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Old Posted May 15, 2016, 4:51 PM
Martin Pal Martin Pal is offline
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Thanks GW!

For no particular reason, another page I looked at online with this photo indicated the
lady on the right is Veda Ann Borg. Whether that is accurate or not, I don't know.
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Old Posted May 15, 2016, 5:42 PM
Martin Pal Martin Pal is offline
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Originally Posted by ethereal_reality View Post

Getty Images

"Olivia de Havilland and Anne Shirley at the Hollywood Canteen, c. 1943. Senior hosts/hostesses at the Canteen wore cloth armbands of red and white stripe with a blue star
and the initials 'HC' in white so the servicemen could distinguish them. (Junior hosts/hostesses wore solid red cloth armbands with a blue star and the 'HC' initials in white."

I certainly didn't know about the hierarchy of the armbands.
Here's one of the Junior Hostesses armbands:

You occasionally find these arm bands up for sale on eBay or similar, but I've never seen one of the Senior Hostess armbands before until the Olivia DeHavilland photo.

The hostesses were also given shoulder bags. Olivia is wearing one above.
"Wearing either item wasn't really mandatory; the bag soon disappeared and eventually the armband was seldom worn at all."

From the Hollywood Canteen book:


--150 - 200 Hostesses were needed every night. (They had two shifts, probably from 7:00 - 9:30 p.m. and 9:30 - Midnight. Don't know if the hostesses did shifts or the entire night.)

--There were two OFFICERS OF THE DAY, one for each shift. They were usually studio executives who agreed to come to the Canteen and greet the servicemen and generally oversee the night's activities. ANy difficulties a hostess might have with a serviceman was to be reported or referred to the Officer of the Day.

--The hostesses were grouped into Junior and Senior Hostesses.

--Junior Hostesses were typically in their late teens and early twenties with vivacious, friendly personalities. It was their job to dance and chat with the servicemen, show them where to get their food and drinks (no alcohol was served) and keep the welcoming upbeat rhythm of the Canteen perking along.

The Junior Hostesses themselves were split into two groups, each with a captain. Some of the captains were young film actresses such as Bonita Granville, Evelyn Keyes and Anne Shirley.

Anne Shirley's badge:
Margaret Herrick Library Digital Collections

--Senior Hostesses were there to greet servicemen, see them to seats, serve them food at the snack bar, and help the Junior Hostesses with any problems. They might try to ease awkwardness between the hostess and servicemen if it arose and sometimes they'd take on the role of the juniors and dance with the guys.

--The FBI required that ALL volunteers and staff be fingerprinted, photographed and issued an identification card with their identifications and also their union or guild affiliation.
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Old Posted May 15, 2016, 6:50 PM
Martin Pal Martin Pal is offline
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Originally Posted by Martin Pal View Post

SIDEBAR: In reading about the Canteen's expenses, one of these expenses was "a single-page, legal sized mimeographed sheet titled "Chatter"
and was created soon after it opened. It was handed out to servicemen as they walked through the doors. It covered entertainment highlights,
the following week's schedule of band's [yay, look what'll be here when we're shipped out!] and tid-bits of information about Hollywood."

I found this surprising as I've never seen any photos of the servicemen holding these sheets; there are no photographs of any of them in the
sources. They don't do it in the film, either. Wonder if they kept these while they were doing it?
Hollywood Canteen CHATTER: I found three examples of this handout in
the Margaret Herrick Library Digital Collection!

Here's one of them:

Margaret Herrick Library Digital Collections

I noticed Virginia O'Brien's name on this sheet as an upcoming guest! I don't remember why, but someone I know took me to a place downtown one weekend night, like around 1986. It was a place aging stars went to perform if they felt like it. (I can't remember where it was or what it was called.) But he wanted to go because Virginia O'Brien was performing! So we saw her and met her afterwards.

She asked what we did and my friend blurted out that I worked at M-G-M in the video department (not true, I was buyer for a small video store chain) and she wanted me to give her my number and ask me questions about availability at some point. I did, and she did call me several times and we also corresponded by mail about a few things. (She was honorary mayor of Wrightwood for awhile.)

**I just found this info online: In the 80's she created a cabaret act, "Virginia O'Brien Salutes the Great MGM Musicals," which was recorded at the Masquer's Club in Hollywood, and is currently available on CD and on iTunes! That's not where I saw her, it was downtown, but this is what I saw.
I didn't know it was on CD!

A lot of film fans know her from The Harvey Girls. My favorite is her appearance in a Marx Brothers movie called The Big Store.

Even though she was under contract to M-G-M, she NEVER got included in one of their That's Entertainment films. When they decided to do a third one I thought sure she would be included. There's an extra on the dvd of M-G-M stars being interviewed at the premiere of it and Virginia is one of them. A reporter asks her if she'll be in this one. She replied, "I don't know, I haven't seen it yet." Alas, sadly and inexplicably, she was not in any of them. If you see these films and then see a lot of her clips, you won't understand why.

She was a singer who carved out a niche for herself because of the unusual manner she'd belt out a song. IMDB says, "in a Sphinx like way." (?)

She's often referred to as "statuesque" and always seems so tall compared to everyone else, but her imdb bio says she was 5' 6 1/2", which doesn't seem so tall. Was everyone else that short?

Virginia O'Brien (center) with Gloria DeHaven and June Allyson:


Click this youtube link to see her rendition of "A Little Spanish Town" from the MGM film Thousands Cheer. I chose it because the other two ladies sing first, and then Virginia does, and it gives you a great contrast and idea of her unique style. Also a 40's vibe.

And then if you have time, look at other youtube videos of her. You can't go wrong with her rendition of Rock-a-Bye Baby! A hoot!

If I could go back in time I'd ask her about the Hollywood Canteen!

She was born in Noirish Los Angeles!
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Old Posted May 15, 2016, 6:56 PM
Martin Pal Martin Pal is offline
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Oh, in looking at the Margaret Herrick Digital collection online, I also found
another color photograph (color transparency) of the Hollywood Canteen!

Jeanette MacDonald and unidentified servicemen at the Hollywood Canteen, 1944.
Margaret Herrick Library Digital Collections

One from each branch, I guess!
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Old Posted May 15, 2016, 7:48 PM
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We're back to an industrial site for today's Julius Shulman post. This is "Job 1701: John Kewell, Chase Brass and Copper Company Office and Warehouse (Los Angeles, Calif.),1954".

Here's a closer look.

I couldn't resist this view of the entrance and sign.

This shaded area can be seen on the left of the first image above.

There's only one shot showing the inside, and here it is.

All from Getty Research Institute

When I saw this set, I thought it could be somewhere near the Firestone Tire and Rubber Company Headquarters which we saw recently in post #34573. I also thought there was a good chance that the impressive entrance would have been modified or demolished. Luckily, I was only half right. The building is still standing at 6500 E Washington Boulevard, which is pretty close to the old Firestone site. The only things missing are the centaur logo and the vertical blinds on the windows.


The logo does still appear on the front wall of the building where the "City Sales" sign used to be. Like the windows, this area has lost its shading.


I wish Google Maps still offered the option of a 45 degree aerial view instead of forcing us to use the fuzzier, computer-generated Earth view to see scenes from an angle. I've also had the GSV screen get into a constant spin twice in the past week, and I'm often left with a low-level Earth view when I come out of GSV. Today, the rendering froze halway through, turning the City of Commerce into a beach resort .

Google Maps
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Old Posted May 15, 2016, 9:54 PM
Martin Pal Martin Pal is offline
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Originally Posted by HossC View Post
Today, the rendering froze halway through, turning the City of Commerce into a beach resort .


And I wonder what color the logo might have been?
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Old Posted May 15, 2016, 9:58 PM
Martin Pal Martin Pal is offline
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Originally Posted by Wig-Wag View Post
This shot reminds me of when we had water pouring off the top floor gallery on to the entry floor below during the filming of Blade Runner!
Yikes, why was that?
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Old Posted May 15, 2016, 11:12 PM
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Saucy Dog

Originally Posted by Beaudry View Post

The Straight Satans hung out at the Saucy Dog in Venice


Oh yeah, regarding the aforementioned Saucy Dog...
Beaudry, I tried to find some vintage photos of the 'Saucy Dog', but my google searches kept leading me to this....


Not exactly what I was looking for.


The building that's visible behind the Straight Satan dude is still standing. (there's also an interesting wood apartment building to it's right)


Nice inverted pyramid brickwork along the roof line.

And....it sure was good to see that brick street.

Last edited by ethereal_reality; May 16, 2016 at 12:19 AM.
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Old Posted May 16, 2016, 12:08 AM
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"Josephine Serrano Collier, LAPD's first Latina officer, wears the recently issued policewoman's uniform [late 1940s]"


" Josephine's family moved to Los Angeles from Arizona & settled in the Lincoln Heights neighborhood in Los Angeles. It was considered a tough neighborhood, and relations with the police were rocky. "More than once Josephine saw lumps and bumps on kids who had a run-in with the local beat officer," Ryan wrote. After graduating from the police academy, Collier was assigned to a jail in Lincoln Heights where she and other policewomen wore nurses' uniforms. Two years later, they went through additional training and were issued guns.

Collier was eventually given a beat to walk in the Pershing Square area downtown, which she and other policewomen did undercover.

"They wore a skirt and a hat and gloves," Ryan said last week, "and walked a beat in high heels."

In 1948 she married a fellow officer, Jack Collier, and she stayed with the force until 1960."


The view behind Josephine is similar to views that we've previously seen on NLA,
but I'm still a bit confused as to where these wide stairs lead to. (red arrow below)


Ignore the red dot, that's a mistake.


Last edited by ethereal_reality; May 16, 2016 at 12:30 AM.
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Old Posted May 16, 2016, 1:07 AM
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The only information included with this photograph is "American Legion in Los Angeles" [date 9.23.38]


The ornate chandelier and ceiling have me confused. I don't recall seeing them before.
(maybe they're a temporary installation for a specific show.....I just don't know)

Here's the reverse with the information.

Do you think this was the American Legion in Hollywood? (below)


or did someone get it mixed it up with Olympic Stadium downtown?

or some other venue

Last edited by ethereal_reality; May 16, 2016 at 9:50 PM.
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Old Posted May 16, 2016, 1:30 AM
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originally posted by HossC


Hoss, this photograph made me think of the 'Outer Limits' episode with the attacking tumbleweeds.


The attack!!!


.....that's June Havoc and Eddie Albert behind those face eating tumbleweeds

Last edited by ethereal_reality; May 16, 2016 at 1:45 AM.
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Old Posted May 16, 2016, 3:57 AM
Slauson Slim Slauson Slim is offline
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The last part in the Canteen Chatter about your Favorite Girl and the Home Folks is so sweet.
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Old Posted May 16, 2016, 5:28 AM
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Philharmonic Auditorium

Originally Posted by ethereal_reality View Post
The only information included with this photograph is "American Legion in Los Angeles" [date 9.23.38]


The ornate chandelier and ceiling have me confused. I don't recall seeing them before.
(maybe they're a temporary installation for a specific show.....I just don't know)

e_r, your photo appears to have been taken at the old Philharmonic Auditorium on the NE corner of 5th and Olive.
I don't know if we've seen the inside of that building before. Thanks!

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Old Posted May 16, 2016, 5:25 PM
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Originally Posted by Flyingwedge View Post
e_r, your photo appears to have been taken at the old Philharmonic Auditorium on the NE corner of 5th and Olive.
I don't know if we've seen the inside of that building before. Thanks!
I got all excited there for a minute! But alas, no, Shrine Auditorium—

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Old Posted May 16, 2016, 5:52 PM
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Originally Posted by Beaudry View Post
I got all excited there for a minute! But alas, no, Shrine Auditorium—
Oops! Thanks, Beaudry. Still, it's interesting that the American Legion used both venues for their conclave.
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Old Posted May 16, 2016, 6:02 PM
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Originally Posted by ethereal_reality View Post
"Josephine Serrano Collier, LAPD's first Latina officer, wears the recently issued policewoman's uniform [late 1940s]"



The view behind Josephine is similar to views that we've previously seen on NLA,
but I'm still a bit confused as to where these wide stairs lead to. (red arrow below)


I believe that's the upper part of the stairway above the Hill St tunnel.



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Old Posted May 16, 2016, 8:08 PM
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I know I only posted photos of this place last week, but I figured: it's the Bradbury Building, it's Julius Shulman - no one's going to mind. This is "Job 4647: Bradbury Building, Southern California American Institute of Architects offices (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1970". I've left out the three black & white images which duplicate the color ones, and another two which didn't show anything new. I don't think they need any further comment.

And now, the color shots.

All from Getty Research Institute
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Old Posted May 16, 2016, 9:47 PM
Martin Pal Martin Pal is offline
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It's just occurred to me that I've rarely seen color photos of the Bradbury building.
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Old Posted May 16, 2016, 10:13 PM
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originally posted by HossC

For a second, I thought that was Audrey Hepburn on the stairs.


Last edited by ethereal_reality; May 16, 2016 at 11:27 PM.
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Old Posted May 17, 2016, 12:57 AM
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Thanks for your story about Virginia O'Brien Martin Pal.

I'm embarrassed to say, but I've been confusing Margaret O'Brien with Virginia O'Brien (even though Margaret was born in 1937, and Virginia in 1919)

Originally Posted by Martin Pal View Post

I noticed Virginia O'Brien's name on the Hollywood Canteen Chatter sheet as an upcoming guest! I don't remember why, but someone I know took me to a place downtown one weekend night, like around 1986. It was a place aging stars went to perform if they felt like it. (I can't remember where it was or what it was called.) But he wanted to go because Virginia O'Brien was performing! So we saw her and met her afterwards.

She asked what we did and my friend blurted out that I worked at M-G-M in the video department (not true, I was buyer for a small video store chain) and she wanted me to give her my number and ask me questions about availability at some point. I did, and she did call me several times and we also corresponded by mail about a few things. (She was honorary mayor of Wrightwood for awhile.)
Here's a remarkable photograph; Virginia is at far left.

Photoplay 1944


Here's Ms. O'Brien in 1984, around the time you saw her downtown M P.


Do you remember where you saw her downtown?

In the 80's she created a cabaret act, "Virginia O'Brien Salutes the Great MGM Musicals," which was recorded at the Masquer's Club in Hollywood.
She must have recorded this just before the Masquers Club was demolished in 1985.


It's been a long time since we've visited the Masquers Club on NLA.
As a reminder, here's what the club looked like. (former home of Antonio Moreno)

http://armandsrancho.blogspot.com/20...hollywood.html [undated]

and in the 1970s (this image, and the next, are new to NLA)

Floyd B. Bariscale at https://www.flickr.com/photos/729465...ream/lightbox/

That's one heckuva flagpole.

Before and After


Replaced by this.


Don't miss this Masquers Club 1923 New Years Eve ad / featuring an almost nude girl in a chastity belt!!!!!

This 1923 New Years get-together would have been at the first Masquers Club, located at 6735 Yucca Street (below)


.....also long gone.


Last edited by ethereal_reality; May 17, 2016 at 1:28 AM.
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