Tunnels and stations require several orders of magnitude more concrete than a single tower; a better comparison would be Senakw, which started in ‘22 and is supposed to be under construction until 2030.
Apparently the road deck and “minimizing disruption” also added a few months’ delay per station, which is definitely not a problem when going through the mountains. The things we do to not cut n’ cover…
Originally Posted by Metro-One
I’m guessing some of this passiveness towards this delay is just because a preferred political party is at the helm for some. If the Liberals were in power I’m sure many would be signing a different tune. When the Evergreen Line was delayed for a shorter period for a far more serious and understandable problem (sink holes) I remember a lot more criticism and finger pointing on this forum.
Rather, because said forum more or less never thought they'd ever see this extension ever get built within their lifetimes... and now that it is, they're also complaining that it's not getting built fast enough.
If the Libs were in charge, we'd almost definitely still be waiting.