Originally Posted by doglover99
Do you think the Europeans would agree? NO, they are fine with their mostly low-rise cities and those cities are probably denser and more vibrant than most "cites" with a skyline in NA.
Buddy, of course I get that. I love dense Euro cities. But Philadelphia shattered its height limitations back in the mid-80s and it really needed to, and its been a huge plus for the city -- I believe both economically and psychologically. There's really no denying that. And this being a skyscraper! forum, while I love the density, the supermarket, new residents, elimination of parking lots, its all great -- my only point was it is visually dull to see so many blue-glass, 300-363 ft tall towers sandwiched so close to each other. That's all.
Thanks PHL10 -- your comment above hit the hammer on the head. There's clearly something with building costs and ROI that the 28-35 floors mark is the top off level in Philadelphia for new luxury apts (we can add to the list: Broad and Pine, One Dock Street, the Market East towers.