ChiYimby has more information about EeroQ's headquarters, with images of the renovated incubator space:
"Becoming the first tenant of the massive central building, the company has slowly been building out its offices and computer for the last two years. The new announcement represents a $1.1 million investment into the space including added headcount. This is being supported by various programs from the state including a 10-year incentive...
Utilizing a new technology invented in Michigan where electrons float on top of liquid helium,
the company hopes to bring its quantum computer offering in a cloud environment in 18 to 24 months. Leasing roughly 9,000 square feet of space, the company hopes to build on the recently announced Illinois Quantum & Microelectronics Park on the far South Side."
I understand that many people doubt quantum computing as the next big thing (especially opinions posted in this very thread), and while the technology is still very much in it's infancy, I would love nothing more than for Chicago to be the primary global hub for quantum computing over the next 30-40 years as the technology advances and scales appropriately. Who knows, maybe this will eventually lead to duotronic or even biomimetic gel tech in the far future