Originally Posted by MolsonExport
Does anyone take the Canadian for utilitarian (transportation) needs? Anyone? (maybe a few that are afraid of flying). It is insanely slow, and much more expensive.
Via suffers from the "which came first, the chicken or the egg" problem. The government in its ineptitude seems to be incapable of funding rail passenger service to make it work.
Via should scrap the Canadian as we know it because no train will ever run on time over that distance, it can never serve every spot at convent times, it will always have delays from freight trains and its routing serves the least densely part of the regions it passes through.
1. Pass legislation to make railways give passenger trains priority with fines based on measurable metrics .
2. Replace the Canadian with a series of
daily regional trains that would provide more convenient and reliable schedules.
3. Route the trains to serve the highest population possible.
4. When ever possible schedule trains to connect so that connections to the next regional train going east-west or vice versa is made on the same day.
5. Run some trains on routes that have less dense freight traffic because even if they have lower speed limits they are less likely to have delays which will result is reasonable journey times and improved reliability.
6. Pay for extra sidings where passenger trains usually meet freight trains.
7. If a remote service train and a regular passenger train service the same end point such as between Winnipeg and Toronto, make the remote service 2 or 3x per week ( via CN route) and the regular service 5x per week ( via CP route).
8. Restore the use of downtown stations in Sudbury, Saskatoon and Edmonton.
9. Trains should be much shorter since the there will be daily demand and not a potential pent up demand that may or may not occur.
This is the starter and it will attract increased ridership without losing ridership from tourists, Canadian or foreign.