Originally Posted by OldDartmouthMark
Okay, I didn’t know that “good urbanism” was not debatable. IMHO, this is mainly about buildings, with stuff like transit, cycling, etc. being side topics. Great topics to discuss but you shouldn’t go into the penalty box just because you don’t agree.
No, but the anti-city/anti-urban planning attitudes on here are baffling for a forum that's supposedly about cities and urban planning. It's like if I joined a hunting forum just to complain about hunting and insult hunters. It'd be a waste of mine and everybody else's time. We're at the point now where we can't bring up biking or pedestrian infrastructure without having the same frequent posters launching into the same tired rants for the nth time based on no evidence but just vibes. It's annoying for us who would like to talk about the city and new things going on, not bikes bad cars good argument we keep going back to.