I was getting excited that Detroit will probably soon have a new tallest building, the
Hudson Tower, which is the first time this city has had a new tallest building since 1977. Then I started wondering about other US cities and Canadian cities: when was each city's current tallest building completed? I did find
this thread, but it hasn't been updated for 4 years and it also doesn't state the buildings' heights. Thus I have updated the list for US and Canadian cities whose tallest buildings are at least 500 feet, and am including their heights.
First I will sort them by the years the buildings were completed or are expected to be completed:
City Year Height (ft)
Toronto ON: 2022, 1005
Mississauga ON: 2022, 650
Vaughan ON: 2021, 575
Las Vegas NV: 2020, 735
Jersey City NJ: 2019, 899
Austin TX: 2019, 690
Coquitlam BC: 2019, 518
Philadelphia PA: 2018, 1122
San Francisco CA: 2018, 1070
Miami FL: 2018, 868
Edmonton AB: 2018, 823
Sunny Isles Beach FL: 2018, 659
Surrey BC: 2018, 538
Los Angeles CA: 2017, 1099
Calgary AB: 2017, 810
Burnaby BC: 2016, 614
New York NY: 2014, 1776
Oklahoma City OK: 2012, 845
Atlantic City NJ: 2012, 710
Cincinnati OH: 2011, 665
Niagara Falls ON: 2009, 564
Vancouver BC: 2008, 659
Raleigh NC: 2008, 538
Mobile AL: 2007, 745
Virginia Beach VA: 2007, 508
Hallandale Beach FL: 2006, 505
Omaha NE: 2002, 634
Nashville TN: 1994, 617
Louisville KY: 1993, 549
Atlanta GA: 1992, 1023
Charlotte NC: 1992, 871
Montreal QC: 1992, 743
Tampa FL : 1992, 579
Cleveland OH: 1991, 947
Des Moines IA: 1991, 630
San Diego CA: 1991, 500
Indianapolis IN: 1990, 811
Jacksonville FL: 1990, 617
St. Louis MO: 1989, 593
Kansas City MO: 1988, 624
Sandy Springs GA: 1988, 570
San Antonio TX: 1988, 546
Little Rock AR: 1986, 546
Seattle WA: 1985, 937
Dallas TX: 1985, 921
Denver CO: 1984, 714
Hartford CT: 1984, 535
Fort Worth TX: 1983, 567
Houston TX: 1982, 1002
Detroit MI: 1977, 727
Boston MA: 1976, 790
Tulsa OK: 1976, 667
Chicago IL: 1974, 1451
Buffalo NY: 1974, 529
Minneapolis MN: 1973, 792
Columbus OH: 1973, 629
Milwaukee WI: 1973, 601
Albany NY: 1973, 589
Baltimore MD: 1973, 529
New Orleans LA: 1972, 697
Portland OR: 1972, 546
Pittsburgh PA: 1970, 841
Next I will sort them by height:
City Year Height (ft)
New York NY: 2014, 1776
Chicago IL: 1974, 1451
Philadelphia PA: 2018, 1122
Los Angeles CA: 2017, 1099
San Francisco CA: 2018, 1070
Atlanta GA: 1992, 1023
Toronto ON: 2022, 1005
Houston TX: 1982, 1002
Cleveland OH: 1991, 947
Seattle WA: 1985, 937
Dallas TX: 1985, 921
Jersey City NJ: 2019, 899
Charlotte NC: 1992, 871
Miami FL: 2018, 868
Oklahoma City OK: 2012, 845
Pittsburgh PA: 1970, 841
Edmonton AB: 2018, 823
Indianapolis IN: 1990, 811
Calgary AB: 2017, 810
Minneapolis MN: 1973, 792
Boston MA: 1976, 790
Mobile AL : 2007, 745
Montreal QC: 1992, 743
Las Vegas NV: 2020, 735
Detroit MI: 1977, 727
Denver CO: 1984, 714
Atlantic City NJ: 2012, 710
New Orleans LA: 1972, 697
Austin TX: 2019, 690
Tulsa OK: 1976, 667
Cincinnati OH: 2011, 665
Sunny Isles Beach FL: 2018, 659
Vancouver BC: 2008, 659
Mississauga ON: 2022, 650
Omaha NE: 2002, 634
Des Moines IA: 1991, 630
Columbus OH: 1973, 629
Kansas City MO: 1988, 624
Jacksonville FL: 1990, 617
Burnaby BC: 2016, 614
Milwaukee WI: 1973, 601
St. Louis MO: 1989, 593
Nashville TN: 1994, 617
Albany NY: 1973, 589
Baltimore MD: 1973, 529
Tampa FL: 1992, 579
Vaughan ON: 2021, 575
Sandy Springs GA: 1988, 570
Fort Worth TX: 1983, 567
Niagara Falls ON: 2009, 564
Louisville KY: 1993, 549
Little Rock AR: 1986, 546
San Antonio TX: 1988, 546
Portland OR: 1972, 546
Surrey BC: 2018, 538
Raleigh NC: 2008, 538
Hartford CT: 1984, 535
Buffalo NY: 1974, 529
Coquitlam BC: 2019, 518
Virginia Beach VA: 2007, 508
Hallandale Beach FL: 2006, 505
San Diego CA: 1991, 500
Finally, alphabetically:
City Year Height (ft)
Albany NY: 1973, 589
Atlanta GA: 1992, 1023
Atlantic City NJ: 2012, 710
Austin TX: 2019, 690
Baltimore MD: 1973, 529
Boston MA: 1976, 790
Buffalo NY: 1974, 529
Burnaby BC: 2016, 614
Calgary AB: 2017, 810
Charlotte NC: 1992, 871
Chicago IL: 1974, 1451
Cincinnati OH: 2011, 665
Cleveland OH: 1991, 947
Columbus OH: 1973, 629
Coquitlam BC: 2019, 518
Dallas TX: 1985, 921
Denver CO: 1984, 714
Des Moines IA: 1991, 630
Detroit MI: 1977, 727
Edmonton AB: 2018, 823
Fort Worth TX: 1983, 567
Hallandale Beach FL: 2006, 505
Hartford CT: 1984, 535
Houston TX: 1982, 1002
Indianapolis IN: 1990, 811
Jacksonville FL: 1990, 617
Jersey City NJ: 2019, 899
Kansas City MO: 1988, 624
Las Vegas NV: 2020, 735
Little Rock AR: 1986, 546
Los Angeles CA: 2017, 1099
Louisville KY: 1993, 549
Miami FL: 2018, 868
Milwaukee WI: 1973, 601
Minneapolis MN: 1973, 792
Mississauga ON: 2022, 650
Mobile AL: 2007, 745
Montreal QC: 1992, 743
Nashville TN: 1994, 617
New Orleans LA: 1972, 697
New York NY: 2014, 1776
Niagara Falls ON: 2009, 564
Oklahoma City OK: 2012, 845
Omaha NE: 2002, 634
Philadelphia PA: 2018, 1122
Pittsburgh PA: 1970, 841
Portland OR: 1972, 546
Raleigh NC: 2008, 538
San Antonio TX: 1988, 546
San Diego CA: 1991, 500
San Francisco CA: 2018, 1070
Sandy Springs GA: 1988, 570
Seattle WA: 1985, 937
St. Louis MO: 1989, 593
Sunny Isles Beach FL: 2018, 659
Surrey BC: 2018, 538
Tampa FL : 1992, 579
Toronto ON: 2022, 1005
Tulsa OK: 1976, 667
Vancouver BC: 2008, 659
Vaughan ON: 2021, 575
Virginia Beach VA: 2007, 508