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Mar 26, 2013, 5:47 AM
I love this.......except the name. Either way, I want this to be built.

Mar 26, 2013, 2:56 PM
Also cool on that site is the Piggyback Yard: http://www.perkinswill.com/work/l.a.-riverpiggyback-yard.html

Maybe more DTLA than non-downtown - not sure if it belongs here.

Nice find. I wish that would get built, that would be incredible. I love this view and what they've done around the river.

Mar 27, 2013, 1:58 AM
Amazing news coming from Glendale. New Freeway cap park. Area 134!


Valyrian Steel
Mar 27, 2013, 2:14 AM
Wow @ the third image in the slide show - No more Jack n' the Box, a highrise over what is the building next to Space 15 Twenty, twin towers on Amoeba and a high rise behind the LA Film School (I'm guessing on the lot behind Chase Bank or across from Trader Joe's). Would love to have more functional trees as seen in the renderings.

Wish I knew more about posting pics or I would post the rendering.




Mar 27, 2013, 3:30 AM
Nice to know that LA has the ability to dream big a little. Implementing those dreams remains a challenge though. Other cities turn those dreams into reality. Fucking frustrating.

Mar 27, 2013, 4:35 AM
Nice to know that LA has the ability to dream big a little. Implementing those dreams remains a challenge though. Other cities turn those dreams into reality. Fucking frustrating.

That's the real problem. Too much red tape and seemingly never enough financing. When things do get done, their implementation is usually pretty shitty (Red Line canopies, Gold/Blue/Expo stations, Grand Park, Endeavour canceled parade).

What would LA look like if even half of our proposals became realities? The skyline would be transformed, we'd have more rail, and the LA River would begin to resemble parkland.

Mar 27, 2013, 4:47 AM
^ I like the Gold Line stations and I think the Red Line canopies look fine. Don't see what's so egregious about them.

Other than that, I agree. Too much red tape and too many factions, special interset groups, and self-serving politicians. And NIMBYs.

Mar 27, 2013, 4:55 AM
Out of all the ambitious visions, my favorite is most certainly the Piggyback Yards. In a city of single-family homes, we don't need a Central or Golden Gate Park. But we could use a 200-300 acre (urban) park.

Mar 27, 2013, 7:41 AM
Out of all the ambitious visions, my favorite is most certainly the Piggyback Yards. In a city of single-family homes, we don't need a Central or Golden Gate Park. But we could use a 200-300 acre (urban) park.

Subway to the Sea is still my number 1, but Piggyback (and the revitalization of the river in general) is a close second to me. The river serves as the best example of the grime and neglect that much of LA is famous for. Our city is somewhat famous for looking like a shithole with pockets of nice neighborhoods and I'd like to one day shake that image.

Mar 27, 2013, 8:03 AM
^ Well yes, but Subway to the Sea is a sure thing. Although we should point out that Metro fucked up big time with their decision to put a station at the VA Hospital instead of Barrington. I will never understand that choice. Let's hope they don't capitulate to BHUSD.

Mar 27, 2013, 7:45 PM
^ Well yes, but Subway to the Sea is a sure thing. Although we should point out that Metro fucked up big time with their decision to put a station at the VA Hospital instead of Barrington. I will never understand that choice. Let's hope they don't capitulate to BHUSD.

It won't truly live up to its own namesake until it reaches 4th & Wilshire ...

Mar 27, 2013, 9:28 PM
^ Well yes, but Subway to the Sea is a sure thing. Although we should point out that Metro fucked up big time with their decision to put a station at the VA Hospital instead of Barrington. I will never understand that choice. Let's hope they don't capitulate to BHUSD.

Actually, what was the reasoning behind that? I can't think of any reason that decision could make sense.

Mar 27, 2013, 10:29 PM
Actually, what was the reasoning behind that? I can't think of any reason that decision could make sense.

I believe it's because the VA site provides ample room to build a park and ride facility.

Since this is as far west as the subway will go for the foreseeable future, it does make sense to have a park and ride station for the Purple Line.

sopas ej
Mar 28, 2013, 1:04 AM
From Southern California Public Radio 89.3 KPCC:

$1 billion USC development project signed after years of negotiations
Hayley Fox | March 27th, 2013, 5:15pm

What will be the largest development in South Los Angeles has just been signed, sealed and set in motion.

The $1 billion USC Village project has been on the drawing board for years as the university negotiated with L.A. City officials, community members and stakeholders over the fine print. This morning, officials met at the South L.A. school to make the final plans official.

The Village project will add more than three million square feet of new development for USC and the surrounding area. About two-thirds of that development will be devoted to housing for 5,000 students and about 200 faculty members and graduate students.

The additional campus housing is intended to answer community concerns that USC students in need of housing drove up rents in the local area, which sometimes forced out longtime residents.

The USC Village project is expected to create 4,000 construction-related jobs and another 8,000 permanent jobs when development is finished. They includes positions at the new retail center on Jefferson Boulevard that will have a grocery store, fitness center, shops and restaurants.

Read the here by clicking on THIS (http://www.scpr.org/blogs/southla/2013/03/27/13062/1-billion-usc-development-project-signed-after-yea/).

Illithid Dude
Mar 28, 2013, 3:51 AM

According to Curbed, this building, across the street from the Four Seasons, is going to start construction in the immediate future.

Mar 28, 2013, 5:14 AM
From Southern California Public Radio 89.3 KPCC:

$1 billion USC development project signed after years of negotiations
Hayley Fox | March 27th, 2013, 5:15pm

What will be the largest development in South Los Angeles has just been signed, sealed and set in motion.

The $1 billion USC Village project has been on the drawing board for years as the university negotiated with L.A. City officials, community members and stakeholders over the fine print. This morning, officials met at the South L.A. school to make the final plans official.

The Village project will add more than three million square feet of new development for USC and the surrounding area. About two-thirds of that development will be devoted to housing for 5,000 students and about 200 faculty members and graduate students.

The additional campus housing is intended to answer community concerns that USC students in need of housing drove up rents in the local area, which sometimes forced out longtime residents.

The USC Village project is expected to create 4,000 construction-related jobs and another 8,000 permanent jobs when development is finished. They includes positions at the new retail center on Jefferson Boulevard that will have a grocery store, fitness center, shops and restaurants.

Read the here by clicking on THIS (http://www.scpr.org/blogs/southla/2013/03/27/13062/1-billion-usc-development-project-signed-after-yea/).

Glad to see this is finally moving forward after so many years. Among other things, this'll help extend USC's northern boundary and bridge the gap to DTLA. With the Endeavour, USC's improved fortunes over the last two decades, Expo line, and the explosive growth in South Park, the Figueroa Corridor is inching toward becoming one of LA's great sections.

Anyone come up with a plan yet on how to get rid of all those car dealerships? We could use that right about now.

Valyrian Steel
Mar 29, 2013, 1:20 AM
Hollywood's Huge Capitol Records Towers Get First Big Approval

The City Planning Commission's meeting on the huge Millennium Hollywood project has finally ended after approximately a million hours and: the twin tower plan passed unanimously (and appeals were denied), according to a rep. The very controversial plan would put two very tall towers on parking lots surrounding the Capitol Records Building (on both sides of Vine, just north of Hollywood Boulevard)--the catch is that developers Millennium Partners and Argent Ventures have only released "conceptual" plans that hypothesize towers of 585 and 485 feet respectively; they'd hold up to 492 residential units, 200 hotel rooms, office space, restaurants, a sports club, and retail, plus 2,000 parking spaces split above- and below-ground. But the "conceptual" part means they're asking for approval to build up to those heights and sizes--it's totally unclear what they actually will build (and they haven't released anyything but conceptual architectural renderings either; Gary Handel Architects and Roschen Van Cleve Architects are handling design). The project is also set to be surrounded by plazas and pedestrian space designed by James Corner Field Operations. Neighbors--especially ones up in the Hills--are freaking out about view-blocking and traffic and noise and so on; a nearby music school appealed the project saying construction would interfere with their business of teaching and playing music. Millennium Hollywood now heads to the City Council.


In related news, Eric Garcetti has come out against the project. (http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-garcetti-hollywood-20130328,0,4251899.story)

Mar 30, 2013, 10:28 PM
I took a couple pictures of the Vermont/Wilshire towers this afternoon. Taller building is now working on the 17th floor above ground. Should be topping out in about 3 months if they keep up the current pace.


They've made a lot of progress on the adjacent parking structure. Looks like brackets have been added along the exterior of the tower portion. Perhaps we'll start to see cladding soon?


One block over, looks like most of the cladding is up on the Southwestern Law School student housing.


I apologize for the low quality iPhone pics!

Valyrian Steel
Mar 31, 2013, 6:50 AM
My own shot of the Wilshire / Vermont towers.

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8528/8605857074_81090b388f_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/89987921@N08/8605857074/)
IMG_0065 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/89987921@N08/8605857074/) by Nightsky86 (http://www.flickr.com/people/89987921@N08/), on Flickr

Apr 4, 2013, 11:46 PM
Much of Blvd6200 is now up to ground level.


The Old Spaghetti Factory Tower is now 5 floors up, working on the 6th.


Apr 7, 2013, 11:56 PM
I love how these pictures were taken in 3 short blocks. As seen this afternoon:


The Vermont

Southwestern Law School housing

Apr 8, 2013, 2:55 AM
I saw The Vermont towers today from the 10. They sure are growing fast!

Apr 8, 2013, 8:21 AM
Southwestern Law School housing looks pretty good. The windows are what make it a nice design. White smooth stucco can actually look decent, and when combined with quality glass, can produce a simple, modern, and clean-looking building.

Apr 9, 2013, 12:20 AM


It looks like they might be gearing up to start work on this one, adjacent to Culver City Station. They moved a trailer onto the lot last week, and there were trucks/people on the site today.

Apr 11, 2013, 12:33 AM
President Obama’s proposed budget calls for $130 million for two Metro projects: Purple Line Extension and Regional Connector


Some very welcome news via the proposed budget released today by President Barack Obama: the budget includes $130 million to help fund two of Metro’s big rail projects: the Purple Line Extension and the Regional Connector. The budget allocates $65 million to both projects.

This is the first time that both projects will actually receive federal money. The funds are extremely significant because they help supplement Measure R funds for two projects that are both very expensive and need additional funds. Although Congress still must approve the budget, historically these type of funds don’t change much during budget negotiations.

There’s another reason the money is important. The funds are the first payment for more federal dollars that will flow to both projects in future federal budgets via the federal New Starts program that helps local transit agencies pay for big, pricey transit improvements — such as new rail lines.

Apr 11, 2013, 2:54 AM
Someone brought this project up a few weeks back; Curbed had news about it today.


248 Luxury Apts. Headed For Site Across From Hollywood High


by Eve Bacharach

Local developer Champion Real Estate is planning to bring 248 luxury apartments plus ground floor retail space to a 2.7-acre site at the northeast corner of Highland and Selma, across from Hollywood High School. The $100-million, two-building, six-story development will be heard by the Planning Department tomorrow. In their report, planning staff recommend approving the project (pdf), including Champion's request to include 46 fewer parking spaces than required (though it'll still have 538 spots).

Apr 11, 2013, 2:54 AM
^ It was me. Love the design.

Apr 11, 2013, 4:00 AM
^ It was me. Love the design.

I also love that design.

Apr 12, 2013, 3:15 AM

Century City Center Planning All Kinds of Purple Line Goodies


by Eve Bacharach

The Century City Center project is moving along again--it was approved in 2006 as a two-condo-tower-plus-office-building, then switcharooed in 2011 to a single office tower. JMB is developing the site and Johnson Fain designed the 37-story tower. The plans also include one- and two-stories of adjacent creative office space, a transit plaza, and mobility hub all at the corner of Constellation and Avenue of the Stars. Which, coincidentally, is the same corner where Metro wants to put the Century City station for the Purple Line subway extension. The draft environmental impact report circulated last month details the many transit-friendly features of the mobility hub, including "rental, storage, and changing facilities for bicycles as well as a car-sharing program on site ... [and] may also sell bus passes, promote carpooling and vanpooling, and may include ticketing facilities for the Metro Westside Subway Extension in the future." Metro would allow a subway entrance to be built directly into the site if it were funded by a private developer. That is, of course, assuming that Beverly Hills doesn't win one of its 47 or so lawsuits trying to force Metro to move the station to Santa Monica Boulevard.

One negative is that it looks like the green space planned to go in between the new building and the Watt Plaza Towers appears to have be nixed in favor of a parking structure.

Here are some other renderings from the DEIR





Apr 12, 2013, 6:44 AM
Love it. Timeline?

Apr 12, 2013, 8:16 AM
Is there anything that can save the tragedy that is Century City?

Apr 12, 2013, 2:08 PM
Am I the only one noticing all this new development coming out of no where along the Streetcar path?

Apr 12, 2013, 2:53 PM
Am I the only one noticing all this new development coming out of no where along the Streetcar path?

Who'd have thought? Invest in transit and watch the surrounding area boom!

Apr 12, 2013, 4:19 PM
Am I the only one noticing all this new development coming out of no where along the Streetcar path?
This Century City project has been around for well over 6 months (these aren't the first renders we've seen), and it's nowhere near the Streetcar. Did you mean future Subway line?

Apr 12, 2013, 4:37 PM
um, wow...


Thrilling New Views of Academy Museum's Great Glass Sphere
Thursday, April 11, 2013, by Adrian Glick Kudler


After so many years of delays and switch-ups, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences's movie museum is finally starting to roll--there's some pretty hot new action today in the form of new renderings/models of the building, which will include the existing 1939 May Company Building at Wilshire and Fairfax and a new glass sphere building that'll house a theater (on Monday it was announced that David Geffen had nabbed naming rights with a $25 million donation). The project is being designed by Renzo Piano, who designed the adjacent western portion of LACMA, and locally-based Zoltan Pali. It'll be 300,000 square feet in total and feature, per a press release:
- " More than 30,000 square feet of flexible exhibition galleries - A 15,000-square-foot landscaped public piazza that will serve as a gathering space for visitors and connect the museum with the LACMA campus - Special event spaces for groups of up to 1,000 people and a rooftop terrace with views of the Los Angeles basin and Hollywood hills"

Apr 12, 2013, 5:37 PM
Love it. Timeline?

If I remember correctly, the timeline had construction starting in 2014/2015 with completion in 2017.

2014 should be a pretty big year for construction in Century City. The Century Plaza residential towers are supposed to break ground, as well as the 39 floor Westfield Tower/mall expansion.

No sign of anything happening at 10000 SaMo Blvd though.

Apr 12, 2013, 7:54 PM
Someone brought this project up a few weeks back; Curbed had news about it today.


248 Luxury Apts. Headed For Site Across From Hollywood High


by Eve Bacharach

Funny I walk past this lot often on my way to Runyon Canyon, and have wondered every time when it will get developed... It is in such a prime location it is surprising to see Highland still be so decayed while Vine is only has that one parking-lot blemish behind the Chase Bank (for now).

Does anyone have information on what is going up on this lot next to the Women's Club: http://goo.gl/maps/e994y A hotel perhaps? It looks like they have finished digging and begun building up.

Apr 13, 2013, 6:13 AM
I hike Runyon regularly. Glad to see Hollywood is on fire. Wondered about this spot. This looks great, a better way to do the usual 5 story wood framed deal.

Chef Boyardee
Apr 13, 2013, 8:38 AM
um, wow...


Thrilling New Views of Academy Museum's Great Glass Sphere
Thursday, April 11, 2013, by Adrian Glick Kudler


After so many years of delays and switch-ups, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences's movie museum is finally starting to roll--there's some pretty hot new action today in the form of new renderings/models of the building, which will include the existing 1939 May Company Building at Wilshire and Fairfax and a new glass sphere building that'll house a theater (on Monday it was announced that David Geffen had nabbed naming rights with a $25 million donation). The project is being designed by Renzo Piano, who designed the adjacent western portion of LACMA, and locally-based Zoltan Pali. It'll be 300,000 square feet in total and feature, per a press release:
- " More than 30,000 square feet of flexible exhibition galleries - A 15,000-square-foot landscaped public piazza that will serve as a gathering space for visitors and connect the museum with the LACMA campus - Special event spaces for groups of up to 1,000 people and a rooftop terrace with views of the Los Angeles basin and Hollywood hills"

This of course is not the first attempt to build a movie museum in LA. Being interested in LA ephemera/vintage postcards, i found this model of a museum that was supposed to have been built on highland across from the hollywood bowl in i'd guess 50's/60's.



Apr 14, 2013, 1:58 AM
Taken this afternoon.


Apr 15, 2013, 3:08 PM
Construction Begins on 'Runway,' a $260 Million Mixed-Use Destination in The Village at Playa Vista


PLAYA VISTA, Calif., Apr 15, 2013 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- The legendary parcel of land that once gave rise to Howard Hughes' aerospace empire is undergoing a transformation into 'Runway,' a large-scale mixed-use center that will offer unique shopping, dining, entertainment and living space in the heart of the Playa Vista community. The development team, led by Lincoln Property Company, Phoenix Property Company and Paragon Commercial Group, has begun construction on the long-anticipated lifestyle center that will soon connect the Phase I residential community and the Campus at Playa Vista.


Oron Zchut
Apr 16, 2013, 4:23 AM
Some updates from my recent trip to LA:









Apr 16, 2013, 2:02 PM
I'm counting about 10 more stories to go on the taller tower at Vermont and Wilshire.

Apr 17, 2013, 3:58 AM
I'm counting about 10 more stories to go on the taller tower at Vermont and Wilshire.

That sounds about right. Construction progress has slowed in the past few weeks after going at swift pace for months.

I found a rendering of the Columbia Square project from a different angle on Kilroy's website today.


Link for the massive 10,000 x 7,000 original version http://www.kilroyrealty.com/uploads/propertyImages/ColumbiaSquare104201223312PM.jpg

Seems to verify my previous thinking that the residential tower will have 25 floors.

Apr 17, 2013, 5:49 PM
Link for the massive 10,000 x 7,000 original version

Holy unnecessary resolution Batman! I have 3 monitors side-by-side and I still can't see the image zoomed in at full resolution. I guess Kilroy just likes wasting server space. :haha:

Apr 18, 2013, 6:02 AM
Took a drive down Sunset after a meeting tonight, and noticed construction activity on the lot immediately to the west of Siren Studios (which is more or less kitty corner from the new Emerson school building). Anyone know what's going on here?

Apr 18, 2013, 6:18 AM
Took a drive down Sunset after a meeting tonight, and noticed construction activity on the lot immediately to the west of Siren Studios (which is more or less kitty corner from the new Emerson school building). Anyone know what's going on here?

It's a new sound stage. They've been at it for a few months, but it doesn't seem like they've gotten much done..

Apr 18, 2013, 6:56 AM
^ A sound stage? Boooooooooooorrrrrrrriiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnggggggg...

Apr 18, 2013, 2:25 PM
A new sound stage may be boring architecturally, and do nothing for street life, but the fact that there's demand for new sound stages is a good thing for Hollywood, and LA as a region, for that matter, as those are high paying jobs. The people that buy homes. And condos. I'm all for it.

Apr 18, 2013, 10:38 PM
A new sound stage may be boring architecturally, and do nothing for street life, but the fact that there's demand for new sound stages is a good thing for Hollywood, and LA as a region, for that matter, as those are high paying jobs. The people that buy homes. And condos. I'm all for it.

exactly right my friend

Valyrian Steel
Apr 19, 2013, 5:24 AM

And here we go...new banners were put up today on the fencing surrounding the massive 10000 Santa Monica site.



Which means that this could soon be on the way...


Apr 19, 2013, 1:13 PM
Wow, there hasn't been a peep about this one in quite a while. Still not a huge fan of the design, but it's nice to see some movement.

Apr 19, 2013, 1:57 PM
I wonder what happened to this design?-



Illithid Dude
Apr 19, 2013, 3:15 PM
Who knows, but frankly, the all glass design matches Century City better anyways. But very exciting nonetheless!

Anyways, LargArch has new pictures of The Village project.




Apr 20, 2013, 12:17 AM
Sunset and Gordon is now working on the 7th floor above ground...


...and across the street, Emerson College's is now 10 floors up. Shouldn't this be topping out?


Apr 20, 2013, 1:28 AM

Hollywood's Columbia Square Downsized and Ready to Go


by Neal Broverman

You'd have to sleep under a rock in Topanga Canyon to not know that Hollywood is on fire right now. Add the Columbia Square project to the list of big new projects moving right now: it's set to start work in a few months. The redevelopment of the historic CBS Studios on Sunset was originally approved back in 2009 with a controversial 28-story tower (that height now looks like nothing compared to the two towers of the proposed Millennium Hollywood project). Developer Kilroy Realty Group acquired the project last fall and changed up the plans--when completed the new Columbia Square will feature a 22-story residential tower with 200 apartments, 33,000 square feet of retail, three renovated historic structures, two new office buildings totaling more than 330,000 square feet of space, and four and a half levels of underground parking (more than the city requires). Maybe it's the plentiful parking, but Kilroy says the community is supportive. That goodwill likely helped things move quickly.

Apr 20, 2013, 1:34 AM
^ Not a bit sad about that.

Let's get this thing started! I love this new design.

Apr 20, 2013, 1:40 AM
Yeah. Looks pretty good!

Illithid Dude
Apr 20, 2013, 1:49 AM
Looks surprisingly great, though I wish they would keep the old CBS building pink.

Apr 26, 2013, 7:03 PM
Sounds like the release of Zumthor's LACMA plan is imminent. Will be interesting to see what time frame they come up with and if construction ends up being simultaneous with the LACMA West movie museum project.


If He Builds It, You Will Come
Michael Govan is the quiet powerhouse who put the Los Angeles County Museum of Art on the map. Now, with a new proposal for an ambitious museum expansion, he hopes to radically redefine how the public engages art—and shift the center of the art world west.

Govan's unorthodox plan for revealing the new design suggests the canniness that has made him, at 49, one of the highest-paid museum directors in America. Rather than taking place within the bureaucratic walls of a county planning office, Zumthor's plan will be part of a design exhibition sponsored by one of LACMA's competitors, the Getty Foundation. "The Presence of the Past: Peter Zumthor Reconsiders LACMA," opening June 9 at LACMA's Resnick Pavilion, will reveal a model of the proposal alongside a display of LACMA's checkered architectural history and a small retrospective of Zumthor's work.

Zumthor's plan, in its current form, involves removing four of LACMA's eight existing buildings—including a troublesome mishmash of mid–to–late–20th century architecture, which often compels museum-goers to duck in and out of disconnected pavilions during a visit—and replacing them with the museum of the future that Govan has been building in his head since he was an art student. Glass walls that permit the museum's art to be viewed from as far away as Wilshire Boulevard are key elements of Zumthor's prototype, which would connect other buildings—including a beloved Japanese pavilion and an Academy of Motion Pictures museum—with an indoor-outdoor art park

Apr 26, 2013, 10:34 PM
Vermont at Wilshire. Eastern tower is working on the 21st floor, with it's counterpart one floor behind.


Apr 27, 2013, 12:48 AM
Sounds like the release of Zumthor's LACMA plan is imminent. Will be interesting to see what time frame they come up with and if construction ends up being simultaneous with the LACMA West movie museum project.


If He Builds It, You Will Come
Michael Govan is the quiet powerhouse who put the Los Angeles County Museum of Art on the map. Now, with a new proposal for an ambitious museum expansion, he hopes to radically redefine how the public engages art—and shift the center of the art world west.

Govan's unorthodox plan for revealing the new design suggests the canniness that has made him, at 49, one of the highest-paid museum directors in America. Rather than taking place within the bureaucratic walls of a county planning office, Zumthor's plan will be part of a design exhibition sponsored by one of LACMA's competitors, the Getty Foundation. "The Presence of the Past: Peter Zumthor Reconsiders LACMA," opening June 9 at LACMA's Resnick Pavilion, will reveal a model of the proposal alongside a display of LACMA's checkered architectural history and a small retrospective of Zumthor's work.

Zumthor's plan, in its current form, involves removing four of LACMA's eight existing buildings—including a troublesome mishmash of mid–to–late–20th century architecture, which often compels museum-goers to duck in and out of disconnected pavilions during a visit—and replacing them with the museum of the future that Govan has been building in his head since he was an art student. Glass walls that permit the museum's art to be viewed from as far away as Wilshire Boulevard are key elements of Zumthor's prototype, which would connect other buildings—including a beloved Japanese pavilion and an Academy of Motion Pictures museum—with an indoor-outdoor art park
im very excited about this. i Cant wait to see the renderings

Apr 27, 2013, 4:57 AM
Vermont at Wilshire. Eastern tower is working on the 21st floor, with it's counterpart one floor behind.


The impact that these two buildings already have on the Mid-Wilshire skyline can't be overstated. The view directly south from Children's Hospital (Vermont/Sunset) is very impressive and it'll only get better when these things top out. Great additions to a great neighborhood.

Apr 27, 2013, 6:30 PM
The impact that these two buildings already have on the Mid-Wilshire skyline can't be overstated. The view directly south from Children's Hospital (Vermont/Sunset) is very impressive and it'll only get better when these things top out. Great additions to a great neighborhood.

Have to agree. When I drove to Santa Monica on the 10 last weekend I could easily tell where they were. Fantastic addition, gives Wilshire a better sense of urban canyon.

Apr 27, 2013, 8:55 PM
The impact that these two buildings already have on the Mid-Wilshire skyline can't be overstated. The view directly south from Children's Hospital (Vermont/Sunset) is very impressive and it'll only get better when these things top out. Great additions to a great neighborhood.

Ha! It's funny you say that (though judging by the UN you probably work there huh?) - I was in the parking structure at Sunset / Alexandria and got an amazing view of the DTLA - Mid-Wilshire skyline. These towers definitely stand out.

Apr 27, 2013, 9:39 PM
The impact that these two buildings already have on the Mid-Wilshire skyline can't be overstated. The view directly south from Children's Hospital (Vermont/Sunset) is very impressive and it'll only get better when these things top out. Great additions to a great neighborhood.

I apologize for the quality of a the photograph (I don't have a decent zoom lens yet), but here's the view of the Vermont from my roof.


Valyrian Steel
Apr 27, 2013, 9:58 PM
Wow, great shot. Really shows the density of the area.

Apr 27, 2013, 10:02 PM
I envy the view from your place, District! I recall you had some pretty epic shots from the roof in a picture thread a few months back.

Just for fun, here's an approximation of what the dimensions of the finished product will be from the view in the above picture, assuming they do in fact top out at 28 and 22 stories.


Apr 27, 2013, 10:10 PM
I envy the view from your place, District! I recall you had some pretty epic shots from the roof in a picture thread a few months back.

Just for fun, here's an approximation of what the dimensions of the finished product will be from the view in the above picture, assuming they do in fact top out at 28 and 22 stories.

OMG...great minds think alike. We were doing the same thing at the same time. :haha:


Apr 28, 2013, 8:20 AM
Not to continue gushing on about these towers, but they really do help give Koreatown it's own skyline. Now all we need is Westlake to eventually turn around in order to link downtown and Ktown.

Apr 28, 2013, 9:36 PM
Gorgeous images of Mid-Wilshire! I will be home over the summer, cant wait to take the Red Line into Vermont & Wilshire.

So much potential for the area between K-town & DTLA.

Apr 29, 2013, 5:21 PM
Hey guys, just saw this post on Curbed (http://la.curbed.com/archives/2013/04/bigwigs_locals_city_council_to_discuss_shuttering_samo_airport.php):

It seems like no one likes poor Santa Monica Airport except all those rich people flying Cessnas over the Westside. Plans are in the works to reduce flights and possibly close the airport altogether when its agreement with the Federal Aviation Administration ends in 2015, and movement is coming on the latter, according to outgoing City Councilmember Bill Rosendahl. The retiring politician is hosting a public forum on closing the airport tomorrow afternoon at the Gymnasium of the Penmar Park Rec Center in Venice. Heavy-hitters will be in attendance, including State Senator Ted Lieu and Congressman Henry Waxman. "The forum will feature health and safety experts who will discuss the effects of flight operations next to homes in Mar Vista and Venice," Rosendahl says in a statement. "There will also be a presentation on the research findings of pollution from lead, noise, and fine particulates. The neighborhood council subcommittee on the issue will also present a summary of findings from its report." Assume the findings to be of the negative variety. The Santa Monica City Council on Tuesday will devote their entire meeting to airport issues, including possibly repaving the runway and, of course, shuttin' her down for good.

Worth keeping an eye on, as the current height cap in Century City is a direct result of the FAA regulations re: the Santa Monica Airport. If they shut down SaMo, we could wind up with a couple proposals that break through the CC plateau!

Apr 29, 2013, 6:30 PM
OMG...great minds think alike. We were doing the same thing at the same time.

Your version looks professionally done compared to my etch-a-sketch drawing, haha.

Hey guys, just saw this post on Curbed (http://la.curbed.com/archives/2013/04/bigwigs_locals_city_council_to_discuss_shuttering_samo_airport.php):

Worth keeping an eye on, as the current height cap in Century City is a direct result of the FAA regulations re: the Santa Monica Airport. If they shut down SaMo, we could wind up with a couple proposals that break through the CC plateau!

Not a whole lot of land left to develop in Century City these days. The vacant lot on Solar Way is spoken for. I think there are some surface lots next to BHHS? Maybe they'll develop part of the golf course down the line.

What really interests me is what happens with airport land should they indeed shut the entire thing down in 2015.

Apr 29, 2013, 8:44 PM
Not a whole lot of land left to develop in Century City these days.

What really interests me is what happens with airport land should they indeed shut the entire thing down in 2015.

Yeah, that's true. I do wonder though if any of the developers of the currently proposed towers -- 10000 Santa Monica, the Century Plaza Hotel's twin towers, CC Center -- might consider adding height if the airport shuts down.

I'm also curious to know what would go in the airport's place... but I'm not holding my breath for anything other than more single family houses. Or a golf course.

If it was up to me -- besides finally connecting the streets that dead end on either side of the airport -- I'd love to see a big municipal park. The development of the last bit of Playa del Rey wetlands is going to leave the Westside with depressingly little open space.

May 3, 2013, 2:53 AM
This will be interesting in a few ways because ...
I'm looking at his former works, and he wouldn't
know a curved line if it bit him in the ass!

Only the Saint Benedict Chapel, about the
size of a hut, is curved in any way, certainly
not the soaring, waving, undulating curves that
have been promised here in Hancock Park.

This may be his first large scale, curved piece.
I didn't even see that much glass!

http://i231.photobucket.com/albums/ee192/trolltoast/album%203/Zumthor.jpg (http://s231.photobucket.com/user/trolltoast/media/album%203/Zumthor.jpg.html) ZUMTHOR'S GLASS HOUSE, APRIL 25, 2013

May 4, 2013, 11:43 PM
Here's the new Southwestern Law School student housing building seen this afternoon. It looks a little different from the original renderings (less glass), but I personally still think it turned out well.



As a bonus, here's the ever-popular Vermont towers again.


May 6, 2013, 4:28 PM
Looks like the facade will start appearing soon. Interested to see how it looks.

May 7, 2013, 11:20 PM
Walked by Wilshire and La Brea for the first time in a while today. The BRE apartment building looks particularly huge on the La Brea side. Here it is seen from 8th St.


May 7, 2013, 11:43 PM
Appreciate the photo updates, Muji.

May 8, 2013, 4:15 AM
Walked by Wilshire and La Brea for the first time in a while today. The BRE apartment building looks particularly huge on the La Brea side. Here it is seen from 8th St.



May 9, 2013, 1:52 AM
Walked by Wilshire and La Brea for the first time in a while today. The BRE apartment building looks particularly huge on the La Brea side. Here it is seen from 8th St.


Really wish they were going to alternate some colors/materials along the wall to make it look like different buildings. Would do wonders for the feel on the street. Pretend that you're looking at about 10 distinct attached buildings and it's pretty cool!

I eagerly anticipate the day when we start renovating all of these recent buildings... removing asshats, using colors other than beige/puke, etc. They all could be pretty nice! just imagine City West's GLO with all the fussy tack-ons removed, given a nice streamline-moderne stucco finish and painted white! Presto, classy building!

May 9, 2013, 5:32 AM
I was browsing through Zimas today and found something interesting.

Case Number: ZA-2013-1334-ZAA-CLQ-MSC
Address: 3670 W WILSHIRE BLVD
Primary Zone: (T)(Q)C2-2
Planning Area: Wilshire
Council District(s): 10
Certified Neighborhood
Council (CNC): Wilshire Center - Koreatown
Area Planning
Commission (APC): CENTRAL
Historic Preservation Overlay Zone: Data Not Available
Historic Cultural Monument: Data Not Available
Total Project Area: 2.22 ACRE
Required Action: Not Known
Client Contact Name: A.J.Jarasunas
Client Contact Phone: (310) 208-5762

3670 Wilshire is where this tower was intended to rise pre-recession:


Of course, the developer could very well be trying to move the project forward as a 7 floor/wood frame building. The original plans called for $1 million+ condos, which doesn't seem realistic in KTown at the moment. Still, it's nice to dream.

May 9, 2013, 6:03 AM
I was browsing through Zimas today and found something interesting.

3670 Wilshire is where this tower was intended to rise pre-recession:


Of course, the developer could very well be trying to move the project forward as a 7 floor/wood frame building. The original plans called for $1 million+ condos, which doesn't seem realistic in KTown at the moment. Still, it's nice to dream.

Oh my god we'd all kill for this tower. Weren't those days great by the way? If all those pre-recession towers would've been built, LA would barely be recognizable. It'd look like the 8th emirate by now.

May 9, 2013, 2:59 PM
I was browsing through Zimas today and found something interesting.

3670 Wilshire is where this tower was intended to rise pre-recession:

Of course, the developer could very well be trying to move the project forward as a 7 floor/wood frame building. The original plans called for $1 million+ condos, which doesn't seem realistic in KTown at the moment. Still, it's nice to dream.

First it was was going to be tower, then the bubble burst.

Then the residents of K-town were pushing for it to become a temporary park, but that fell through.

So now its a gravel parking lot. :(

The tower would have been great but I'd have settle for the park. Lots of people in the neighborhood have dogs and we have no where to bring them. There's that nice big lawn in front of Wilshire Park Place (the Radio Korea building), but the security guard comes out and will chase you away if he notices.

May 9, 2013, 3:36 PM
Oh my god we'd all kill for this tower. Weren't those days great by the way? If all those pre-recession towers would've been built, LA would barely be recognizable. It'd look like the 8th emirate by now.

I see your point but I sure as hell don't want LA to look like ANY emirate let alone the 8th.

May 10, 2013, 11:21 PM
Here's some very good news: Kilroy Realty has quietly started working on the adaptive re-use portion of the Columbia Square development. Looks like mostly interior work/asbestos removal right now.





The new office buildings/22 story residential tower destined for the surface parking lot behind the existing buildings are still a month or two away from groundbreaking based on my recollection of the article on Curbed last month.

As for the other nearby Hollywood construction projects...

Blvd 6200 has come a long way. They are starting to lay the decking for the 2nd floor.


The Sunset Gordon Tower is now working on it's 7th floor.


Across the street, exterior work has really ramped up at Emerson College.


Illithid Dude
May 10, 2013, 11:42 PM
In other news, the penthouse condo of the W in Hollywood is asking $45 million. :haha:

May 11, 2013, 12:15 AM
Allow me, if you will, to keep on gushing about the new continental crosswalks all over the city. They are starting to pop up at major intersections like Hollywood/Highland, Wilshire/Vermont, etc. I just can't get enough of them. Who knew the city of LA could be capable of showing some semblance of competence?


May 11, 2013, 12:29 AM
Allow me, if you will, to keep on gushing about the new continental crosswalks all over the city. They are starting to pop up at major intersections like Hollywood/Highland, Wilshire/Vermont, etc. I just can't get enough of them. Who knew the city of LA could be capable of showing some semblance of competence?

In downtown when I don't see one now I get pissed off - like at 5th and Olive, which is a nasty intersection.

May 11, 2013, 12:36 AM
I see your point but I sure as hell don't want LA to look like ANY emirate let alone the 8th.

I'd be content if remaining DTLA/Hollywood infill were developed and the Wilshire skyline stretched from Westwood to DTLA. That'd be more than enough for our emirate.

May 11, 2013, 12:38 AM
Aside from being cheaper and quicker, do continental crosswalks have some sort of advantage over the fancier kinds with nice brickwork?

May 11, 2013, 12:45 AM
Aside from being cheaper and quicker, do continental crosswalks have some sort of advantage over the fancier kinds with nice brickwork?

I think it's more noticeable than brick (and probably reflective to an extent at night), and the pattern clearly indicates that cars shouldn't stop within that area. Brick seems a little more optional.

Illithid Dude
May 21, 2013, 6:29 AM
West Hollywood just approved the Sunset Millennium Project, which includes two ten story hotel towers, a nine story condo tower, and an eight story condo tower. The hotel towers are being designed by SOM, and the residential 'towers' are being designed by LOHA. I took some screenshots from the design PDF. The residential buildings, in particular, look really attractive. Very exciting!








May 21, 2013, 6:31 AM
wow. FINALLY. this has been in the works for years and years

May 21, 2013, 1:23 PM
A couple of back from the dead projects are present in the LA City Planner's Bi-weekly filings today.

The old Wilshire Hobart site:



Wilshire Center - Koreatown


96,500 SF

The Selma and Vine/Whole Foods project:


1540 N VINE ST

Central Hollywood


86,000 SF

May 21, 2013, 2:28 PM
Looks like a lot of long-dormant projects are seeing new life, which is great news. Let's hope the economy holds long enough for these guys to get started.

Regarding the Sunset Millennium project, the ads on the hotel portion make total sense, but I don't know how I would feel about looking out of my apartment/condo and seeing a 6-story ad right there. And this is coming from someone in advertising who buys those ads on a pretty regular basis.

May 21, 2013, 3:49 PM
A couple of back from the dead projects are present in the LA City Planner's Bi-weekly filings today.

The old Wilshire Hobart site:

The Selma and Vine/Whole Foods project:

how do you locate these notices?

May 21, 2013, 4:07 PM
Regarding the Sunset Millennium project, the ads on the hotel portion make total sense, but I don't know how I would feel about looking out of my apartment/condo and seeing a 6-story ad right there.

I was thinking the same thing. If some of the revenue from those ads goes toward offsetting HOA dues however, than it would be lots easier to tolerate.

May 21, 2013, 4:56 PM
how do you locate these notices?

Go to:


On the left hand sidebar, click "Case Information," and under that click "Bi-weekly case filings."

May 21, 2013, 5:32 PM
I was thinking the same thing. If some of the revenue from those ads goes toward offsetting HOA dues however, than it would be lots easier to tolerate.

The project looks pretty good, except for that fairly epic signage. Seems a little excessive to me (and I'm also in advertising/marketing) from both a hotel and condo perspective. Depending upon the price point of the condos, they might be a hard sell depending upon the view. I guess if there are HOA savings to be had, you could spend it on blackout shades.:cool: