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Feb 18, 2007, 11:01 AM
S.F. at center of new tech boom
Competitive leases, skilled workers lure Internet, software companies to downtown office buildings

Verne Kopytoff and Marni Leff Kottle, Chronicle Staff Writers
Sunday, February 18, 2007

The new headquarters of StubHub will fill the second and third floors of this office building at 199 Fremont St. in downtown San Francisco

New offices for StubHub, an online ticket seller, are being renovated at 199 Fremont St. in San Francisco as new construction rises nearby.

Their lease in Palo Alto about to expire, executives of music Web site Imeem Inc. scoured several Bay Area cities for a new headquarters.

After a four-month search, they decided on an office in San Francisco, conveniently near a raft of their company's business partners, including an independent record label and radio station. Lobbying by employees was also a factor: Most workers already lived in the city and dreaded commuting to Silicon Valley.

"In San Francisco, we get the engineering talent, we get the marketing talent and the quality of life is really good," said Steve Jang, vice president of marketing and business development for Imeem, now based in a converted warehouse in San Francisco's South of Market neighborhood. "Even if there were a lower rent and better office space somewhere else, it wouldn't make sense to go there."

For technology companies, San Francisco is -- once again -- the place to be. Proximity to top workers, competitive lease prices and an eclectic lifestyle has made the city's downtown an irresistible draw for many Internet and software companies.

Industry superstars Yahoo Inc. and Microsoft Corp. have lead the boom by gobbling up large swaths of office space the past year. Google Inc. is on the verge of planting its flag in the city, having signed a letter of intent for space near the Embarcadero, according to sources familiar with the negotiations.

Joining the tech titans are an army of startups flush with venture capital and dreams of becoming the next big thing. In some parts of town it's as if the dot-com boom of the late 1990s never ended, as people in their 20s cut business deals at lunch over pad thai, and then hit tech parties at night.

The influx of tech companies into San Francisco is part of a broader Bay Area real estate boom. New companies, along with many of the established names, are on hiring binges and sorely in need of office space.

In San Francisco, a quarter of all office space leased in 2006 went to technology companies, up from 14 percent in 2004, according to the commercial realty company Grubb & Ellis.

For commercial real estate agents, the strong demand is welcome. Just a few years ago, during the tech industry's downturn, many once-high-flying Web sites such as Pets.com and Quokka Sports shuttered, leaving the market flooded with vacancies and the city's economy in tatters.

"Space is far less available than it once was," said David Kuchinsky, a vice president at Grubb & Ellis. "In 2004, tech companies could get a lot of smaller space relatively inexpensively. That really changed in 2005 and into 2006."

Empty offices are more difficult to find these days. The vacancy rate for Class A space is 8.5 percent, half of what it was three years ago, according to Cornish & Carey, a commercial realty group.

The tighter market is driving rents up. The average asking price for Class A office is $36.80 per square foot, an increase of 30 percent from the market's trough three years ago.

Still, San Francisco remains competitive. For now, prices remain on par with Silicon Valley and the East Bay, where the cost of office space is also appreciating.

Interest in San Francisco speaks in part to the technology industry's transformation over the years from producing computers and microchips, usually in Silicon Valley. Now, many of the hottest companies are in online media and business software, niches that can draw on the city's traditional strength in design, advertising and programming.

Last year, Web portal Yahoo expanded its San Francisco outpost by leasing an additional 43,000 square in the Financial District for sales staff and its online photo-sharing service, Flickr. A second office being renovated in SoMa will house a research-and-development team.

In another major deal, Microsoft recently signed a lease for 72,000 square feet in the Westfield San Francisco Centre, the expanded shopping and office complex downtown. The space will house sales staff and paves the way for the company to double its workforce there to 400 over the next five years.

Among the most highly anticipated arrivals is Google, which has signed a letter of intent to sublease 210,000 square feet from Gap Inc., enough space for up to 800 workers. However, the deal, which Google declined to confirm, has yet to be finalized and could fall through, according to two sources familiar with the negotiations.

Google's office would take up three currently vacant floors in a building on Spear Street, near the waterfront. The company's headquarters, known as the Googleplex, would remain in Mountain View.

Mayor Gavin Newsom said San Francisco has aggressively courted Silicon Valley companies, calling the jobs they bring a potential boon to the city's coffers. Each new worker, he said, translates into $1,700 in additional tax revenue, along with helping local businesses such as dry cleaners, cafes and markets.

"These are the jobs of tomorrow," Newsom said. "They bring a vibrancy to the city and an excitement, and that's great for us."

Proximity to top-notch workers is a big selling point for San Francisco in getting tech companies to open up shop. Commuting to and from Silicon Valley can eat up as much as three hours a day, prompting many residents to balk at accepting a job down the Peninsula.

Companies such as Google try to compensate for the inconvenience by offering free commuter bus rides to Silicon Valley. Opening offices in San Francisco is considered a more attractive alternative for employees and potential job candidates.

"Companies were reticent at first to come to San Francisco because of the perceived high cost of doing business," said Nick Slonek, a senior vice president at Cornish & Carey. "The fact of the matter is that they've been able to bite the bullet and retain and attract talent who otherwise wouldn't come down to the valley or in the East Bay."

A big part of the real estate demand is fueled by technology companies already based in San Francisco that have outgrown their offices, such as Advent Software, whose clients are investment firms, and Ingenio, a company that helps online advertisers connect with consumers over the telephone. To accommodate new hires, they've had to upgrade to larger spaces.

For instance, conference rooms at StubHub, an online ticket seller, are so scarce that workers hold meetings at a nearby Starbucks. Job candidates are sometimes interviewed in the company kitchen.

To create more elbow room, StubHub leased a new, 37,500-square-foot headquarters on Fremont Street for its 200 local employees. Moving out of the city wasn't an option.

"We did look at properties all the way down to San Mateo," said Giselle Bonilla, corporate facilities manager for StubHub. "We felt we would lose a significant amount of our employees by moving just 15 or 20 miles away."

During her search, she found that rents in San Francisco were comparable to the Peninsula, if not slightly cheaper. She's pleased about the timing of the lease, given that prices in the city have increased since they signed the contract.

StubHub's new office, which is being renovated for a March move-in, will feature themed conference rooms including one carpeted with Astroturf -- in homage to the sports tickets sold on the Web site. Several eBay employees who work on a separate eBay-branded ticket site will also share the space.

But Bonilla said the move won't permanently solve StubHub's space crunch. A growing staff means that she may need to start shopping around for more space before the end of the year.
Office obsession

Tech companies are gobbling up office space in San Francisco. Here are some of the biggest leases, in square feet, since the start of 2006:

BEA Systems: 110,000

Advent Software: 104,000

Pay by Touch: 92,900

Microsoft: 71,600

Riverbed Technology: 63,800

Yahoo: 42,800

StubHub: 37,500

Ingenio: 37,500

Source: Chronicle research

Feb 18, 2007, 6:18 PM
Looks like companies are finally starting to "get it" that downtown offices are a lot more attractive to a younger workforce.

Logically, offices belong in downtown cores. It's better for both cities (less car dependency for city residents) and suburbs (less cars clogging highways on rat race to office parks, more people commuting to downtowns by rail) alike.

Feb 18, 2007, 6:44 PM
I don't know. StubHub? Imeem? Pay By Touch? I'm thinking I should check to see if any of them use a sock puppet as a mascot. I fervently hope Web 2.0 isn't just a reprise of Web 1.0 and people have thought not simply because the VCs weren't throwing money at anything with a web site the way they were in 1999.

As I mentioned elsewhere, Grubb & Ellis is reported as saying there is current demand for 2.5 million sq. ft. of office space in SF. The BizTimes identifies about 3 million sq. ft. of pending projects including: 350 Mission (340,000), 100 California (266,000), 222 Second (617,000), 1st/Mission (520,000 of office + condos etc), 535 Mission (300,000). There are some other projects entitled and under construction such as 555 Mission. There is 2.2 million sq. ft of unallocated space under Prop. M.

Feb 19, 2007, 5:32 AM

FWIW, stubhub has been acquired by Ebay. So while there are a lot of smaller companies operating in SF, the article also points to the fact that the "big boys" (ebay, google, yahoo, microsoft) are also ponying up as well.

As a tech guy who has done the painful SF -- Silicon Valley commute, I warmly welcome more tech jobs in the city (more choice and opportunity for those of us in the industry). The fact that the big guns are coming is just icing on the cake.

Imeem on the other hand is a social media sharing/social network...so maybe your sock puppet worries aren't totally unfounded ;-)

Feb 19, 2007, 9:09 AM
Looks like companies are finally starting to "get it" that downtown offices are a lot more attractive to a younger workforce.

I turned down a great offer at Google because I can't see myself doing the awful San Francisco to Silicon Valley commute everyday - that's like 3 hours a day. BLECH! I don't care how much you pay me if I don't have the time to live the lifestyle I want to lead. Because I'm pretty sure I cannot live the lifestyle I want in Mountain View, CA and after a summer of trying to commute from Berkeley to Sunnyvale when I was in college, I realized that I am a horrible commute wimp who gets depressed and sad when I commute.

Anyways, I hate my job now, but that's neither here nor there. ;)