I realize I don't go to Seattle nearly enough considering how close I live. Well, my wife and son had to fly out of town a couple weeks ago and I decided to take a trip north on I-5 to spend some quality time in the city. It was a Sunday and I had to be back in Portland for work Monday morning, but I rarely get time to drive anywhere on my own and/or spend the day taking photos, so the 6-hour round trip wasn't enough to deter me. I meant to stay until after sunset and take a few night shots before heading back home, but my camera battery died right around sunset and the backup I packed was a dud. Just as well, I guess, since it started raining almost immediately after I left.
Anyway, here's a Sunday's worth of photos. I tried not to duplicate too much of what I did in the other Seattle thread I posted back in 2009. If you're interested, here's a link to that one.
F*cking hell!
*hides head in shame at my thread from the same weekend*
It was totally gorgeous on that Sunday morning and the visibility was stellar. Got a bit cold around noon when the clouds moved in (I was on a boat) and then nice and sunny again in the afternoon (roaming Chinatown). Did you manage to get a shot of Rainier before it totally disappeared behind the clouds?
Great city. My wife is basically ready to ditch Santa Barbara and move up there. I tried to explain to her that it rains all the time but we lucked out with the weather.
Even if you are 1 in a million, there are still 8,000 people just like you...
As a resident, albeit a newer one, I'd say you've captured a lot of the lingering imagery floating around in my head that encompasses how I view this city. LOVE the shots from the north(U District and Walingford?) - as much as I love the iconic Beacon Hill view, you can't grasp the size of the city nearly as well as it is laid out from the north/northwest.
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yeah, i'd say for an afternoon's effort, this is a hell of a seakkle set. love the shot of the ship through the alaskan viaduct and the graffiti wall panos.
Did you manage to get a shot of Rainier before it totally disappeared behind the clouds?
no, I didn't even see it on the drive up there. It was sunny off and on, but whenever I was anywhere where I might have had a vantage point to the mountain, it was behind clouds.
Originally Posted by bgwah
You sure liked photographing the International District, didn't you?