11, 2010, 11:10 PM
An NHL franchise could only help the prospects of those surface lots being developed. A high end hotel might be suitable.

May 11, 2010, 11:19 PM
they NEED to bring the queen back.....who cares about the name....the queen is a must.
Except, after she passes on, they'd probably replace her giant portrait with one of Charles :yuck:

If her portrait doesn't go up in the rafters of the MTS Centre, it will be a non-issue when King Charles III is crowned.

May 12, 2010, 12:36 AM
Except, after she passes on, they'd probably replace her giant portrait with one of Charles :yuck:

If her portrait doesn't go up in the rafters of the MTS Centre, it will be a non-issue when King Charles III is crowned.

William will be king, not Charles. William is a good looking guy. Not a bad portrait to hang.

May 12, 2010, 12:45 AM
And while we're at it, maybe a Chi-Chi's will mysteriously open up on one of the nearby surface lots and get back into the business of peddling ten cent draught on game day.

Well, we can always hope..

Yes, oh yes Arrrrriiiiibaaa!!!:cheers:

Loved the chips and salsa, and the physics defying fried ice cream.

May 12, 2010, 12:53 AM
Yes bring in the the Queen, then "Off with the Commissioners Head!!!"

On a more serious note. I would love to see the Jets return (as the Jets), but Bettman will still do everything in his power not to let that happen. No matter how crazy it is (e.g. ask a broke city of 230,000 to pony up 25 million to keep a money losing venture in town because you agreed to build a 180 million dollar arena for a winter sport in the middle of the desert). Hope I am wrong.

May 12, 2010, 1:02 AM
I'm pretty positive if an NHL team returns to Winnipeg, they will be called the Jets. Unless you have some substantiated information I am not privy to.

Don't get me wrong, I'd love it to be the Jets too. But that just isn't as marketable as cute fuzzy animals and such.

Look at the league over the past 15 years and that's what's gonna happen. By rights Minnesota should have named their team the North Stars, but hey, cute fuzzy animals.

WTF is a "wild" anyway? :koko:

May 12, 2010, 1:27 AM
what are you talking about? out of the 30 teams there are like 5 named after animals

May 12, 2010, 3:09 AM
what are you talking about? out of the 30 teams there are like 5 named after animals

Thrashers, Panthers, Coyotes, Sharks, Ducks, Wild, the Columbus "bee" (or whatever the hell it was), Canucks...

You completely missed the kid-friendly merchandising the NHL has embarked upon in recent years? I specifically mentioned "look what's happened in the past 15 years". No, the Red Wings and Habs don't have an animal on their jersey. But the overwhelming majority of new teams have gone that route. Hell even Colorado tries to market a cute fuzzy sasquatch character.

The NHL also knows full well that people will continue to buy Jets merchandise, even if the team gets a new name. So they can double dip.

The *only* reason to name them the Jets is nostalgia. Sadly, that doesn't amount for much in the NHL - that's kinda why there's a team in the desert in the first place.

May 12, 2010, 4:36 AM
By rights Minnesota should have named their team the North Stars, but hey, cute fuzzy animals.
The franchise once known as the Minnesota North Stars moved to, and remains in, Dallas. So it doesn't seem appropriate to name a new expansion that. Records and stats on the books for the North Stars belongs to the Dallas Stars, and wouldn't be transferred over to any other franchise. Sports stats and records referenced by media, etc, often is of "franchise history." Heck, Winnipeg Jets logos can be seen hanging on banners in Jobing.com Arena in Glendale with Bobby Hull and Thomas Steen's retired numbers. I'm guessing this is a similar reason why Minnesota didn't call their new team "North Stars."

IMO, if the Winnipeg Jets/Phoenix Coyotes franchise ever moves back here, it should be called the Jets. However, if any other franchise (or new expansion) comes here, it wouldn't be right to call it the Winnipeg Jets.

Lastly, there is always merchandising of team mascots... which are always cute and fuzzy (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_NHL_mascots). Kids who were Jets fans had Benny (http://www.winnipegjetsonline.com/images/content/wheresBenny/wheresBenny-benny03-lg.jpg) dolls... er... action figures. The Blue Bombers, also of an airplane theme, market Buzz and Boomer (http://cfl.uploads.mrx.ca/wpg/images/inside/2009/06/BuzzBoomer5850.jpg) toys, clothing and dolls for the kids. So, it doesn't matter that the team name itself doesn't involve a Disneyesque fluffy animal.

May 12, 2010, 4:46 AM
I guess in all fairness, I can't think of any precedent for this. Has ANY major sports franchise ever left a city, and then returned years later?

If so, did they return to their original name?

Let me once again be clear: a) I want Winnipeg to get its team back, even more than I want Crosby to get seriously injured tomorrow night (and I want that a lot). b) if the Coyotes move back to Winnipeg, nothing would make me happier than for them to be called the Jets once again, with red/white/blue colours and a modern logo.

I just don't think either is likely. I'm still saying 50/50 on a), and maybe 10/90 on b).

Only The Lonely..
May 12, 2010, 5:09 AM
Join us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=121454637878336

The proposition is simple: If the NHL continues to ignore markets like
Winnipeg, Hamilton, and Quebec City, then we as Canadians will ignore
the NHL.

Refuse to watch game #1 of the Stanley Cup Final and
send a clear message to Gary Bettman about who pays the bills in this

May 12, 2010, 5:22 AM
I guess in all fairness, I can't think of any precedent for this. Has ANY major sports franchise ever left a city, and then returned years later?

If so, did they return to their original name?

Let me once again be clear: a) I want Winnipeg to get its team back, even more than I want Crosby to get seriously injured tomorrow night (and I want that a lot). b) if the Coyotes move back to Winnipeg, nothing would make me happier than for them to be called the Jets once again, with red/white/blue colours and a modern logo.

I just don't think either is likely. I'm still saying 50/50 on a), and maybe 10/90 on b).

Yes to your question on the return of a team --- the Oakland Raiders left and came back.

Also, the Browns left Cleveland and did not move back directly, but were brought back as an expansion team. The NFL also came back to Baltimore and Houston after leaving. The NHL came back to Colorado and Minnesota after leaving. The NBA came back to Charlotte recently after leaving. A bunch of cities have had a number of different MLB teams.

May 12, 2010, 5:05 PM
Yes to your question on the return of a team --- the Oakland Raiders left and came back.

Also, the Browns left Cleveland and did not move back directly, but were brought back as an expansion team. The NFL also came back to Baltimore and Houston after leaving. The NHL came back to Colorado and Minnesota after leaving. The NBA came back to Charlotte recently after leaving. A bunch of cities have had a number of different MLB teams.

I think freeweed meant the exact same franchise returning to the original city (Jets to Coyotes back to Jets). Correct me if I am wrong.

May 12, 2010, 6:01 PM
Yes to your question on the return of a team --- the Oakland Raiders left and came back.

Also, the Browns left Cleveland and did not move back directly, but were brought back as an expansion team. The NFL also came back to Baltimore and Houston after leaving. The NHL came back to Colorado and Minnesota after leaving. The NBA came back to Charlotte recently after leaving. A bunch of cities have had a number of different MLB teams.

You forgot Atlanta :tup:

Either way, the NHL isn't in the business of returning teams that often. Hamilton's been waiting 85 years.

May 12, 2010, 6:48 PM
I think freeweed meant the exact same franchise returning to the original city (Jets to Coyotes back to Jets). Correct me if I am wrong.


Obviously if we use places like Minnesota or Atlanta, then clearly the team name changes, etc. Getting an expansion franchise years later - yeah, it's called the Ottawa Senators.

I think I may have vaguely known about the Raiders, which is why I asked. I just hope that I don't come off as so ignorant of sports history that you guys honestly believed that I didn't know if ANY CITY HAD EVER RE-GAINED A SPORTS TEAM IN ANY CAPACITY. :haha:

May 12, 2010, 10:05 PM
Join us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=121454637878336

The proposition is simple: If the NHL continues to ignore markets like
Winnipeg, Hamilton, and Quebec City, then we as Canadians will ignore
the NHL.

Refuse to watch game #1 of the Stanley Cup Final and
send a clear message to Gary Bettman about who pays the bills in this

I had a long response to the boycott idea, as it helped admit the WHA teams into the NHL. However, my computer crashed, and I no longer have the energy to submit a 5 paragraph response as to what went down in 1979.

Just read the book "The Rebel League." You will realize that boycotting Molson brewries paved the way for 3 Canadian WHA teams to mege into the NHL.

Mille Sabords
May 13, 2010, 1:56 AM
I guess in all fairness, I can't think of any precedent for this. Has ANY major sports franchise ever left a city, and then returned years later?

If so, did they return to their original name?

Yes: the Oakland Raiders. Oakland to LA and back to Oakland.

A slightly different case: Ottawa Senators to St. Louis (1934) where they became the Eagles. Folded in 1935. Ottawa returned to the NHL in 1990, resumed play in 1992, and the new ownership bought the rights to the name Senators from the estate of the franchise's last owner, the Gorman family (I believe). Technically, I think the Sens got a Certificate of Reinstatement from the NHL since there wasn't the same provisions for "folding" a franchise back in the 1930's. It was a dormant franchise from 1935 to 1990.

May 13, 2010, 11:47 AM
Yes to your question on the return of a team --- the Oakland Raiders left and came back.

Also, the Browns left Cleveland and did not move back directly, but were brought back as an expansion team. The NFL also came back to Baltimore and Houston after leaving. The NHL came back to Colorado and Minnesota after leaving. The NBA came back to Charlotte recently after leaving. A bunch of cities have had a number of different MLB teams.

I think freeweed meant the exact same franchise returning to the original city (Jets to Coyotes back to Jets). Correct me if I am wrong.

Have a look at the very first part of my post --- "the Oakland Raiders left and came back."

May 14, 2010, 11:17 AM
Yes to your question on the return of a team --- the Oakland Raiders left and came back.

Also, the Browns left Cleveland and did not move back directly, but were brought back as an expansion team. The NFL also came back to Baltimore and Houston after leaving. The NHL came back to Colorado and Minnesota after leaving. The NBA came back to Charlotte recently after leaving. A bunch of cities have had a number of different MLB teams.

I suppose case's could be made for the New Orleans pro-sports clubs after Katrina. Specifically speaking, the New Orleans Hornets became the New Orleans/Oklahoma City Hornets between 2005 and 2007. They then moved back to New Orleans and became the New Orleans Hornets.

May 17, 2010, 2:22 AM
another nice logo redo on winnipeg jets online website.

May 17, 2010, 3:55 AM
my money is on 'winnipeg falcons'.

May 17, 2010, 3:59 AM
Still no firm deal between NHL, Glendale over Coyotes. Good news for Winnipeg?


May 17, 2010, 4:10 AM
my money is on 'winnipeg falcons'.

Probably more marketable than the Victorias or Maroons.

How the hell did we get stuck with 'Moose' anyway. I've seen two moose in my life - both thousands of miles from here.

May 17, 2010, 4:26 AM
they took over the minnesota moose.

May 17, 2010, 4:57 AM
ur serious flatlander? theres a moose crossing sign out towards Brandon on the tch. i've seen them out at nopiming and at my cabin up north and have teased a moose with a trumpet

May 17, 2010, 6:24 AM
How the hell did we get stuck with 'Moose' anyway. I've seen two moose in my life - both thousands of miles from here.

The hockey fans decided to keep the name "Moose" when the team was moved here (Minnesota Moose). They actually had a vote. Can't remember what the other contending names were though.

May 17, 2010, 2:22 PM
The hockey fans decided to keep the name "Moose" when the team was moved here (Minnesota Moose). They actually had a vote. Can't remember what the other contending names were though.

Second place was the "Manitoba Jets"

May 17, 2010, 2:38 PM
my money is on 'winnipeg falcons'.

Hope not. "Falcons" seems to be a way overused name in the sporting world, almost as much as "Eagles."

May 17, 2010, 4:03 PM
Hope not. "Falcons" seems to be a way overused name in the sporting world, almost as much as "Eagles."

If you're talking pro-sports, there is only one team called the eagles and only one team called the falcons, both in the NFL. Coincidentally, the Jets are also in the NFL... Out of birds, it's the Hawks name that's used the most: Atlanta Hawks (NBA), Seattle Seahawks (NFL) and Chicago Blackhawks (NHL)...

May 17, 2010, 4:27 PM
How about the "Winnipeg Winters". Home jersey is 100% white, numbers and all. Away jersey is 100% black. Basically like in "Strange Brew".

May 17, 2010, 4:30 PM
ur serious flatlander? theres a moose crossing sign out towards Brandon on the tch. i've seen them out at nopiming and at my cabin up north and have teased a moose with a trumpet

:banaride: You've lead an interesting life 1ajs.

May 17, 2010, 5:01 PM
If you're talking pro-sports, there is only one team called the eagles and only one team called the falcons, both in the NFL. Coincidentally, the Jets are also in the NFL... Out of birds, it's the Hawks name that's used the most: Atlanta Hawks (NBA), Seattle Seahawks (NFL) and Chicago Blackhawks (NHL)...
Yeah, and good point about hawks. Guess for Falcons I was being more general, middle school to the pros and everything in between.

May 17, 2010, 5:03 PM
ur serious flatlander? theres a moose crossing sign out towards Brandon on the tch. i've seen them out at nopiming and at my cabin up north and have teased a moose with a trumpet

Serious. And i spend a lot of time outside the city. Bet most people here have never seen a moose in Manitoba. And put the trumpet down before you get yourself killed.

May 17, 2010, 5:17 PM
Serious. And i spend a lot of time outside the city. Bet most people here have never seen a moose in Manitoba. And put the trumpet down before you get yourself killed.

Is it really that rare of an occurrence to see a moose in Manitoba? There are at least 2 or 3 times annually where a moose will wonder into the Regina city limits and half the time make the news. For example, last year someone hit a moose with their car in the city's northwest end and surprisingly lived to tell the story. The arriving officer had to euthanize the animal with his handgun, something that was obviously never done before by the Regina Police Service. A few years before that a friend of mine was driving home late at night, in a state he shouldn't have been driving in, and he had to swerve out of the way of a moose wondering around the street he lived on. He said it "suddenly appeared" but I'm pretty sure I know why he didn't see it sooner. Anyways, thought I'd share my moose stories... back to the Jets.

May 17, 2010, 5:26 PM
No, it is not rare to see a moose in Manitoba. Last fall I saw three in one day on the same stretch of highway over a three hour period. It is no more rare to see a moose in Manitoba than anywhere else in most of Canada.

May 17, 2010, 6:44 PM
I've probably seen at least one a year in the Lac Du Bonnet - Nopiming area.

May 17, 2010, 7:47 PM
No, it is not rare to see a moose in Manitoba. Last fall I saw three in one day on the same stretch of highway over a three hour period. It is no more rare to see a moose in Manitoba than anywhere else in most of Canada.

You sure you didn't see the same one three times? :)

May 17, 2010, 11:17 PM
:banaride: You've lead an interesting life 1ajs.

were i was when i was teasing said moose witch did show its self on the other side of the lake

May 18, 2010, 1:04 AM
There are plenty of moose in Manitoba, but not really anywhere close to Winnipeg generally. Hecla has a local herd (not sure if that's the right word for moose) and the Whiteshell has tons. I assume the more northerly parts of the province have moose as well.

And of course, once you cross the Ontario border, they're everywhere as indicated by such signs as "moose crossing, next 72km". I realize that's not in Manitoba but it's damned close, and I don't think moose respect provincial boundaries very often.

Mostly though, it came with the team, and it was a good fit, so why change it? No one with a brain wanted to call a 2nd stringer minor league team the "Jets" (and remember, this was the days of the "I", so even less respect than the farm clubs).

Calgary, incidentally, isn't always on fire as hinted at by our team.

May 18, 2010, 1:09 AM
Calgary, incidentally, isn't always on fire as hinted at by our team.

Your team is named after the burning of Atlanta, Georgia in the Civil War.

May 18, 2010, 4:14 AM
Your team is named after the burning of Atlanta, Georgia in the Civil War.

Which isn't all that close geographically to Calgary, Alberta (which did not even exist at the time of the US Civil War).

Not sure if that was your way of using dry humour, or if you just missed my dry humour entirely, or if I'm just so desperate for *something to happen* one way or the other with this bloody team, that I'm willing to take even the tinniest scrap of info and twist it into something meaningful about the Jets' return. :haha:

May 18, 2010, 4:36 AM
I don't think he's kidding (maybe I'm missing your dry humour too). Atlanta Flames right? Andy's explanation sounds plausible. Or maybe that's Andy's dry humour.

May 18, 2010, 2:49 PM
I don't think he's kidding (maybe I'm missing your dry humour too). Atlanta Flames right? Andy's explanation sounds plausible. Or maybe that's Andy's dry humour.

No, he's right. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atlanta_Flames

May 18, 2010, 3:47 PM
Serious. And i spend a lot of time outside the city. Bet most people here have never seen a moose in Manitoba. And put the trumpet down before you get yourself killed.

I have...I even killed a couple. Moose are quite prevalent in Manitoba.

May 18, 2010, 4:40 PM
Lions and tigers and bears - oh my!

Reed Solomon
May 18, 2010, 6:24 PM
Calgary, incidentally, isn't always on fire as hinted at by our team.

Calgary exists to light the Oilers on fire.

May 18, 2010, 9:51 PM
har har har

May 19, 2010, 12:20 AM
I don't think he's kidding (maybe I'm missing your dry humour too). Atlanta Flames right? Andy's explanation sounds plausible. Or maybe that's Andy's dry humour.

No, he's correct about the name's origin.

My point was that team names don't necessarily have to describe something that exists in your city. I figured the sarcasm when I said "Calgary isn't always on fire" was obvious, but some of you take things way too literally here. :haha:

May 24, 2010, 3:31 AM
If and when the Jets come back to Winnipeg it just may have a significnat impact on Graham Ave . ;)

May 24, 2010, 4:35 AM
What ever name and logo that is chosen I would like it to be a hot seller all over. Remember the San Jose Sharks in 1991? They made big money selling merchandise all over North America. I think the best looking local team logo was the Winnipeg Thunder. The name was lame(just as lame as jets),, but the polar bear was wicked. I bought a t-shirt for traveling to Asia and lots of people loved looking at the white bear. Especially if our zoo had a polar bear again. Notice that the Thunder used the same colours as the Sharks.


May 24, 2010, 4:49 AM
:previous: My Dad took me to a game when I was a wee lad. I don't remember much, other than it was exciting and the Thunder won in OT (IIRC :cool: )

May 24, 2010, 5:13 AM
winnipeg wha?

May 24, 2010, 8:59 AM
What ever name and logo that is chosen I would like it to be a hot seller all over. Remember the San Jose Sharks in 1991? They made big money selling merchandise all over North America. I think the best looking local team logo was the Winnipeg Thunder. The name was lame(just as lame as jets),, but the polar bear was wicked. I bought a t-shirt for traveling to Asia and lots of people loved looking at the white bear. Especially if our zoo had a polar bear again. Notice that the Thunder used the same colours as the Sharks.

Pretty badass logo. I want the team to come back!

May 24, 2010, 8:59 AM
What ever name and logo that is chosen I would like it to be a hot seller all over. Remember the San Jose Sharks in 1991? They made big money selling merchandise all over North America. I think the best looking local team logo was the Winnipeg Thunder. The name was lame(just as lame as jets),, but the polar bear was wicked. I bought a t-shirt for traveling to Asia and lots of people loved looking at the white bear. Especially if our zoo had a polar bear again. Notice that the Thunder used the same colours as the Sharks.

Pretty badass logo. I want the team to come back!

Edit: or the cyclones!


May 24, 2010, 3:58 PM
I remember the antics of Thunder mascot KABOOM moreso than the actual basketball, and now enjoy seeing the same guy as the Raptor (and oftentimes, is still better than the basketball...)

May 24, 2010, 4:44 PM
I remember the antics of Thunder mascot KABOOM moreso than the actual basketball, and now enjoy seeing the same guy as the Raptor (and oftentimes, is still better than the basketball...)

Yeah, the Raptor is the real deal:


May 24, 2010, 5:07 PM
Do you remember Benny? The most forgettable mascot in pro sports of all time. I couldn't remember,, so I google it. Looks like a poppa smurf with a mohawk and a Rudolf's red nose. Makes me want to puke and kick his head in.


grumpy old man
May 24, 2010, 6:07 PM
Do you remember Benny? The most forgettable mascot in pro sports of all time. I couldn't remember,, so I google it. Looks like a poppa smurf with a mohawk and a Rudolf's red nose. Makes me want to puke and kick his head in.

Ummmm, really? Puke? AND kick his head in?

You don't feel seriously weird in sayin' that?

May 24, 2010, 6:29 PM
Ummmm, really? Puke? AND kick his head in?

You don't feel seriously weird in sayin' that?

No I don't,, its hockey, violence is part of the game. And mascots are serious business,,, if fans think your mascot is embarrassing it costs money.

But really the jets mascot looks rather ugly and amateur. Pro teams need to make money on everything to break even,,, a lame mascot will cost money. I remember being at jet games as a kid and feeling embarrassed for how lame benny was (both versions). Even Buzz and Boomer are a little more gifted in the looks and cute department and truly entertaining.

grumpy old man
May 24, 2010, 7:16 PM
The MASCOT costs the team money?

Ummm. Sure. Okay.

Heh heh I think mebbee you are taking this Benny the mascot thing a little too seriously.

I'm willing to bet you'd welcome him with open arms were the Jets to return to town and Benny were to accompany them.

May 24, 2010, 7:36 PM
Hard core fans will buy everything,,, I am not a hardcore fan,, if it looks like crap I won't buy and wear it. Hardcore fans should be enough for a team to break even,, profits come from casual fans. So,, YES a lame mascot,, logo and game day entertainment cost money in LOST sales. The jets logo is lame,, I never bought any jets merchandise, but I did buy Winnipeg Thunder shirt and a Sharks stuff. I would even venture to say,, poor merchandising played a roll in loosing the jets in the first place,, among other things. I hope they never use the name jets,, the logo or mascots. I think Chipman has done an excellent job with the Moose and I bet he would agree the jets logo, name and mascot are a liability.

May 24, 2010, 9:11 PM
Hard core fans will buy everything,,, I am not a hardcore fan,, if it looks like crap I won't buy and wear it. Hardcore fans should be enough for a team to break even,, profits come from casual fans. So,, YES a lame mascot,, logo and game day entertainment cost money in LOST sales. The jets logo is lame,, I never bought any jets merchandise, but I did buy Winnipeg Thunder shirt and a Sharks stuff. I would even venture to say,, poor merchandising played a roll in loosing the jets in the first place,, among other things. I hope they never use the name jets,, the logo or mascots. I think Chipman has done an excellent job with the Moose and I bet he would agree the jets logo, name and mascot are a liability.

The Jets logo is awesome...it's timeless. And I love Benny! I don't really know how much cooler the Jets mascot could have been...not even sure why that's a big deal...it's a freaking mascot. By the way...Mick E. Moose is the lamest shit ever!

grumpy old man
May 24, 2010, 9:20 PM
There was a time when Jets merchandising was amoungst the highest rated. It still sells well. But like most things beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Anyhoo, I seriously doubt "a lame mascot or logo" cost the team much money. It certainly played no part in the team leaving Winnipeg.

I've no answer for the game day entertainment comment. Other than the team play what is meant by that comment?

May 24, 2010, 11:58 PM
Benny looks like he should be adopted by Boston Pizza. No disrespect. Buzz and Boomer are infinitely cooler.

May 25, 2010, 3:39 AM
my shops teacher in gr8 was benny the mascot!

May 25, 2010, 3:55 AM
they need to market the jets like the riders or packers market themselves....the little underdog team that everyone can support....

they need to find a counter culture niche that plays off winnipeg's obscurity....put the queen back in the arena....play up the small town thing...they will never out toronto toronto, so go the complete opposite...be the grunge music of the NHL.

call them the winnipeg hicks or something and have a great non traditional logo that makes fun of winnipeg so people in the states who dont even care about hockey notice it.

celebrate that we will be one of the smallest pro sports markets in north america...embrace it...dont fight it.

May 25, 2010, 4:37 AM
The Winnipeg Pegasi

May 25, 2010, 11:40 PM
I am more convinced than ever the NHL needs a Polar Bear. On cky tonight they said Canada is home to 2/3 of all polar bears in the world and predictions are that populations will diminish quickly with the shrinking ice.

grumpy old man
May 26, 2010, 1:00 AM
I think a Polar Bear logo would be terrific.

The Jabroni
May 26, 2010, 1:08 AM
A polar bear of some sort would be badass!

May 26, 2010, 1:39 AM
It would have to be something like the Winnipeg White Bears, The Winnipeg polar Bears just doesnt have a nice ring to it.. OR we could pay homage to the dead bear from the zoo.. the Winnipeg Debbies lol


May 26, 2010, 1:56 AM
It would have to be something like the Winnipeg White Bears, The Winnipeg polar Bears just doesnt have a nice ring to it.. OR we could pay homage to the dead bear from the zoo.. the Winnipeg Debbies lol


The Winnipeg Tundra, with the polar bear as the logo...

The Jabroni
May 26, 2010, 1:57 AM
:previous: Perhaps call the team "Winnipeg Raging Bears."

Because you know, if bears are on a full rampage, you have nothing to do but go into fetal position, and pray that it won't maul you.


May 26, 2010, 2:15 AM
The "Winnipeg Wind Chill" or "Winnipeg Chill" Polar Bear on the logo in a scarf and sunglasses playing on the word "chill" LOL:haha:

May 26, 2010, 3:58 AM
Funny how on one of the SSP threads about Winnipeg getting a team back, I commented that it's very likely they will not call them the Jets, and likely go with a "fuzzy animal" kind of theme because it's more modern and much more marketable.

Then I was ripped to shreds by the folks here telling me I was full of shit, and there's no reason anyone would want that.

And finally, here we are with everyone saying what a great marketing idea it would be to use a cute fuzzy animal for the new team logo. :notacrook:

May 26, 2010, 4:22 AM
Funny how on one of the SSP threads about Winnipeg getting a team back, I commented that it's very likely they will not call them the Jets, and likely go with a "fuzzy animal" kind of theme because it's more modern and much more marketable.

Then I was ripped to shreds by the folks here telling me I was full of shit, and there's no reason anyone would want that.

And finally, here we are with everyone saying what a great marketing idea it would be to use a cute fuzzy animal for the new team logo. :notacrook:

Fuzzy? yes! Cute? What animal are you talking about man?! Lol The Winnipeg Chipmunks was never suggested, not that I know of anyway!!!!:rolleyes: :cheers: :haha:

May 26, 2010, 6:04 AM
"winnipeg freeze" and have dr freeze from batman and robin as the logo oh yeaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

Reed Solomon
May 26, 2010, 6:39 AM
And finally, here we are with everyone saying what a great marketing idea it would be to use a cute fuzzy animal for the new team logo. :notacrook:

I wouldn't say everyone.

I dislike animal themed team names. though having a polar bear mascot instead of benny would be an improvement. where is the winnipeg thunder mascot nowadays? that was a good mascot. benny was stupid.

Reed Solomon
May 26, 2010, 6:41 AM
"winnipeg freeze" and have dr freeze from batman and robin as the logo oh yeaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

i see.. that would be so cool.

not really :)

May 26, 2010, 2:25 PM
Winnipeg Blizzard?

May 26, 2010, 4:25 PM
I'm willing to bet that if they let the people decide, and cast votes for the name of a new Winnipeg-based NHL team, "Jets" would receive at least 2/3 of the vote. I'm not sure why anyone would want to change it, especially with several teams who have regained pro sports franchises returning to their original name (Cleveland Browns, Ottawa Senators, Oakland Raiders, etc.)

May 29, 2010, 12:32 AM
Very interesting CBC article today:


White Pine
May 30, 2010, 7:51 PM
It may just be me, but I always thought that fuzzy animal names and super cool looking logos looked kind of corny, especially where it's THE top team/league of it's sport. I think simplicity and tradition are important. The Jets had a pretty good logo IMO. I think, though, to an extent, simplicity denotes importance, for example, the leafs, habs, wings, flyers, colts, stampeders, NY rangers, TFC, Cowboys...., even, say, companies like the banks.

Jun 17, 2010, 8:49 PM

Jul 3, 2010, 12:01 AM
Tsn has something coming out next week about NHL hockey in canada.


It is the topic of some of the most heated debates in Canadian sport: Why shouldn't there be another NHL franchise in Canada? In a joint venture between TSN and The Globe and Mail, the investigative series Why Not Canada? makes definite conclusions regarding the possibility of the addition of an NHL franchise in a Canadian market.

Led by veteran journalist Dave Naylor, the Why Not Canada? series analyzes new wide-ranging and in-depth socio-economic data that clearly illustrates the viability of an NHL franchise expanding or relocating in the Winnipeg, Hamilton, the Greater Toronto Area and Quebec City markets.

The multiplatform investigation includes a six-part series on SportsCentre beginning Monday, accompanied by daily features in The Globe and Mail and online at globeandmail.com. TSN.ca will also have a dedicated Why Not Canada? page beginning Monday with written features, video and in-depth statistical breakdowns for the Winnipeg, Hamilton, the Greater Toronto Area and Quebec City markets.

“Six of the league's 30 teams are located here, yet estimates are that more than 30 per cent of NHL revenue comes from Canada,” says Naylor. “Many Canadians ask themselves: if U.S. franchises are struggling, Why Not Canada? We will look at that question and try to separate the emotion from the facts to definitively answer if another franchise could survive in Canada.”

As part of the Why Not Canada? series Naylor has spent months examining the case for an NHL franchise in four Canadian markets looking at as many angles as possible. Naylor turns to a host of leading economists, market research specialists, potential owners, competition lawyers and fans for input. Other important factors taken into consideration for each market include existing arenas, corporate presence, regional interest in hockey and demographics. Based on Naylor's research, a formula was developed based on quantitative facts that assigns a grade based on the realistic viability of an NHL franchise in each of the four Canadian markets in question.

As part of the series, Naylor sits down with NHL Commissioner Gary Bettman for his opinion and reactions to the research regarding each of the potential Canadian NHL markets considered.

The broadcast schedule for Why Not Canada? on SportsCentre and TSN.ca:

- Monday, July 5 – Part 1: Introduction to Why Not Canada?
- Tuesday, July 6 – Part 2: Winnipeg
- Wednesday, July 7 – Part 3: Hamilton
- Thursday, July 8 – Part 4: Greater Toronto Area
- Friday, July 9 – Part 5: Quebec City
- Saturday, July 10 – Part 6: Conclusions


Jul 6, 2010, 3:53 PM

Earlier this year, the city of Winnipeg was buzzing with speculation that the NHL was about to announce its return. First, it was the Atlanta Thrashers that were coming. Then it was the Phoenix Coyotes. The rumours dissipated, but not the fever didn't. In Part 2 of our series Why Not Canada, we size up the chances of an NHL return to Winnipeg 14 years after the Jets left town.

Darren Ford started his Bring Back the Jets website (jetsowner.com) seven years ago - inspired by the fact Winnipeg was getting a new downtown arena.

"When that arena started to become a reality, when they started building it in 2003 - that's when I kind of started seeing things that could happen," he told TSN. "I wanted to create a hub where people could come, chat on a chat board. Relive old memories...and it just snowballed from there."

The Jets played their last game in Winnipeg in April of 1996, done in by the winds of change in the NHL. New American cities were coming on board and salaries were skyrocketing. And the small Canadian market with the arena from a bygone era simply couldn't keep up.

A slumping Canadian dollar was the final straw and the Jets packed up and headed to Phoenix.

"Nobody, nobody wanted to own that team in Winnipeg anymore," said NHL commissioner Gary Bettman. "And so it wasn't even a question of moving it - the franchise became no longer viable."

A lot has changed since then. Winnipeg now has the MTS Centre, a six-year-old downtown arena that some believe is ideal for the NHL.

The NHL has a salary cap that has slowed runaway payrolls, and the Canadian dollar is near par with the U.S.

And those factors are helpful to True North Holdings chairman Mark Chipman.

"I think those things come together, coupled with the strength of our economy in Manitoba, which has grown in a measured way every year since 1996," he said. "You put them together and it's just made the model viable, where it wasn't 15 years ago."

True North Holdings is the company that built the MTS Centre. Chipman's partner in his sporting ventures is Toronto-based David Thompson, head of media giant Thomson Corporation and part of Canada's richest family with a net worth of $19 billion.

"We've got almost a decade of history between us," said Chipman. "We have never had so much as a mild disagreement. We're both of the same view on timing and our willingness to be patient."

The MTS Centre has been ideal for the American Hockey League's Manitoba Moose, but it's also big enough to support an NHL team. With just over 15,000 seats, it would be the smallest building in the NHL and only marginally bigger than the old Winnipeg arena.

And with just 47 luxury suites, its potential high-end revenue streams would pale in comparison to other Canadian teams.

"I think your building has to fit your market," explained Chipman. "And I think if I've learned one thing in this business in the past 15 years, if your supply far outstrips your demand, it's a slippery slope. It's a very difficult business to be in."

From the league's standpoint, the issue of luxury boxes and seating doesn't seem to be a pressing one.

"You're going to have a very intimate building that can generate substantially, not completely, but substantially all of the revenues that a slightly larger building could generate," said Bettman. "So I don't think people need to get hung up over a thousand seats."

The most common question asked about Winnipeg is if it has the corporate muscle. The research firm Environics Analytics turned up 272 businesses in Winnipeg with at least 100 employees and more than $20 million in sales.

That's just over half of what exists in Edmonton.

"One of the ways around that, and we're already seeing that at the MTS centre, you see companies get together and share a box," says Robert Warren, Exectuive Director at the University of Manitoba's Asper School of Business. "And I think you'll see more of that. That's really where Winnipeg's sense of community comes into play."

"We're very satisfied that there is a large and strong enough corporate base," adds Chipman. "The fact that we have all of our suites sold. We've got a waiting list of about 50. The size of the community is such you can get a real good sense of the corporate communities desire and appetite for a team."

With a smaller building, Winnipeg would be a mid-range payroll team more along the lines of Buffalo or Nashville.

"There are lots of organizations that are in smaller markets that are highly successful," explained Professor Norm O'Reilly, a sports business expert. "So having the right owner and having a shrewd management team in place can narrow those gaps between profitability and a massive loss."

The NHL has already said there are no plans to move anyone anywhere, but if that time comes, Winnipeg would be in the mix.

"There's never been any doubt about the passion of the fans, people, in Winnipeg for NHL hockey," said Bettman. "I know there were a lot of people who weren't happy when the Jets left. I wasn't happy when the Jets left. So it's always been a good hockey market. Finally they have an arena that's up to NHL standards."

And that's music to the ears of Darren Ford, who could one day shut his website down for all the right reasons.

"I think we're as close as we can be," said Ford. "We're certainly a lot closer than when I started this campaign seven years ago. I could only have dreamed of where we are right now."


At TSN's request, Professor Norm O'Reilly developed a grading system for what makes an NHL team viable. Here's how Winnipeg did.

Market Attractiveness

Economy: B-

Demographics: C

Market size: C

Corporate presence: C+

Overall Score for Market Attractiveness: C+

Franchise Viability

Arena and Location: B+

Competition and Barriers to Entry: A

Potential Owner (Mark Chipman, David Thomson): A

Final Grade: B

What Norm O'Reilly says: "With the right owner, and the right management team, and the right overall philosophy, you could make it work. You'd have to accept probably not having a high paid team on the ice. You're going to fill 80 to 90 per cent of your building with an average team so your risks are mitigated a bit. With a few factors in play, with the current economic situation, it could work. Long term? That's a question."

Note: O'Reilly's evaluations are based on his own background and knowledge of the subject, transcripts of interviews done by TSN/Globe and Mail for this series and data collected from various sources including Statistics Canada, the Conference Board of Canada, Environics Analytics, IMI and Harris-Decima.


Jul 6, 2010, 4:06 PM
Very encouraging for you guys and a great story.

I really hope the Peg gets a team back to create a reunified Western Canadian triangle of pain.