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  1. Hong Kong...to turn away pregnant mainland women
  2. Corporate campuses on the rise
  3. It's quiz time! **UPDATED AGAIN** Round 3 is here!!!
  4. Are "Superstar cities" a myth?
  5. Organized Crime - Does it exist in your city?
  6. City of Toronto public schools score high marks.
  7. In Setback for New Orleans, Fed-Up Residents Give Up
  8. Involuntary annexation -- yes or no?
  9. Germany by rail, special edition - Berlin, 1930
  10. Welcome to China's China
  11. CA New Urbanism Misses the Mark--So Far
  12. SF at Center of New Tech Boom
  13. Jacksonville Deconsolidation? Group calls for equality from city
  14. Scaffolding...when is it excessive?
  15. 100% pedestrianized cities, the only hope for a utopian society?
  16. As Newark Neighbor Moves Toward Rebirth, Some Pains Are Felt
  17. Brussels: Even With Change, an Affordable Capital
  18. A Condo Tower Grows in Brooklyn (Williamsburg and Gentrification)
  19. Building Wal-Marts to build communities
  20. New Orleans' Custom District Sets New Record For 2006--$153 Billion
  21. New York Tops 8 Big Cities in Taxes, Study Shows
  22. 700,000 to 800,000 Out Of Towners Visit New Orleans For Mardi Gras, 2007
  23. Post-Katrina Baton Rouge struggles with its identity
  24. The next big 'green' thing? Your future condo could be built with dirt floors.
  25. Movies? San Francisco makes movies.
  26. GARY INDIANA-It wasn't always the armpit of the midwest.
  27. Lust for Height (world ss situation)
  28. How many Olympic stadiums have you visited ?
  29. An interview with James Howard Kunstler--interesting
  30. NYT: Making the Return Trip: Elderly Head Back North
  31. Which cities seem to be "dividing lines" between sports team allegiences?
  32. Report says PHILLY doing better, more work to be done
  33. Bohemian Today, High-Rent Tomorrow
  34. Will New Orleans lose 2008 NBA All-Star Game?
  35. One way to stimulate the local economy: Print your own money (legitimately!)
  36. NPS will commemorate slaves where freedom began
  37. A Tale of Two Cities...New Orleans Conventioneers Speak
  38. Voter turnout in big city municipal elections
  39. Wheeling, WV: Valley Residents Enjoy Quality of Life
  40. South Korea’s Main Chinatown Lacks Only the Chinese
  41. Is "Manhattanization" and "being like LA" really a bad thing?
  42. city mutations...
  43. Miami Skyline: 1977 to 2007
  44. Defining moments in your city's recent history
  45. Toronto's boom in 5 star hotels!
  46. The Brain Gain...Young Professionals Are Flocking To Post-Katrina New Orleans
  47. Washington Heights (NYC): New Winds at an Island Outpost
  48. The American South: Goodbye to the Blues
  49. Second Avenue Subway and resulting development (NYC)
  50. Wall Street becomes a 'historic place'
  51. New York government employ more workers per capita than other big states
  52. How do claustrophobes deal with densification and mass transit?
  53. Capital cities you have visited
  54. Portland proposes 11 steps to cut fuel consumption in half by 2030
  55. Effect of street layout on neighborhood vibrancy
  56. 100 Main Street, Your Town
  57. Has you city hosted the Olympics? if so...
  58. 2005 Largest Gross Metropolitan Product of US Metro Areas
  59. Grow Your Own Home???
  60. Tired of lists? Here's another one - most walkable cities (US)
  61. For London's New Super-Rich, No Whim Need Go Unfulfilled
  62. Violent Crime in Cities Shows Sharp Surge (US)
  63. Mayor: Detroit to float $1 billion bond, reduce income and property taxes
  64. BET.com Ranks Charlotte, NC as 'Best City' for Black Americans
  65. The Richest City in the World (No, not Dubai!)
  66. Another richest cities list. Newest version .
  67. How tax cuts saved Philadelphia (and its lessons for Pittsburgh)
  68. Philadelphia: History..... and Dance Mecca?
  69. Caffeinating Web 2.0 in SF and Elsewhere
  70. The Theme-Parking, Megachurching, Franching, Exurbing, and McMansioning of America
  71. Urban Waterfronts
  72. San Francisco 'most energetic' city
  73. Almost all of Toronto's recent population growth suburban
  74. Extreme Makeover: The Reputation of Robert Moses
  75. traditional neighborhood?
  76. No hope for urban America?
  77. cities that dominate their country
  78. Urban farms take root (Detroit)
  79. 'Place-Making' Offers; an Alternative to Sprawl
  80. what type of stores ?
  81. Atlantic City Aiming Higher as Casinos Slip
  82. UAE's GDP grew by 23.5% and the economy by 8.9%
  83. What do you do with a used Olympic Stadium?
  84. Housing slump has struck the hardest in the Middle
  85. Post These Bills: My case for posters, with photos from around the world
  86. Japan: Micro-Homes in the Big City
  87. Downtown America
  88. Houses cheaper than cars in Detroit
  89. The future of downtown Salt Lake City
  90. In Surge in Manhattan Toddlers, Rich White Families Lead Way
  91. Home Depot to test superstores, mini-stores
  92. Remember this New Orleans Stat...It Will go Down in History...
  93. How would Giuliani as President affect American cities?
  94. Los Angeles: The Art’s Here. Where’s the Crowd?
  95. Which City Would You Choose by Region (Internationale)
  96. Never Say Never [to living in the suburbs]
  97. Earth Day Urban Environment Report: Check where your city ranks (US cities only)
  98. When athletes criticize cities
  99. New York still the high-rise building champ
  100. Protecting City Government Funding from Subslums and Exurbums