It looks like more changes will be coming along North Temple in the somewhat near future.
A new project area was recently announced.
1407 W North Temple, also known as the Rocky Mountain Service Center.
100 Acres in total but will be done in 2 phases. The Gadsby power plant will be shutting down in the next few years and Phase 2 will be the existing power plant area.
Investment Highlights
100+ Acre Redevelopment Site is Accepting Request for Qualification & Redevelopment Concept.
Brand new Rocky Mountain Power Headquarters anticipated to anchor the site
Excellent site location within 5 minutes of downtown, an international airport, Utah's largest transit hub and miles of outdoor trails and recreation
Additional info from the RFQ Document:
Phase One: Expression of InterestA brief letter of interest to formally participate in the Request for Qualifications process should be submitted into the procurement system. Once complete, the applicant will receive a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) for signature. Upon receipt of the signed NDA, applicants will be formally admitted into the process and will receive access to any further instructions and FAQ’s that may be available at the time. [Phase 1 Deadline October 30, 2020 at 5PM MST]
Phase Two: Request for QualificationsThis initial phase is primarily focused on the qualifications and proven record of the development team to execute a successful project that aligns with the goals and visions of the RMP team. Submissions will be evaluated according to the Threshold and Response Criteria presented earlier in this document. All questions related to the RFQ must be submitted via the JAGGAER system by November 10, 2020 at 5PM MST. [Phase 2 Deadline November 15, 2020 at 5PM MST]
Phase Three: Request for Proposals The top-qualified development teams will be formally invited to provide a complete proposal. This proposal may include a general development plan, phasing and traffic flow visualization, 3D modeling of initial phases, detailed community engagement plan, pro forma and economic analysis, construction management plan, program management plan, environmental compliance and stewardship approach. There will be a particular focus on the design and development of the RMP Headquarters as the anchor tenant for the site and part of its initial phase. The proposals will be evaluated to determine which applicants will be selected for Phase Four. [Phase 3 Deadline January 29, 2021 at 5PM MST]
Phase Four: Team Interviews Qualifying proposals will participate in a forward auction via the JAGGAER system to determine the final price for the project. Finalists from the auction will be selected for an in depth interview. Mandatory attendance by the following team members: Project Manager, Proposed Lead Architect, Lead Environmental Consultant or Senior Staff Member, Lead Finance/Economic Consultant or Senior Staff Member. All attendees must have speaking parts in the interview. The finalists are to provide all materials one week prior to the interview. The Evaluation Committee will select the most qualified team based on the presentation, scoring and overall alignment with the RMP vision. There may be a development team selected as a backup in case the awarded team fails to complete Phase Five. [Phase 4 Deadline Week of Feb. 1, 2021]
Phase Five: Negotiation and Execution of Agreement with Development TeamRMP is particularly interested in a timely launch and development of initial phases of the site. As such upon selection RMP will enter into negotiations that should not exceed 3 months to finalize. Upon execution, the development team should expect to begin steps within 30 days to move the project forward. [Phase 5 May 8, 2021]
There are also emails/documents from SLC Mayor Mendenhall and the Head of Economic Development Corp of Utah (EDCU) both offering support and assistance.
The Mayor also mentioned:
Salt Lake City is prepared to both create a path for such development and be a partner in making it successful. We look forward to assisting with zoning changes that may be needed, additional planning, area designations, and providing financial support and tools as the project may require and as benefits the residents of our unique City.
Theresa Foxley from the EDCU Stated:
EDCUtah and its partners believe that this project will serve as an important catalyst for additional economic development opportunities in this area. As such, state leaders are committed to assisting this proposed project as a key growth opportunity for the Salt Lake City metropolitan area. EDCUtah is committed to assisting this project move forward and conveys its strong support of the project’s proposed objectives.
It does seem that this will be very big for the area and the City overall.