Originally Posted by ILUVSAT
Both PSV representatives and those at City Hall have made several public comments regarding a mid-December agreement. There has been no word to the contrary.
It's also been stated that Columbus has an end of year deadline to get everything through the CBUS council (new stadium plans approved, ownership in place etc) and that will require PSV to have a deal on the table from MLS because there is no way he's transferring rights to operate a club in Columbus for rights to a team with no approved location by the league.
Probably they will wait till after the Cup game tonight (and try and let the postive Columbus news be the headline to generate good will towards MLS) and then we'll get the announcement next week.
The question becomes do we enter with Miami in 2020 or do we hold off till 2021 and enter with Detroit/PHX/Sac winner? I think either are completely doable. I get the notion of starting fresh in McKalla place with all the buzz around a new stadium and permanent home... but part of me just wants games to go to a year earlier