Originally Posted by Loco101
I've heard the drugs and alcohol argument for the far North reserves that aren't accessible by a permanent road. I've even heard some in Moosonee (yes it's a town but 85% Indigenous) talk about it even though the train has gone there for 80 years. But I'd say the vast majority of people in any of those places want to have a road built.
Now widening a highway through a reserve is a totally different issue. First Nations know that they can negotiate so they do it. They sometimes play hardball and aren't in a hurry because they know that it will likely mean they will get more.
Sometimes, if the government feels that they’re asking for too much, though, it just decides to bypass the FN’s too, forcing a deal. An example is AB government twinning their HWY 43. (It’s a hearsay for me though.)
What that means for twinning 17
in case of a stalled negotiation, then, is this:
In Blind River, we demolish and relocate every single property north of Causeley Street to make way for another 2 lanes, shoulders and interchanges.
(I “left out” SSM because I have talked about it in earlier posts.)
In Serpent River, we realign the freeway to the north of the FN, from west of it to Webwood.