Originally Posted by Handro
Anyone have a good clue as to why? Why does the media in Illinois/Chicago want Illinois/Chicago to fail, or at least give the perception that they are failing? What other city/states have such self-deprecating media coverage?
It's a matter of perspective and framing. For Boomers and even early Gen-Xer's, the Chicagoland and Illinois they grew up in was umabiguously one of the wealthiest places in the country by most measures, only slightly less rich than the Bay Area or DC and a larger percentage of the national population than today, with greater associated political and media representation and whatnot. As I recall, as of 1960, Cook County was the 26th highest-income county in the country, pretty remarkable being the second-most populous (and was the first-most populous in 1950). DuPage and Lake County, not tiny at the time, were top 10. The Chicago metro area - the nation's Second city - had similar median incomes to richest large cities in the country - DC, the Bay Area, and Detroit, all significantly smaller. The region has not maintained it's share of national growth or investment over the past 40-50 years by any measure.
Of course on the flipside, if you compare to Michigan or West Virginia, the region has a lot to be thankful for and a lot of success to tout. When you consider the performance and trends most of the major rust belt cities, or Mississippi River valley cities (Stl, Memphis, NOLA) to which our region is closely tied economically and demographically, the overall picture looks pretty good.