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Oct 1, 2019, 2:22 AM
September 30, 2019


Oct 1, 2019, 3:15 AM
10 story project shot down. Sigh.... too bad Arena lost


What ever happened to Lightfoot putting an end to Aldermanic prerogative?

This is pathetic. Utterly, sickeningly pathetic. :( NIMBYs need to go the hell away, and the alderman needs to be smacked upside his head with a 2×4!

Aaron (Glowrock)

Busy Bee
Oct 1, 2019, 1:18 PM
But what about the children???

Oct 1, 2019, 2:32 PM
Market forces aren't going away. The city is only getting denser, developments will only get larger. 15 years ago it was probably a 6 story proposal getting shot down, now it's 10. When the Alderman finally bends to reality, it'll be 15-20 stories.
The NIMBYs only make it worse for themselves over time by rejecting current smaller proposals for future larger ones.

Oct 1, 2019, 5:18 PM
It doesn't even sound like NIMBYs were to blame for this one. The Old Irving Park Association is a notorious NIMBY group, but they supported this one - probably ebcause the site is such an eyesore. The Six Corners Association is more a business group so they are development-friendly by nature, but they also supported the proposal.

Most developers would dream of having the levels of community support that this project did.

Instead, it's just the alderman and a tiny handful of naysayers that denied this project against the majority opinion in the community. He's trying to send a message with this one, that he's not John Arena, that he stands with the racist, conservative, anti-growth faction on the Northwest Side, and that he will say NO to new developments that might bring "undesirables" in... even developments that the community seems to support.

Oct 1, 2019, 10:39 PM
I happen to live on a street with a 300 unit old folks home... the weekly ambulances carting off the dead ones tend to block the street.

they really should have a funeral home built in. talk about a mixed use development.

Oct 1, 2019, 11:01 PM
I happen to live on a street with a 300 unit old folks home... the weekly ambulances carting off the dead ones tend to block the street.

they really should have a funeral home built in. talk about a mixed use development.

This is so morbid but hilarious.

Oct 1, 2019, 11:06 PM
I happen to live on a street with a 300 unit old folks home... the weekly ambulances carting off the dead ones tend to block the street.

they really should have a funeral home built in. talk about a mixed use development.

Sounds like a business opportunity buddy. Jump on it.

Oct 1, 2019, 11:38 PM
10 story project shot down. Sigh.... too bad Arena lost


What ever happened to Lightfoot putting an end to Aldermanic prerogative?

From Greg Pratt on twitter (https://twitter.com/royalpratt/status/1179128231032770561):
Asked about Gardiner pledging to block this project, Mayor Lori Lightfoot said:
“I think Alderman Gardiner overstates his abilities.”

the urban politician
Oct 1, 2019, 11:57 PM
From Greg Pratt on twitter (https://twitter.com/royalpratt/status/1179128231032770561):
Asked about Gardiner pledging to block this project, Mayor Lori Lightfoot said:
“I think Alderman Gardiner overstates his abilities.”


It’s on!! :tup:

Oct 2, 2019, 1:38 AM
From Greg Pratt on twitter (https://twitter.com/royalpratt/status/1179128231032770561):
Asked about Gardiner pledging to block this project, Mayor Lori Lightfoot said:
“I think Alderman Gardiner overstates his abilities.”

Lol, love you Lori...

Oct 2, 2019, 2:04 AM
That comment is good... now I want to see her follow it up with action :)

Busy Bee
Oct 2, 2019, 3:00 AM
Sounds like a business opportunity buddy. Jump on it.

I'd be leery, I've heard a lot of people have gotten stiffed on those arrangements.

Oct 2, 2019, 4:11 AM
I'd be leery, I've heard a lot of people have gotten stiffed on those arrangements.

Yeah people don't like to coffin up the money for it. Sometimes the money goes up in smoke...

Although cremations in winter could help heat up the building.

Oct 2, 2019, 12:38 PM
Yeah people don't like to coffin up the money for it. Sometimes the money goes up in smoke...

Although cremations in winter could help heat up the building.

Such morbid. So punny. :)

Aaron (Glowrock)

Oct 2, 2019, 1:33 PM
Sept 13




Sept 23


Oct 2, 2019, 3:44 PM
Sept 25




Oct 2, 2019, 4:05 PM
Sept 25



Oct 2, 2019, 4:43 PM
Sept 26



Oct 2, 2019, 7:07 PM
Sept 25



Why is it that REALTORS TM have absolutely no taste whatsoever?

Oct 2, 2019, 11:00 PM
This is pathetic. Utterly, sickeningly pathetic. :( NIMBYs need to go the hell away, and the alderman needs to be smacked upside his head with a 2×4!

Aaron (Glowrock)

"Mayor Lori Lightfoot said Tuesday that Ald. Jim Gardiner (45th) “overstates his ability” to block The Point at Six Corners, a huge development proposed for the busy intersection of Cicero Avenue, Milwaukee Avenue and Irving Park Road."

Oct 3, 2019, 1:37 AM
Y'all should join the movement to save Thomson Center:


Oct 3, 2019, 1:56 AM
Per Ward email: The Covent Hotel at 2653 N. Clark is proposing to convert/renovate from 60 SRO rooms to 30 affordable apartments. A 7 story apartment building is being proposed to be built in the parking lot behind Covent with 84 market rate units and 52 parking spots.

Oct 3, 2019, 4:02 AM
Per Ward email: The Covent Hotel at 2653 N. Clark is proposing to convert/renovate from 60 SRO rooms to 30 affordable apartments. A 7 story apartment building is being proposed to be built in the parking lot behind Covent with 84 market rate units and 52 parking spots.

Excellent news! That place is more than a bit of a disaster right now, especially at street level!

Aaron (Glowrock)

Oct 3, 2019, 2:08 PM
Y'all should join the movement to save Thomson Center:


I was initially all for this one biting the dust, but I’m starting to tread back from that. The exterior is meh, but the atrium is attractive.

Oct 3, 2019, 2:42 PM
I was initially all for this one biting the dust, but I’m starting to tread back from that. The exterior is meh, but the atrium is attractive.

I'm pretty ambivalent about the building, but I want the State to sell it. If that means it gets demo'd so be it.

Oct 3, 2019, 3:43 PM
I'm pretty ambivalent about the building, but I want the State to sell it. If that means it gets demo'd so be it.

Same. I understand it is a work of art to some, but great architecture is about marrying form AND function. This building wasn't designed to be very efficient, and it's costing the state instead of contributing like a block at this locale should be.

Oct 3, 2019, 8:16 PM
For all of its issues, if we lose the Thompson Center we'll never see a building like it again in Chicago.
Every time I walk through, I pause and take it all in. I'm not optimistic about it sticking around.

the urban politician
Oct 3, 2019, 8:19 PM
For all of its issues, if we lose the Thompson Center we'll never see a building like it again in Chicago.
Every time I walk through, I pause and take it all in. I'm not optimistic about it sticking around.

See, now we know that the building styles of a particular era have reached "worth preservation" status when people say things like this.

Oct 3, 2019, 9:37 PM
It’s an irreplaceable spectacle with its impressive atrium. But it’s aged terribly, difficult to upgrade, difficult to adapt.

Oct 3, 2019, 10:44 PM
It’s an irreplaceable spectacle with its impressive atrium. But it’s aged terribly, difficult to upgrade, difficult to adapt.

All buildings require ongoing investment, whether they are painted in pastel colors or steel and black granite. The neglect that the State has subjected this building to is not a justification for tearing it down.

As for "difficult to upgrade" - I find it hard to imagine that in almost 40 years, building technology has not advanced sufficiently to solve the issues with the Thompson Center... the biggest issue by far IIRC is the HVAC situation. But computers nowadays can do incredibly advanced energy modeling to determine the most cost-effective ways to retrofit the building. I imagine the solution would be a combination of upgrades to the building envelope - films, frits, tinted glass, etc - and re-balancing of the HVAC system to provide the right amounts of heating/cooling to the right areas.

Once you get past the HVAC issue, the other gripes about the building fall flat. Some state employees were complaining about the frayed carpet and dingy furniture! No shit, a bargain-basement carpet and Chinese-made cubicles from the 80s will require replacement after 40 years of heavy use. Those same employees also complained about noise, but acoustic issues are also an easy fix, and also an area where computer modeling can help suggest the right locations to install sound-dampening materials.

Regardless of how you feel about the aesthetics of the building, the Thompson Center is at an age in its life-cycle where all large buildings require major re-investment. Illinois taxpayers would be facing a big bill to rehabilitate this building even if the building had a perfect design with no major issues from the outset... so you can't use "expensive to upgrade" as an argument against this design. The best-case scenario would still have required a 9-figure investment after 40 years for a building of this size.

Oct 4, 2019, 1:31 AM
And then you're still looking at suboptimal usage of the land there. Fiscally speaking, the logical choice is to sell and tear down. Now, if there was a city on Earth to make the fiscally irresponsible choice on a decision, this would be the one, but even here, I fully expect demolition in the next decade. I for one, look forward to that day.

Oct 4, 2019, 1:32 AM
For all of its issues, if we lose the Thompson Center we'll never see a building like it again in Chicago.
Every time I walk through, I pause and take it all in. I'm not optimistic about it sticking around.

We'll never see a lot of designs again. Doesn't mean they're worthy of protection. Gotta prove significance. Rarity and uniqueness =/= preservable

Oct 4, 2019, 2:02 AM
Y'all should join the movement to save Thomson Center:


I'm good for it to go, especially if it means we get something with real height/density there.

Oct 4, 2019, 2:05 AM
And then you're still looking at suboptimal usage of the land there. Fiscally speaking, the logical choice is to sell and tear down. Now, if there was a city on Earth to make the fiscally irresponsible choice on a decision, this would be the one, but even here, I fully expect demolition in the next decade. I for one, look forward to that day.

This is what they said about Block 37 when they razed it. And look at the festering garbage we got. B37 is probably less dense than what was there before.

How many more times do we need to turn landmarks into giant vacant blocks that sit empty for 20 years and end up being filled with banal trash before we figure out that the "underutilized land" and "needs repairs" arguments are a bag of flaming dogshit?

the urban politician
Oct 4, 2019, 12:42 PM
This is what they said about Block 37 when they razed it. And look at the festering garbage we got. B37 is probably less dense than what was there before.

How many more times do we need to turn landmarks into giant vacant blocks that sit empty for 20 years and end up being filled with banal trash before we figure out that the "underutilized land" and "needs repairs" arguments are a bag of flaming dogshit?

I don’t think B37 is less dense than what was there before. And really the only thing about it that sucks is the fact that they built a mall right when malls were going out of fashion.

Ultimately I think the mall will fold some day, and when it does that space can be repurposed. I don’t see that much retail making sense there. You can have streetfront retail with perhaps an option for two level stores. The rest can be converted into office space, or, if possible, a boutique luxury hotel. But keep the AMC movie theatre.

Oct 4, 2019, 3:17 PM
Re: the Thompson Center and it being old or suboptimal or, absurdly, "Rarity and uniqueness =/= preservable," click here - https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e8/Chicago_Federal_Building.jpg
or especially here - http://www.greatbuildings.com/cgi-bin/gbi.cgi/Marshall_Field_Store.html/cid_1138861595_250071v.html

Oct 4, 2019, 4:11 PM
Re: the Thompson Center and it being old or suboptimal or, absurdly, "Rarity and uniqueness =/= preservable," click here - https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e8/Chicago_Federal_Building.jpg
or especially here - http://www.greatbuildings.com/cgi-bin/gbi.cgi/Marshall_Field_Store.html/cid_1138861595_250071v.html

Only two examples of hundreds in Chicago. You could build three or four historically great cities with the buildings we've thrown away. This is the only place on Earth you can find sites where there were two or three generations of landmark buildings on a site before the existing landmark was constructed.

Oct 4, 2019, 6:36 PM
I don’t think B37 is less dense than what was there before. And really the only thing about it that sucks is the fact that they built a mall right when malls were going out of fashion.

Ultimately I think the mall will fold some day, and when it does that space can be repurposed. I don’t see that much retail making sense there. You can have streetfront retail with perhaps an option for two level stores. The rest can be converted into office space, or, if possible, a boutique luxury hotel. But keep the AMC movie theatre.

I kind of like Block 37. It would be a good place for some additional boutique museums.

Oct 4, 2019, 6:50 PM
I kind of like Block 37. It would be a good place for some additional boutique museums.

Agreed. The Design Museum was fun, and the pop-up game store did wonders for my collection.

Oct 4, 2019, 6:53 PM
Maybe someday we can get a transportation museum in the cavern. Or an elephant museum.

Oct 5, 2019, 1:05 AM
North Avenue in Old Town about to get a little denser. Building permit issued to build a new 6 story, 35 unit building with ground floor retail. All 1 and 2 bedrooms. It's to replace a 1 story restaurant building that housed Pops Italian Beef and before that My Fit Foods. I think maybe the 1 story nail salon next door is going away but unsure.


This is close to the 10 story, 33 unit luxury building going up at North & Clark. Architect for this one is Axios.

Oct 8, 2019, 1:06 AM
Lake Shore Drive Bridge

LSD Bridge - Old pilings ignited when someone tried taking off the cap with a torch.

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/48862606076_da5d7b4f9c_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2hrPCrs)Smoke on the water (https://flic.kr/p/2hrPCrs) by Harry Carmichael (https://www.flickr.com/photos/harryrcarmichael/), on Flickr

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/48862606546_1f87f78bb1_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2hrPCzy)Smoke on the water (https://flic.kr/p/2hrPCzy) by Harry Carmichael (https://www.flickr.com/photos/harryrcarmichael/), on Flickr

Chicago Shawn
Oct 8, 2019, 2:05 AM
Outstanding photos Harry! You really are everywhere at a moment’s notice.

Oct 8, 2019, 3:13 PM

Can't tell exactly whats going on here, is this mattress firm biting the dust?:
Oct. 2018: https://www.google.com/maps/@41.9095039,-87.6482705,3a,75y,267.68h,105.13t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sptYHpO_prF2SXWS8jjiGfA!2e0!5s20181001T000000!7i16384!8i8192

EDIT: Yes, according to Chicago Cityscape, that 1-story mattress store built in 2013 is being demolished. Net Positive in my book!

Oct 8, 2019, 3:20 PM
Has anyone heard about a potential project at 3726 N Lake Shore Drive? There is an old classic walk-up there now.

Oct 8, 2019, 3:46 PM

Trubune reports 1538 N Elston and 3 adjoining properties to be auctioned. Can be combined on 1 bid or parceled. Right across North Ave from Lincoln Yards. Could be transformation for this auto sewer hell hole. North/Elston/Noble St. frontage + full length alleyway access. Right now a crappy construction storage yards, large parking lot 2- 1 storey commercial boxes and 1 resi 2 flat.

Google Link (https://www.google.com/maps/place/1538+N+Elston+Ave,+Chicago,+IL+60642/@41.909707,-87.6626686,18.35z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x880fd2d946616185:0x8a83a215cb955d9!8m2!3d41.910049!4d-87.662062)

Oct 8, 2019, 8:06 PM
Per Ward email: The Covent Hotel at 2653 N. Clark is proposing to convert/renovate from 60 SRO rooms to 30 affordable apartments. A 7 story apartment building is being proposed to be built in the parking lot behind Covent with 84 market rate units and 52 parking spots.
And here it is. I'll take the added density:


Oct 8, 2019, 9:39 PM
^It looks like the new building is only covering 1/2 or a little more of the current surface lot. I wonder if USPS is maintaining some of their parking back there. At very least I hope this project will be enclosing the former theater lobby that has served as a drive through to the parking for all of these years since the theater component to the Covent was demolished. It would be nice to have another retail space rather than a curb cut fronting Clark.

Oct 9, 2019, 12:19 AM
Michael Reese Proposal:

Phase 1






-New 31st Street Metra Station

-10 to 14M sq ft of space once build out

-Plan Commission fall 2020?

Oct 9, 2019, 1:26 AM
October 7, 2019


Oct 9, 2019, 1:45 AM
1100 W Randolph - Former MTV "Real World" house
October 7, 2019


That's a pretty extreme way to make sure all the RW herpes have all been eliminated from the house... It was probably warranted, though.


Oct 9, 2019, 1:47 AM
October 7, 2019


A perfect ending for all things MTV. If only the entire network could get the same fate. Old guy out!

Oct 9, 2019, 2:21 AM
Chicago Ave possibly getting better very soon in River North (or whatever you want to call that area for real) with 3 new proposals - 2 on surface lots and the other for that 1 story and mostly surface lot of the currency exchange.

1) The currency exchange building at Chicago & La Salle has more conrete plans now. It will have a total of 36 units that will be rented by the bed, not by the unit. Total bed count would be 108. Co-living basically and they'd team up with NY based Common for it. Building at 7 stories tall. Total of 36 parking spaces with ground floor retail.

Source: https://www.chicagobusiness.com/commercial-real-estate/dorm-adults-pitched-chicago-avenue-site

ALSO: The article above mentions 2 other sites on Chicago Ave that were recently pitched for new

2) 401 W Chicago Ave (& Sedgwick): Currently a surface parking lot. 9 story, 59 condo units proposed by LG. Alternate plans for a 93 unit building on the same site. 71 parking spaces with ground floor retail.



3) 757 N Hudson (Chicago & Hudson). Currently a vacant lot with proposal for a 9 story 133 unit building from LG. 37 parking spaces with ground floor retail



So LG in one block on Chicago Avenue is proposing 2 new buildings that would total between 192 and 226 units. 1st rendering above shows both buildings along Chicago Avenue. Massive improvement over what's there right now from ground floor perspective, though the overall design leaves a lot to be desired. More info:

Oct 9, 2019, 1:28 PM
Michael Reese Proposal:

Phase 1


-New 31st Street Metra Station

-10 to 14M sq ft of space once build out

-Plan Commission fall 2020?

Interesting, thanks for sharing - who is the developer? Were you able to take any photos of other phases of the presentation, closer to McCormick Place? I admit, I'm out of the loop on what's going on here...

Oct 9, 2019, 2:21 PM
^One Chicago Square plus these other proposals will go a long way toward densifying Chicago Ave--plus Moody for sale and the Tribune lot redevelopment? The northwest section of River North is going to be wildly different 10 years from now--hopefully the city can figure out a dedicated bus lane on Chicago....

Oct 9, 2019, 3:06 PM
Chicago Ave possibly getting better very soon in River North (or whatever you want to call that area for real) with 3 new proposals - 2 on surface lots and the other for that 1 story and mostly surface lot of the currency exchange.

1) The currency exchange building at Chicago & La Salle has more conrete plans now. It will have a total of 36 units that will be rented by the bed, not by the unit. Total bed count would be 108. Co-living basically and they'd team up with NY based Common for it. Building at 7 stories tall. Total of 36 parking spaces with ground floor retail.

Source: https://www.chicagobusiness.com/commercial-real-estate/dorm-adults-pitched-chicago-avenue-site

ALSO: The article above mentions 2 other sites on Chicago Ave that were recently pitched for new

2) 401 W Chicago Ave (& Sedgwick): Currently a surface parking lot. 9 story, 59 condo units proposed by LG. Alternate plans for a 93 unit building on the same site. 71 parking spaces with ground floor retail.


3) 757 N Hudson (Chicago & Hudson). Currently a vacant lot with proposal for a 9 story 133 unit building from LG. 37 parking spaces with ground floor retail


So LG in one block on Chicago Avenue is proposing 2 new buildings that would total between 192 and 226 units. 1st rendering above shows both buildings along Chicago Avenue. Massive improvement over what's there right now from ground floor perspective, though the overall design leaves a lot to be desired. More info:

Soil testing rig was at the lot at 300 W Huron a couple of weeks ago (the lot is behind my office). Previous plan was for condos and now it's office. Same developer will be filling in another couple of lots along Franklin with office.

Oct 9, 2019, 8:51 PM
Has anyone heard about a potential project at 3726 N Lake Shore Drive? There is an old classic walk-up there now.

Yes I live nearby. The current walk-up is a four unit building that was having some restoration work done on the exterior. However, when the contractors opened up the terracotta facade the underlying structure was found to be in very bad shape. Apparently, the owners and contractor felt it wasn't possible or economic to repair the building.

So instead it's been sold to a developer that plans on demolishing the walk-up, which also comes with an expansive back yard and garage, and instead building a long corridor style apartment building that's four stories high and has 40 to 50 rental units.

Busy Bee
Oct 9, 2019, 10:28 PM
^Absolutely insane someone wouldn't try to build a slender high rise here - a minimum of 20 floors. This is a weird town.

Oct 9, 2019, 10:50 PM
Interesting, thanks for sharing - who is the developer? Were you able to take any photos of other phases of the presentation, closer to McCormick Place? I admit, I'm out of the loop on what's going on here...

There were no other phases shown and the reception from the crowd was not negative.

HERE'S THE PRESENTATION (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1oc9LccVLiuohJUflLYXepD9CIlA6a9yF/view)

Oct 10, 2019, 1:18 PM
^Absolutely insane someone wouldn't try to build a slender high rise here - a minimum of 20 floors. This is a weird town.

This one is pretty easy: The lot is currently zoned RM-5, which limits the height of the building to 47'. Getting it rezoned denser is probably an uphill battle with three condo buildings to the immediate north, one of which would have significant impact to it's views from it's B units, and the New Yorker being right there as well.

It wouldn't make for a very cost effective high rise either. The site is only 50' wide. Maximum building width could probably only be 40' in order to have windows on the sides. So you would get most likely a single loaded corridor with all units facing south and a long inefficient corridor serving them.

Oct 10, 2019, 2:39 PM
^Absolutely insane someone wouldn't try to build a slender high rise here - a minimum of 20 floors. This is a weird town.

well, #zoning

but 4 units becoming 50 units is a pretty good increase in density regardless of height

Busy Bee
Oct 10, 2019, 8:22 PM
This one is pretty easy: The lot is currently zoned RM-5, which limits the height of the building to 47'. Getting it rezoned denser is probably an uphill battle with three condo buildings to the immediate north, one of which would have significant impact to it's views from it's B units, and the New Yorker being right there as well.

It wouldn't make for a very cost effective high rise either. The site is only 50' wide. Maximum building width could probably only be 40' in order to have windows on the sides. So you would get most likely a single loaded corridor with all units facing south and a long inefficient corridor serving them.

One would think one thing would make all that worthwhile: Lake Michigan and the desire to have views of it. I just can't help but think almost ever other major city on earth would be building a glassy highrise on this lot. That's all I'm saying.

Via Chicago
Oct 10, 2019, 8:37 PM
A perfect ending for all things MTV. If only the entire network could get the same fate. Old guy out!

dont know why we're celebrating but that building easily could have been considered contributing to the historic district

Oct 10, 2019, 8:39 PM
One would think one thing would make all that worthwhile: Lake Michigan and the desire to have views of it. I just can't help but think almost ever other major city on earth would be building a glassy highrise on this lot. That's all I'm saying.

I've seen the lot quite a bit. It's just not big enough to do that. Just the elevator core alone, let alone lot line setbacks for windows, would leave too little usable floorspace to make the project economic. It's already 38' wide after setbacks, with a corridor running along the northern part of the building, and the two stairwells and one elevator already take up about half the width of the building.

Oct 10, 2019, 9:42 PM
1) The currency exchange building at Chicago & La Salle has more conrete plans now. It will have a total of 36 units that will be rented by the bed, not by the unit. Total bed count would be 108. Co-living basically and they'd team up with NY based Common for it. Building at 7 stories tall. Total of 36 parking spaces with ground floor retail.

Looks like there's a newer (taller?) rendering on curbed (https://chicago.curbed.com/2019/10/9/20906897/river-north-development-co-living).

Oct 10, 2019, 9:55 PM
Looks like there's a newer (taller?) rendering on curbed (https://chicago.curbed.com/2019/10/9/20906897/river-north-development-co-living).

Looks fine to me, I'm sure the "this should be a super tall!" crowd will have some things to say but I love the added density to Chicago. A couple other glaring lots to be filled but with One Chicago Square adding so much activity to the area, I wouldn't be surprised to see a continuous street wall from State-Orleans in the nearish future.

Oct 10, 2019, 11:42 PM
October 7, 2019



Oct 11, 2019, 12:02 AM
Loop office tower to become largest communal living property ever proposed in Chicago

" Chicago developer plans to bring 505 co-living residents to a 41-story Loop office tower, the largest communal living property ever proposed in the city.

CityPads has a deal to buy the top 31 floors of the 92-year-old Clark Adams Building, with plans to invest $80 million converting the office space into small, shared apartments that will be managed by co-living firm Common, CityPads founder Andy Ahitow said."


Oct 11, 2019, 3:19 AM
^ only good news if power washing the facade is part of the renovation

Oct 11, 2019, 3:46 AM
^ only good news if power washing the facade is part of the renovation

Please for the love of God, this building needs to be cleaned. Here's a postcard of what the building used to look like


Steely Dan
Oct 11, 2019, 2:09 PM
and here's the building's current state.

a power-washing will certainly help, but the fancy cornices have been gone for decades, and i doubt they're coming back.

source: https://en.phorio.com/bankers_building,_chicago,_united_states

Oct 11, 2019, 2:11 PM
Loop office tower to become largest communal living property ever proposed in Chicago

" Chicago developer plans to bring 505 co-living residents to a 41-story Loop office tower, the largest communal living property ever proposed in the city.

CityPads has a deal to buy the top 31 floors of the 92-year-old Clark Adams Building, with plans to invest $80 million converting the office space into small, shared apartments that will be managed by co-living firm Common, CityPads founder Andy Ahitow said."

That's a giant conversion. Glad to see unused office space in the central loop being converted, rather than sitting unused. And adding to Loop residential

Oct 11, 2019, 2:56 PM
Yikes! $1400 for an adult dorm room, no thanks! I guess it's alright for a short 1-2 month work assignment if someone has to do that. I couldn't imagine living in a tiny room long term.

Via Chicago
Oct 11, 2019, 3:13 PM
a power-washing will certainly help, but the fancy cornices have been gone for decades, and i doubt they're coming back.

man what would prompt someone to remove those

Busy Bee
Oct 11, 2019, 4:19 PM
^A structural engineer or masonry contractor saying they saw one or a few areas that were in weakened condition, scared the daylights out of the building owner with anecdotes of falling pieces paired with a perverse quote for repair and bam, "well we better just remove it all then (who gives a shit, it is the 60's/70's afterall)".

Steely Dan
Oct 11, 2019, 4:24 PM
^ yeah, that's probably how it went down.

sadly, this building is a case study in how not to take care of a landmark property.

Oct 11, 2019, 7:31 PM
I walk by this building all the time. I get why an old building could get so dirty, but why is it dirty and clean in a checkerboard pattern?

Oct 11, 2019, 7:45 PM
I walk by this building all the time. I get why an old building could get so dirty, but why is it dirty and clean in a checkerboard pattern?

All of the clean bricks are products of previous facade repairs. Buildings trypically have deterioration at the corners and at the line between floors or at window lintels (especially since historic highrises utilized a combination fo steel construction and loadbearing masonry at the exterior walls with no expansion or control joints. All of the clean brick is replacement brick that one can only hope actually matches the historic brick once it's cleaned. Otherwise it will always be a checkerboard.

Oct 11, 2019, 8:05 PM
^ maybe they should just not clean it then? After bringing everything else up to good repair that could look kind of bad ass?

It's amazing a building this large is still in this shape in the loop. Looks like it landed from Detroit (no offense intended).

Busy Bee
Oct 11, 2019, 9:39 PM
A must see post on the building can be found here (http://arcchicago.blogspot.com/2013/06/frayed-motley-bankers-building-master.html).

Oct 11, 2019, 11:24 PM
Ugh! That old photo of The Bankers Building has the old Chicago Federal Building in it-- IMO THE biggest demolition mistake in Chicago's history.

Oct 12, 2019, 1:47 AM
Oct 7

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/48882641518_7c612a1869_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2htAjh7)Chicago | Realators (https://flic.kr/p/2htAjh7) by Harry Carmichael (https://www.flickr.com/photos/harryrcarmichael/), on Flickr

Oct 12, 2019, 2:08 AM
Oct 7





Oct 12, 2019, 2:19 AM
Oct 7

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/48883262011_99a8ac2305_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2htDuJg)Chicago | Bikeway (https://flic.kr/p/2htDuJg) by Harry Carmichael (https://www.flickr.com/photos/harryrcarmichael/), on Flickr

Oct 12, 2019, 1:43 PM
Oct 7

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/48882641518_7c612a1869_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2htAjh7)Chicago | Realators (https://flic.kr/p/2htAjh7) by Harry Carmichael (https://www.flickr.com/photos/harryrcarmichael/), on Flickr

Nice picture Harry.

But man, I hate this building. It's chintzy and feels like it was plucked out of a soulless suburban office park.

Bike path is cool, though, wish it was there when I lived in Chicago.

Oct 12, 2019, 2:42 PM
^ would of been great if the that proposed development a few years back which included knocking down the realtor building..expanding the plaza and building a 90 plus story building on the huge lot behind it came to fruition... they were going for Chicago's version of Rockefeller center i believe... would of be interesting to see

Oct 12, 2019, 4:48 PM
^Agreed on both counts! I passionately hate his building. I hope something tall gets built behind it in that huge parking lot some day.

Busy Bee
Oct 12, 2019, 5:59 PM
Was there ever a loose rendition or a massing study for that previous proposal, I can't recall?

Oct 13, 2019, 6:58 PM
Oct 7

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/48882641518_7c612a1869_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2htAjh7)Chicago | Realators (https://flic.kr/p/2htAjh7) by Harry Carmichael (https://www.flickr.com/photos/harryrcarmichael/), on Flickr

Agreed, this building is horrendous, especially as a neighbor to the beautiful Wrigley Building and Tribune Tower.
Especially bad is the signage... please tell me that blue logo at the top is temporary. It looks to be painted on the glass?

Oct 13, 2019, 8:28 PM
^^^ It's the National Association of Realtors...

A more tasteless assemblage of humans has never occurred at any other time in human history.

Oct 14, 2019, 4:34 AM
The Realtors Building was once a beautiful mid century modern -


Oct 17, 2019, 12:14 PM
A few new zoning applications:

1) Proposal to replace this 1 story building + parking lot at 1848-1858 S Racine (near 18th Street) in Pilsen with a 5 story, 37 unit building with 31 parking spaces. Max height of 58 feet.


2) Proposal to replace this bad looking vacant lot at 1801 W Grand (Grand & Wood) with a 4 story, 20 unit building with ground floor commercial space and 20 parking spaces. 50 feet tall


3) Proposal to replace a surface parking lot at 6632-58 W North Ave in Galewood with a new 4 story 59 unit building with 90 indoor parking spaces


4) Proposal to replace a vacant lot at 4930-5004 W 44th St with a school campus for the "Academy for Global Citizenship". To include "seasonal and learning gardens, orchards, greenhouse, and 'farm' areas, compositing, barn, and livestock areas, bee keeping and produce sales." Also 8 dwelling units and 23 parking spaces.


Their website: https://agcchicago.org/

Oct 17, 2019, 6:28 PM
A few new zoning applications:

1) Proposal to replace this 1 story building + parking lot at 1848-1858 S Racine (near 18th Street) in Pilsen with a 5 story, 37 unit building with 31 parking spaces. Max height of 58 feet.


This was a building proposed by The Resurrection Project. It's 100% affordable housing, but the neighbors said it "looked like gentrification" so they came out in force against it. Then the developer chopped a floor off and switched from black to red brick, and nobody was really any happier...

I guess they'd be fine if the developer planned to build 4 3-flats, but then we'd only get 12 units of affordable housing instead of 37, and no elevator to make it easier for disabled people and seniors. I wish our leaders were honest with the community about the trade-offs in any development project, and the need to grow the housing supply, instead of selling the fiction that there's a "magic bullet" to gentrification that will keep everybody in their apartments forever with perfect maintenance and no rent increases. No alderman is really great at explaining these trade-offs, but Pawar did a decent job when he was alderman.

Supposedly the developer is teaming up with Skender to do this with modular construction, but I'll believe it when I see it. More likely it ends up being conventional construction.

Oct 17, 2019, 7:37 PM
This was a building proposed by The Resurrection Project. It's 100% affordable housing, but the neighbors said it "looked like gentrification" so they came out in force against it. Then the developer chopped a floor off and switched from black to red brick, and nobody was really any happier...

I guess they'd be fine if the developer planned to build 4 3-flats, but then we'd only get 12 units of affordable housing instead of 37, and no elevator to make it easier for disabled people and seniors. I wish our leaders were honest with the community about the trade-offs in any development project, and the need to grow the housing supply, instead of selling the fiction that there's a "magic bullet" to gentrification that will keep everybody in their apartments forever with perfect maintenance and no rent increases. No alderman is really great at explaining these trade-offs, but Pawar did a decent job when he was alderman.

Supposedly the developer is teaming up with Skender to do this with modular construction, but I'll believe it when I see it. More likely it ends up being conventional construction.

Lol, what the hell do they want? TRP is a decent affordable housing developer. Things are getting crazy stupid in Chicago.

Oct 17, 2019, 11:01 PM
Oct 15

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/48916122956_32d7c57eb3_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2hwxV9h)Chicago | 430 N LaSalle (https://flic.kr/p/2hwxV9h) by Harry Carmichael (https://www.flickr.com/photos/harryrcarmichael/), on Flickr

Oct 17, 2019, 11:38 PM
Building permit issued yesterday to add 4 floors onto the 2 story commercial building at 2353 S Wentworth in Chinatown for a new hotel. This was written about in May 2018 - plans back then called for 168 rooms. I assume plans are still about the same


And speaking of Chinatown, looks like the first restaurant in the new retail "mall" at 2300 S Archer got a permit to build out. This one is for "BBQ House" linked to Naperville.

Oct 18, 2019, 1:08 AM
Oct 16



Oct 18, 2019, 1:30 AM
Oct 16

Almost there



Oct 18, 2019, 2:02 AM
Oct 16

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/48916182088_2d9c04819d_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2hwydHN)Chicago | Realtors bldg (https://flic.kr/p/2hwydHN) by Harry Carmichael (https://www.flickr.com/photos/harryrcarmichael/), on Flickr