Originally Posted by manny_santos
London needs to get a green bin program going ASAP, and cut its bag limit down to one bag per week like virtually everywhere else in Ontario. Communities as small as Bancroft (population under 4000) already have such a program, and this program is second nature in larger centres such as Kingston and Toronto. There's no excuse for London to be 20 years behind with its waste management.
Nah I do not like the green bin program I think it is a major mistake, the city would be better served supplying each home with a compost bin for free, and in the process drop the container limit to 1 per week.
Personally I think;
1. Change to a once weekly pick up for trash/recycling
2. Provide a free compost bin
3. Reduce container limit to 2 immediately and then down to 1 the following year
4. Still give households the option to buy tags for extra bags
For reference my household has 2 adults and 2 kids one of which is in diapers still, we typically have 2-3 of those kitchen garbage bags per pickup. Those bags would fill one green bag MAYBE slightly more on some weeks so I really do not understand how some people are putting out so much trash.