View Full Version : [Halifax] Nova Centre | 65-58-58 m | 16-15-14 fl | Completed

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Aug 15, 2014, 1:13 PM
I tend to agree, consciously or not, every story is slanted by the reporters view. Bousquet is at least consistent with his bias - and doesn't try to hide it. unlike many other local Jurno's, he takes the time to understand the issues, get his facts straight, and clearly communicate the ideas to people in an understandable manner. Halifax is very lucky to have him.

i disagree with 90% of his views. but its clear what is his view, and what is fact.

Keith P.
Aug 15, 2014, 3:28 PM
I tend to agree, consciously or not, every story is slanted by the reporters view. Bousquet is at least consistent with his bias - and doesn't try to hide it. unlike many other local Jurno's, he takes the time to understand the issues, get his facts straight, and clearly communicate the ideas to people in an understandable manner. Halifax is very lucky to have him.

i disagree with 90% of his views. but its clear what is his view, and what is fact.

I disagree with your last sentence. He tends to write very slanted opinion pieces, which are fine if they are labeled as opinion pieces. But he does not do that, instead calling them journalism and news stories. You can see the bias if you are already aware of the topic, but to the majority who are not, it appears as fact, which it is not, and which just adds to the incessant negativity in this town.

I remember years ago taking a girlfriend to see Oliver Stone's "JFK" movie, and when we left, she was babbling on about all the things in it that she now believed were truth when in reality most of them were Stone's idiotic conspiracy theories (needless to say that relationship didn't last long). I suspect something similar happens to a lot of the clueless readers of Bousquet's drivel.

Aug 15, 2014, 5:27 PM
I tend to agree, consciously or not, every story is slanted by the reporters view. Bousquet is at least consistent with his bias - and doesn't try to hide it. unlike many other local Jurno's, he takes the time to understand the issues, get his facts straight, and clearly communicate the ideas to people in an understandable manner. Halifax is very lucky to have him.

i disagree with 90% of his views. but its clear what is his view, and what is fact.

Yeah I would have to disagree with the last sentence too. He may present the facts, but only that facts that support his case. He is not good at acknowledging the other side and when he does, on occasion, he dismisses it without any consideration.

I'm not offended by his bias - we're all biased - but I am offended that he calls himself an "investigative journalist" - with a lot of puffed-up hero-complex hubris, I might add - when he only investigates one side of any story. Investigation includes seeking out and considering all available information, and Bousquet only (and obsessively) pursues one side only.

He is a pretty decent essayist, but he is no seeker of truth.

I also find his snotty writing style very childish, and much of his half-baked philosophy just sounds like a second year university student working through her massive daddy issues.

Aug 18, 2014, 4:08 PM
The Upper stair and Surrounding Slab was poured today.
From hhttp://novacenter.builthalifax.ca/

Aug 21, 2014, 1:12 AM
Some interesting rebar/concrete work happening along Sackville Street.


Aug 21, 2014, 2:19 AM
Some interesting rebar/concrete work happening along Sackville Street.


Would this be for the Grafton Street pedestrian passageway? A rendering is shown below.

(source: http://www.halifaxconventioncentre.com/facility/ )

Aug 21, 2014, 1:25 PM
Would this be for the Grafton Street pedestrian passageway? A rendering is shown below.

yes it is. the fountains/planters etc will go on top of that. Those will hide the ventilation intakes/exhausts from the parking garage levels.

will try to get a photo of those. i haven't yet - they are dark, and not very exciting

Aug 28, 2014, 2:08 PM
HRM just announced market St will be closed between prince and sackville for crane errection and operation for 2 weeks.

this means the trusses over the convention center floor are going in.

they were removing light poles today.


Aug 28, 2014, 9:51 PM
HRM just announced market St will be closed between prince and sackville for crane errection and operation for 2 weeks.

this means the trusses over the convention center floor are going in.

they were removing light poles today.


That will be interesting. A story in the allnovascotia.com indicated that the 4th crane, which will be used to erect the steel, will be a 300 ton capacity and will have the highest lifting capacity of all four cranes.

Aug 29, 2014, 12:14 AM
Yes it's a 300ton crawler crane.
The beams will come in 3 pieces each and get final assembly on the convention floor,then lifted onto rails and slid into place.

Should be a good show.

this is a 300ton crawler crane: (From http://heavyequip.tumblr.com/)

these are the beams. i guess they are more of a box girder. same thing they use for highway overpasses.


for those wondering, http://heavyequip.tumblr.com/ is my collection of truck and Heavy Equipment porn. i take a lot of this stuff incidentally, so i figured I might as well post it.

Aug 29, 2014, 1:10 AM
Yes it's a 300ton crawler crane.
The beams will come in 3 pieces each and get final assembly on the convention floor,then lifted onto rails and slid into place.

Should be a good show.

Once the crane is assembled and working, you should submit a photo to the many Canadian u/c threads out there on SSP... The rest of the country thinks we are have nothing to offer architecturally because we are poor as shit... Your photos can prove the haters wrong man.

Aug 29, 2014, 1:49 AM
Any threads you would recommend?
I really only read the halifax forums. We seem to be one of the more active cities

Aug 29, 2014, 2:32 AM

How about "Construction Sites in your City or Town"


Aug 29, 2014, 1:02 PM

How about "Construction Sites in your City or Town"


Yeah that's what I was thinking. Another option could be to create threads on the Highrise section of the site - we have a few buildings u/c that qualify for there.

Aug 29, 2014, 2:47 PM
The rest of the country thinks we are have nothing to offer architecturally because we are poor as shit... Your photos can prove the haters wrong man.


(Yes, please share the photos...but really? We think there are people around the country sitting around thinking about how much they hate Halifax and its poverty and lack of construction? Really?)

Aug 29, 2014, 3:48 PM
Most everybody I talk to loves Halifax, if they've been here. Others, if they have not been here, have heard it is beautiful.
Those who have no idea about Halifax sure get to know that is the nicest small city in North America by the time I finish with them.

Aug 31, 2014, 2:39 AM
So The 2 week street closure of market is not for the trusses. its for the prep work for the trusses. The 240 ton Crane that arrived on friday, will use the sept 2-14 to set up the staging to support the crane that will install the trusses, and the support structures required to assemble the trusses, and move them into place, and finally the 300ton crawler crane itself.


Sep 4, 2014, 6:21 PM
From the inside, Via http://novacenter.builthalifax.ca/

staging for beam install:

Mechanical Room:

Fresh Paint

Parking P2:

Keith P.
Sep 4, 2014, 8:54 PM
Mechanical Room:

I wonder how long it will take Bousquet to post this on his website as "the new convention center space". :koko:

Sep 5, 2014, 5:43 PM
Has the final design been approved? I hadn't heard anything but it seems they are building the centre now. Any word on what the hotel is going to be?

Sep 5, 2014, 5:58 PM
Has the final design been approved? I hadn't heard anything but it seems they are building the centre now. Any word on what the hotel is going to be?

Yes - all permits have been issued since June.

No word on the hotel yet.

Sep 9, 2014, 3:23 AM
Thank you for updating me. I am glad this is being built and look forward to seeing it completed.

Sep 13, 2014, 1:49 AM
Has anyone seen this, it is very impressive! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P9twn6nWtSs

Sep 13, 2014, 1:57 AM

Very nice, although I don't know why they refer to Halifax as Atlantic Canada's "Hub City", I think that name was taken decades ago by a different community…… :rolleyes:

Sep 13, 2014, 2:05 AM
I noticed that too, Halifax, Warden of the North, City of Trees, but never Hub City.

Sep 13, 2014, 2:48 AM
Has anyone seen this, it is very impressive! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P9twn6nWtSs

That's great.

You know, for all the hand wringing, this is going to be a pretty damn impressive structure right in the heart of downtown.

Sep 13, 2014, 3:49 AM

Very nice, although I don't know why they refer to Halifax as Atlantic Canada's "Hub City", I think that name was taken decades ago by a different community…… :rolleyes:

Truro's just a town though, not a city. And let's be honest; it's out in the middle of nowhere. I'm pretty sure everything north of there is polar bear and igloo territory.

Sep 13, 2014, 3:49 AM
I can't think of a better way to connect SGR to the downtown financial district than the Nova Centre project. :tup:

Sep 13, 2014, 3:52 AM
Truro's just a town though, not a city.

Truro = hub of Nova Scotia
Moncton = hub of the Maritimes
Halifax = hub of Atlantic Canada

I guess that makes Toronto the hub of Canada! :haha:

Sep 13, 2014, 3:56 AM
I guess that makes Toronto the hub of Canada! :haha:

It's pretty easy to argue that it is, in the more significant sense of attracting people, if not necessarily in the less significant "lots of people drive through this place" sense, although that's partly true too.

Sep 13, 2014, 8:04 PM
An article a buddy of mine wrote for the Coast:

Nova Centre could mean big bucks for Halifax sex workers
Convention centre has lots of potential for economic spinoff.

Dreams of green are turning Halifax’s biggest hole into its newest convention centre, and the oldest profession has cause for excitement.

So far there are about 13,000 delegates lined up to attend 18 events when the Nova Centre opens in 2016. Local sex workers expect that will make business busier than usual.

“A lot of businessmen have an entertainment allowance and they use it for whatever they want to be entertained by,” said one Halifax-based sex worker. “Out-of-town clients are about 60 percent of the business right now.”

Business travellers are why one local sex worker allows clients to pay by credit card—with the nature of the transaction concealed.

“A lot of them will use [their company credit card] or write it off as a business expense,” she says.

A 2011 report by the Berkeley Electronic Press found evidence for the long-assumed link between come-from-away conventioneers and increased sex work. Focusing specifically on political conventions—namely, the 2008 Democratic and Republican National Conventions—the researchers found substantial increases in the number of local sex-work ads during those events.

“We find that the conventions caused a 29 to 44 percent increase in advertisements in Minneapolis and a 47-77 percent increase in Denver.” This phenomenon doesn’t necessarily result from sex workers putting in crazy overtime hours, though.

“You can only do as much business as you can do,” notes one Halifax worker. “I think most people are probably at full capacity, or as close to it as they want to be.”

Of course just because we build it, doesn’t mean they will come. Heywood Sanders, author of Convention Center Follies and professor at the University of Texas at San Antonio, is familiar with Halifax’s Nova Centre and doesn’t expect it to draw much business. He says there’s a glut of convention centres in North America, resulting in a pattern of underperformance.

“There's just no guarantee at all that building more space or an entirely new centre is going to get you any new business,” Sanders said in a phone interview.

Trade Centre Limited, meanwhile, predicts a slew of economic goodies from the new centre, projecting bookings that they estimate will bring in more than $18 million. Scott Ferguson, TCL’s president and CEO, says the construction phase and first 10 years of operation will create almost $190 million in tax revenues and nearly 30,000 “person years” of employment.

Will it help the Halifax sex industry as well?

“I really haven't given it a lot of thought,” he says.
Source (http://www.thecoast.ca/halifax/nova-centre-could-mean-big-bucks-for-halifax-sex-workers/Content?oid=4410482)

Keith P.
Sep 13, 2014, 10:41 PM
I thought that when Bousquet worked for the Coast he claimed that nobody went to conventions any more and that this project would not do anything for local business?

Pretty bad when your local extreme-left giveaway fishwrap can't even keep their stories straight.

Sep 14, 2014, 12:41 AM
An article a buddy of mine wrote for the Coast:

Source (http://www.thecoast.ca/halifax/nova-centre-could-mean-big-bucks-for-halifax-sex-workers/Content?oid=4410482)

That article is pure trolling.

What's the next headline on point?


"If you watch the movies, it's always business guys snorting coke off tables with credit cards", said local coke dealer Mike MacKay, "we're excited that the Nova Centre will bring depraved druggies to the city!"


A spokesperson for the Big Tobacco Lobby indicated that they would consider having a conference at the Nova Centre once it is completed. Reached by telephone for a comment by The Coast, Jason Smith, a Big Tobacco lobbyist, said "Where? In Halifax? Sure, why not?" Meanwhile, billionaire Big Tobacco Executive Russell MacDonald said that "sounds like an idea", as he tried selling a pack of smokes to a group of kids passing by.

Sep 16, 2014, 2:03 PM
I thought that when Bousquet worked for the Coast he claimed that nobody went to conventions any more and that this project would not do anything for local business?

Pretty bad when your local extreme-left giveaway fishwrap can't even keep their stories straight.

at least he refrained from creating a pun about the link between sex traffic and "Halifax's biggest hole" :haha: Small mercies.

Keith P.
Sep 16, 2014, 3:38 PM
at least he refrained from creating a pun about the link between sex traffic and "Halifax's biggest hole" :haha: Small mercies.

Well, that has been filled quite dramatically and completely, to our satisfaction and delight. ;)

Sep 17, 2014, 12:48 AM
Of course just because we build it, doesn’t mean they will come, (sez) Heywood Sanders, author of Convention Center Follies and professor at the University of Texas at San Antonio...

And speaking of prostitutes...

Sep 23, 2014, 4:13 PM
the water tanks for the HVAC System are going in today. there will be 4 total. the boilers will also go down there.
From http://novacenter.builthalifax.ca/



Oct 3, 2014, 6:43 PM
First track of the crawler for the trusses is in place, looking forward to photos from the ground.

Source: NS Webcams (http://www.novascotiawebcams.com/en/webcams/nova-centre/)

Oct 4, 2014, 2:12 PM
First track of the crawler for the trusses is in place, looking forward to photos from the ground.

Source: NS Webcams (http://www.novascotiawebcams.com/en/webcams/nova-centre/)

This is absolutely amazing! It appears as though the crawler crane will move across a platform to install the steel trusses. I wonder if as the steel trusses are installed it will just keep crawling across the installed trusses? The crawler crane now has both tracks and part of the body assembled - http://images.novascotiawebcams.com/novacentre/2014/10/04/14/novacentre_20141004-140550_GjV90WqULlZkrohQ.jpg

Oct 5, 2014, 2:29 AM
Nope the crane stays put. The trusses will be delivered in 3 pieces. Each piece will be lowered into the hole and be supported by the steel on the convention floor. They will be assembled and then rolled into place

Oct 5, 2014, 1:10 PM
Thanks for the information Ziobrop.

The large boom for the crawler crane is now in place:

source: http://www.novascotiawebcams.com/en/webcams/nova-centre/

Oct 5, 2014, 3:58 PM
Snapped a pic this morning on my way to work.

Oct 8, 2014, 7:36 AM
Snapped a pic this morning on my way to work.

You know, 10 years ago someone could've showed me this picture and I would've laughed and never have believed this was going in in Downtown Halifax. :haha:

Oct 8, 2014, 12:29 PM
From the Inside: (Source for more: http://novacenter.builthalifax.ca/

Oct 9, 2014, 2:18 AM
From the Inside: (Source for more: http://novacenter.builthalifax.ca/

I check your tumblr construction pictures daily. It is fascinating to be able to watch the Nova Centre being built. It seems to me that the contractors will have to work hard to get the convention centre closed off and finished before 2016.

Oct 9, 2014, 3:47 AM
I check your tumblr construction pictures daily. It is fascinating to be able to watch the Nova Centre being built. It seems to me that the contractors will have to work hard to get the convention centre closed off and finished before 2016.

We are kind of at the slow point now, since they are still dealing with large complicated slabs. Once they get up a few more levels then the curtain wall can go on and the building envelope is weather tight, and interior finishes can start

A lot of the mechanicle systems are allready going in with sprinklers, plumbing and electrical all making progress below
MEP is hard to show progress on but I do notice more and more is installed when I'm on site

Oct 11, 2014, 7:00 PM
From this afternoon. DHBC put up this art wall over the past 2 weeks to help mitigate some of the construction disturbance on Argyle.



Keith P.
Oct 12, 2014, 12:26 AM
That has made the street even narrower, almost not much more than a driveway now. People are complaining.

Oct 12, 2014, 5:55 AM
The first good nor' easter we get this winter and all those nice little colourful canvas panels are gone. lol :haha: A good gesture of course on their part.. but kinda useless tbh.

Oct 12, 2014, 8:35 AM
Probably the most interesting thing to see on Argyle St other than the people at the bars would be the construction and the construction workers. Duh! let's cover it up and hide it behind some orange screening. :yes:

Oct 12, 2014, 1:16 PM
Probably the most interesting thing to see on Argyle St other than the people at the bars would be the construction and the construction workers. Duh! let's cover it up and hide it behind some orange screening. :yes:

And turn what remains of Argyle Street into a cart part that no deliveries can get down. YUP! I bet the Argyle street merchants just love this. :shrug:

Oct 12, 2014, 7:16 PM
I don't know how a construction site is an "eyesore". One could argue when the lot was empty and filled with those mannequins (art) THAT was an eyesore.

Oct 14, 2014, 2:09 PM
The Tub Girders are going in.
From: http://novacenter.builthalifax.ca/

Oct 14, 2014, 2:26 PM
The Tub Girders are going in.
From: http://novacenter.builthalifax.ca/

Ahhh so that's what was on the back of the flatbed on Sackville St. this morning... I was wondering when I drove by it at around 630 this morning. What exactly are these special girders for?

Oct 14, 2014, 4:18 PM
These tub girders will be covering the Events Floor, and will be supporting Grafton street.

There are 5 tub girders in total.
Each comes in 3 parts - the Center section is the largest @~130000lbs
the 2 end pieces are ~80000lbs each.

The first one they are installing will stay where it is. the remaining ones will be lowered, center section first on the platform in the middle of the Event hall. the 2 Sides will then be lowered and bolted on to the center section. The whole girder will then be jacked up, put on rollers and rolled into position, Closest to Prince street first, working back.

Oct 14, 2014, 6:16 PM
From this afternoon. These things are huge!


Oct 14, 2014, 9:11 PM
HT/STV members should be barred from attending events here, because, you know... according to them, there would be no events.

Keith P.
Oct 14, 2014, 9:41 PM
HT/STV members should be barred from attending events here, because, you know... according to them, there would be no events.

Well, if there are no events, then there would be no need to bar them.

This is like one of those "solve for the value of pi" problems... :shrug:

Oct 15, 2014, 3:09 PM
Well, if there are no events, then there would be no need to bar them.

This is like one of those "solve for the value of pi" problems... :shrug:

Who's on first? :haha:

Oct 15, 2014, 3:38 PM
That has made the street even narrower, almost not much more than a driveway now. People are complaining.

People are going to complain no matter what.
So at this point it doesn't matter whether you do something or not...

Personally; I'd rather have a narrow street with something decorative that attempts to do something rather than nothing. Parking in this area is shot anyway...until construction is over. Short term pain for long term gain.

Oct 15, 2014, 3:46 PM
People are going to complain no matter what.
So at this point it doesn't matter whether you do something or not...

Personally; I'd rather have a narrow street with something decorative that attempts to do something rather than nothing. Parking in this area is shot anyway...until construction is over. Short term pain for long term gain.

Deliveries to the local business can still be accommodated. I know that was an important issue to address. As far as through-traffic being reduced, it's Argyle Street—it's for bar-hopping and people-watching, not getting from A to B. It should probably become a more fully shared street (http://pdcentre.ca/blog/2012/10/31/argyle-streetscape-plan/) anyway, with equal priority to cars, pedestrians, etc.

Oct 16, 2014, 10:15 PM
Ziobrop has some great interior shots on his tumblr page - http://novacenter.builthalifax.ca/ - showing the first tub girder that has been installed.

In this picture by Ziobrop - http://31.media.tumblr.com/887c4c2b1cdcc14e022c54ee6758fcb2/tumblr_ndjnv0IYpR1sjmgsso1_1280.jpg - is shown what appears to be bearing plates similar to bridge bearing plates - http://civildigital.com/types-functions-bearings-bridges/. Here is another view before the girder was hoisted in place - http://novacenter.builthalifax.ca/post/100000276713; in this picture it appears to be resting on 4" x 4" wooden posts, which gives a good idea of the size.

I am very interested in knowing how they plan to support the Ballroom floor, which is two stories above the tub girders (supporting the ceiling of the Exhibit Hall).

Oct 17, 2014, 1:06 AM
Does anyone have a link to the floor plans? I've looked through the thread a little and there are just so many pages.

Oct 17, 2014, 2:21 AM
Ziobrop has some great interior shots on his tumblr page - http://novacenter.builthalifax.ca/ - showing the first tub girder that has been installed.

In this picture by Ziobrop - http://31.media.tumblr.com/887c4c2b1cdcc14e022c54ee6758fcb2/tumblr_ndjnv0IYpR1sjmgsso1_1280.jpg - is shown what appears to be bearing plates similar to bridge bearing plates - http://civildigital.com/types-functions-bearings-bridges/. Here is another view before the girder was hoisted in place - http://novacenter.builthalifax.ca/post/100000276713; in this picture it appears to be resting on 4" x 4" wooden posts, which gives a good idea of the size.

I am very interested in knowing how they plan to support the Ballroom floor, which is two stories above the tub girders (supporting the ceiling of the Exhibit Hall).

These tub girders will hold up the grafton level slab. There will be columns to hold up the market level slab and the ballroom. I'm not positive how the ballroom floor will span Grafton but will see if I can get an answer

Oct 17, 2014, 2:22 AM
Does anyone have a link to the floor plans? I've looked through the thread a little and there are just so many pages.

Here are the floor plans for the rentable space - http://www.halifaxconventioncentre.com/images/uploads/HCC_Floor-Plans.pdf - but it doesn't include service areas such as kitchen, loading areas, administration and public lobbies.

Oct 17, 2014, 2:36 AM
These tub girders will hold up the grafton level slab. There will be columns to hold up the market level slab and the ballroom. I'm not positive how the ballroom floor will span Grafton but will see if I can get an answer

In particular, I am wondering if the tub girders can support the two levels above Grafton Street and Ballroom or if the steel columns between the levels will act as stiffeners for the tub girders, almost like trusses on a bridge - http://courses.washington.edu/engr100/All_Sections/Bridge/HTML%20Handouts/01_hnd_BridgeIntro.htm? It will be very interesting to watch your tumblr blog and see if the tub girders alone can support that much weight.

Oct 17, 2014, 12:22 PM
Does anyone have a link to the floor plans? I've looked through the thread a little and there are just so many pages.

Here are the plans that were submitted for DA Approval. they are probably still on the HRM website somewhere, but i saved a copy and posted them.


Oct 17, 2014, 12:36 PM
In particular, I am wondering if the tub girders can support the two levels above Grafton Street and Ballroom or if the steel columns between the levels will act as stiffeners for the tub girders, almost like trusses on a bridge - http://courses.washington.edu/engr100/All_Sections/Bridge/HTML%20Handouts/01_hnd_BridgeIntro.htm? It will be very interesting to watch your tumblr blog and see if the tub girders alone can support that much weight.

The tub girders were engineered to be self sufficient and carry all the load above. The girders and slab are basically the same as a highway overpass, except in this case they will carry more building, instead of cars and trucks.

My understanding is that they looked into various truss options, but they would have been too big, or there was too much movement and vibration

Oct 17, 2014, 11:11 PM
Here are the plans that were submitted for DA Approval. they are probably still on the HRM website somewhere, but i saved a copy and posted them.


Thank you. Exactly what I was looking for.

Oct 18, 2014, 3:29 AM
Stil no rumours on the hotel.....

Oct 19, 2014, 2:26 PM
I hoped that there would be another tub girder at the construction site, but so far there isn't - http://www.novascotiawebcams.com/en/webcams/nova-centre/ (11;30 am Atlantic time). Maybe Ziobrop knows what day the next one will be delivered?

Oct 19, 2014, 7:37 PM
I hoped that there would be another tub girder at the construction site, but so far there isn't - http://www.novascotiawebcams.com/en/webcams/nova-centre/ (11;30 am Atlantic time). Maybe Ziobrop knows what day the next one will be delivered?

I don't .. I'd guess Monday. I think they are finished with the first. The next one will be assembled on the rack then rolled to the far side..

Oct 19, 2014, 8:51 PM
I don't .. I'd guess Monday. I think they are finished with the first. The next one will be assembled on the rack then rolled to the far side..

I just noticed a couple of pictures on your tumblr blog - http://novacenter.builthalifax.ca/ - that show temporary beams that the large tub girders will be rolled along.


and I assume on the opposite side the girders will be rolled along the ledge that they will be fastened to:


Thanks again Ziobrop for all the interesting construction pictures. Hopefully there will be a way to preserve some or all of these digital pictures for future generations of construction enthusiasts.

Colin May
Oct 20, 2014, 12:26 AM
I just noticed a couple of pictures on your tumblr blog - http://novacenter.builthalifax.ca/ - that show temporary beams that the large tub girders will be rolled along.


and I assume on the opposite side the girders will be rolled along the ledge that they will be fastened to:


Thanks again Ziobrop for all the interesting construction pictures. Hopefully there will be a way to preserve some or all of these digital pictures for future generations of construction enthusiasts.

Donate the photos to Heritage Trust and get a tax receipt.
Or NS Archives.

Oct 20, 2014, 2:58 AM
Donate them to Heritage Trust... LOL It is kinda ironic that at some point in the distant future they may be fighting the same fight to "preserve the Nova Center"...:shrug:

Oct 20, 2014, 12:12 PM
Donate them to Heritage Trust... LOL It is kinda ironic that at some point in the distant future they may be fighting the same fight to "preserve the Nova Center"...:shrug:

To further the irony, some members of this very forum who currently deride the HT will probably be joining in the fight... ;)

Oct 20, 2014, 11:05 PM
I don't .. I'd guess Monday. I think they are finished with the first. The next one will be assembled on the rack then rolled to the far side..

Good guess. I saw that there were a couple of sections of the next tub girder on site today - http://www.novascotiawebcams.com/en/webcams/nova-centre/ .

Oct 21, 2014, 2:21 PM
Some photos I took today.




Oct 21, 2014, 3:23 PM
Great pics Duff. I can't help but notice how dumb that "art barrier" is... Did the people who installed it think about what will happen when the building is 1-2 floors taller than it?


Oct 22, 2014, 2:37 AM
Some photos I took today.




Great looking pictures. The first picture shows so much detail. You got a good perspective of the TD Bank tower expansion also.

Oct 22, 2014, 10:06 PM
It will be interesting to see them push this 2nd tub girder over the Exhibition Hall towards Prince Street. Picture by Ziobrop - http://novacenter.builthalifax.ca/post/100672996893

Oct 28, 2014, 4:13 PM
"Police say a hammer drill worth $40,000 was removed from the corner of Market and Sackville streets some time between 5 p.m. on Friday and 8 a.m. on Monday. It happened across the street from the new Nova Centre construction site."
Don't they have any security at the Nova site? First the lads scaling the crane and now a big drill gone. What wit that?

Oct 28, 2014, 5:34 PM
"Police say a hammer drill worth $40,000 was removed from the corner of Market and Sackville streets some time between 5 p.m. on Friday and 8 a.m. on Monday. It happened across the street from the new Nova Centre construction site."
Don't they have any security at the Nova site? First the lads scaling the crane and now a big drill gone. What wit that?

Its actually one of those jackhammers that attach to the end of an excavator. I googled the part number since the police release made no sense.

Oct 28, 2014, 8:19 PM
Great pics Duff. I can't help but notice how dumb that "art barrier" is... Did the people who installed it think about what will happen when the building is 1-2 floors taller than it?


Went to a great show at The Carleton last Thursday. I have to say that for my tastes I don't see what that barrier adds to the area. I would rather just see the construction site, but maybe that's just me. ;)

Oct 28, 2014, 9:00 PM
Went to a great show at The Carleton last Thursday. I have to say that for my tastes I don't see what that barrier adds to the area. I would rather just see the construction site, but maybe that's just me. ;)

I noticed yesterday that most of it has been removed

Oct 28, 2014, 9:04 PM
I noticed yesterday that most of it has been removed

Probably for the best. A view of construction is far superior to an art barrier, IMHO. :tup:

Nov 1, 2014, 12:55 PM
This picture on Ziobrop's tumblr blog shows the 2nd tub girder after being moved along the concrete support ledge http://novacenter.builthalifax.ca/image/101423158238. Here is the Nova Scotia webcams link - http://www.novascotiawebcams.com/en/webcams/nova-centre/.

I have a few questions for anyone who has been watching the construction process:

1) It appears that they didn't finishing moving the 2nd tub girder, was there a problem (such as a tight fit, i.e. interference with the existing concrete structure) that delayed them, or is it just a very slow process?
2) What is the method of moving the tub girder, how is it pushed along the ledge? (does the crawler crane assist in the process?)
3) On the 2nd girder there is a steel grid along the top (almost ladder like) that isn't on the 1st girder, and I think they fabricated this structure on site. Does anyone know the purpose of the grid/ladder structure and why it isn't on the 1st girder?

Nov 1, 2014, 11:07 PM
This picture on Ziobrop's tumblr blog shows the 2nd tub girder after being moved along the concrete support ledge http://novacenter.builthalifax.ca/image/101423158238. Here is the Nova Scotia webcams link - http://www.novascotiawebcams.com/en/webcams/nova-centre/.

I have a few questions for anyone who has been watching the construction process:

1) It appears that they didn't finishing moving the 2nd tub girder, was there a problem (such as a tight fit, i.e. interference with the existing concrete structure) that delayed them, or is it just a very slow process?
2) What is the method of moving the tub girder, how is it pushed along the ledge? (does the crawler crane assist in the process?)
3) On the 2nd girder there is a steel grid along the top (almost ladder like) that isn't on the 1st girder, and I think they fabricated this structure on site. Does anyone know the purpose of the grid/ladder structure and why it isn't on the 1st girder?

The first two are slightly shorter.
They have a temporary piece on the end to allow them to move. They now need to remove that in 2 phases before pulling it into final position.

The girder is on Dollies and is pulled with 2 6ton chain pullers

The grid was fabricated off site and installed. I believe it simply supports the forming for the concrete deck. It needed to go on before being moved so the crane could position it. The first girder is staying in place and can b done later

Nov 1, 2014, 11:16 PM
The first two are slightly shorter.
They have a temporary piece on the end to allow them to move. They now need to remove that in 2 phases before pulling it into final position.

The girder is on Dollies and is pulled with 2 6ton chain pullers

The grid was fabricated off site and installed. I believe it simply supports the forming for the concrete deck. It needed to go on before being moved so the crane could position it. The first girder is staying in place and can b done later

Thanks for answering all my questions. It is amazing that only two 6 ton chain pullers are required to pull it, but I guess as long as they minimize the friction created by the dollies on the concrete ledge then not much force is required to pull it.

Nov 2, 2014, 12:05 AM
Probably for the best. A view of construction is far superior to an art barrier, IMHO. :tup:

the art barrier was stupid, the city paid around 100,000 just to have it put in place. A art barrier would be good for something like the maple or the skye lot but not in this instance. I don't think the person making the decisions has the basic grasp of whats appropriate in each situation; most likely the councilor for the area.

Keith P.
Nov 2, 2014, 12:41 AM
the art barrier was stupid, the city paid around 100,000 just to have it put in place. A art barrier would be good for something like the maple or the skye lot but not in this instance. I don't think the person making the decisions has the basic grasp of whats appropriate in each situation; most likely the councilor for the area.

Ah well, Halifax is apparently made of money. $100K for an art barrier that lasted a week, or for painting some lines on pavement to make a bike lane that nobody wants or uses.

Nov 2, 2014, 5:27 AM
Ah well, Halifax is apparently made of money. $100K for an art barrier that lasted a week, or for painting some lines on pavement to make a bike lane that nobody wants or uses.

Bike lanes costs $100k? Seriously? It's a line of paint Keith.

Nov 2, 2014, 5:32 AM
The view already looks more coherent with the buildings rising.

Is it just me, or has this development's actual construction gone really well?

Keith P.
Nov 2, 2014, 1:19 PM
Bike lanes costs $100k? Seriously? It's a line of paint Keith.

One would think they would be cheap. But not here. You can look it up.

Nov 2, 2014, 1:37 PM
One would think they would be cheap. But not here. You can look it up.

They cost about $20,000. I dunno where the five-year figure comes from--maybe the entire five year peninsular plan, projected to cost about that much. Compare with Toronto's Jarvis lane, which cost $86,000, or their Sherbiurne cycle track (a poorly executed separate lane) which cost 2.5 million, for some reason.

Vancouver is spending millions on separated lanes (which are well used in that city, partly thanks to the investment in creating a complete network.)

Calgary's new cycling strategy will cost $12.5 million.

It actually looks like Halifax is spending peanuts on cycle infrastructure. Maybe the problem isn't that we're spending too much, but spending too little.

Nov 2, 2014, 7:57 PM
too be honest Halifax is a bit of a crappy city for cycling, its really, really hilly.

Nov 2, 2014, 8:02 PM
too be honest Halifax is a bit of a crappy city for cycling, its really, really hilly.

this is one of my favorite places/ cities to bike around.

Nov 2, 2014, 8:34 PM
Ah well, Halifax is apparently made of money. $100K for an art barrier that lasted a week, or for painting some lines on pavement to make a bike lane that nobody wants or uses.

Which bike lane does no one want or use?

Keith P.
Nov 2, 2014, 8:35 PM
Only the lunatic zealot fringe will cycle to any extent here because of the hills and climate. We are spending way to much catering to the cycling lobby by putting in some very poorly thought-out lanes that are largely unused.

Nov 2, 2014, 8:38 PM
Only the lunatic zealot fringe will cycle to any extent here because of the hills and climate. We are spending way to much catering to the cycling lobby by putting in some very poorly thought-out lanes that are largely unused.

I'll give your kind regards to my wife , she bikes six months of the year from downtown Dartmouth over to Robie/University.