Search Tips Expanded:
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How to use the directory to find threads in less than 15 seconds:
1) Click the first post # and get the link. In this case, the link is:
Link to Bookmark:
Bookmark the link in
For Chrome:
1) For chrome, open a new tab, and bookmark the link to your browser tab (below where you type in a website)
2) Anytime you need to access it, just press the bookmark and do the steps below in "
Steps to Find a thread Quickly:
A) Do Control + F
B) Type in keyword (Project name or just a part of it; helps if you forget the name. Even if you don't know the full name, doing these steps allows for quick access.
C) Press enter, and you will see words highlighted. Keep pressing enter until you find it.
D) Doing so will allow quick access, and its much better than wondering where a certain thread is in the sub forum pages. This eliminates not being able to find threads or saves a lot of time.
For Internet Explorer:
1) Same steps as chrome. Bookmark it, and you can even save the link on your desktop.
2) Repeat steps A - C
Note: The same thing could be done with the NYC directory.
Note #2: You can also just go down the link. but doing the procedure above saves time.
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