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Old Posted Aug 13, 2024, 9:20 PM
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Originally Posted by Allroadsleadtoham View Post
You’re not wrong. Major California cities are seeing a huge company exodus because of over progressive policies. Literally happening right now. To many virtuous signallers who sit back and Will point there finger at you for saying what every normal person is thinking. Thank-you for saying what normal societal contributing people are thinking.
You're welcome - I find people either think like that guy who responded to me, or they think like you. A divergence of right vs left thinking - and that's fine - we are all allowed our thoughts- but let's not try to personally attack other people here. Expressing our thoughts doesn't make us inhuman, nor does it make our thoughts inhuman. It just makes them.. our thoughts. We aren't the policy makers, so it makes no difference either way.
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Old Posted Aug 13, 2024, 9:24 PM
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Originally Posted by ScreamingViking View Post
Get your posters straight, it was someone else. I said nothing about Hitler.

But yeah, let's agree to leave personal shit out of it.
You are correct - it all got muddled together - I edited my response to make it more clear, but yes agreed, let's not resort to personal attacks - many of us have known each other for decades on here - we all have our colourful personalities, it's part of what makes the forum varied in its responses. I should have known since the other person brought up that shit in the past. We shouldn't be afraid to express our opinions here and risk other people PERSONALLY ATTACKING US for them. Freedom of opinion and all..

Last edited by Chronamut; Aug 13, 2024 at 9:43 PM.
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Old Posted Aug 13, 2024, 9:51 PM
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Originally Posted by Allroadsleadtoham View Post
You’re not wrong. Major California cities are seeing a huge company exodus because of over progressive policies. Literally happening right now. To many virtuous signallers who sit back and Will point there finger at you for saying what every normal person is thinking. Thank-you for saying what normal societal contributing people are thinking.
Progressives quite literally ruin cities. San Francisco and LA are both perfect examples. Hamilton is on track too. It's a shame.
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Old Posted Aug 14, 2024, 12:18 AM
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Originally Posted by Chronamut View Post
Correct - however Hawrylyshyn compared me to hitler and suggested like a nazi I would be all for eugenics. All because I drew a human line between those who can still function for themselves and those who have ruined their lives to the point they will never be normal again, and CAN never be normal again. Well excuse me for not thinking the same as you do. What are you gonna do, cancel me now?

It's as I said, the institutions need to be reopened, but RUN better, which is what I said. Also this is the mark of a liberal mindset to hate on someone for their opinion - the most common one is comparing people to hitler when people say things that go against their mindset. and then to try to personally attack them as a person, their livelihood looks etc- the ormus comment wasn't needed whatsoever Hawrylyshyn and just makes you appear petty. It's a cellular regeneration product and cancer happens within the cells - I am not going to argue the semantics of what things can and cannot do - but I'm 41 years old and I still look 20.. soo there is some merit to that and to its effects.
You're right, they may not be able to return to "normal" again. But at the end of the day they are still HUMAN and making claims that they are not, that they are something less than that is despicable - it's nothing to do with a different mindset, it's that you're viewing them and speaking about them exactly how Hitler viewed the Jews. Not a Liberal mindset at all, I'm quite conservative and have almost always voted that way (go Pierre!).

Regarding your ORMUS scam - I will always bring this scam up, even if I appear petty, because it clearly shows the (scummy) person you are. You're trying to make profit by selling people false hope of a product that will CURE CANCER - a disease that kills thousands of people in this country every year.

"It's a cellular regeneration product and cancer happens within the cells - I am not going to argue the semantics of what things can and cannot do" You literally have zero educational background in this field and it shows. Hint: cancer is the unregulated growth of cells, extra regeneration is literally the last thing that is needed to treat it. Or prove me wrong, and share these "semantics" and the exact mechanism of how this magic water cures cancer while the billions of dollars spent in oncological research have not made a cure.

Freedom of opinion does not equal freedom of consequences + I'm not trying to cancel you (I don't stop you from posting these things!). I have every right to also call out your shitty views (and scam!).
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Old Posted Aug 14, 2024, 2:51 AM
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Originally Posted by Hawrylyshyn View Post
You're right, they may not be able to return to "normal" again. But at the end of the day they are still HUMAN and making claims that they are not, that they are something less than that is despicable - it's nothing to do with a different mindset, it's that you're viewing them and speaking about them exactly how Hitler viewed the Jews. Not a Liberal mindset at all, I'm quite conservative and have almost always voted that way (go Pierre!).

Regarding your ORMUS scam - I will always bring this scam up, even if I appear petty, because it clearly shows the (scummy) person you are. You're trying to make profit by selling people false hope of a product that will CURE CANCER - a disease that kills thousands of people in this country every year.

"It's a cellular regeneration product and cancer happens within the cells - I am not going to argue the semantics of what things can and cannot do" You literally have zero educational background in this field and it shows. Hint: cancer is the unregulated growth of cells, extra regeneration is literally the last thing that is needed to treat it. Or prove me wrong, and share these "semantics" and the exact mechanism of how this magic water cures cancer while the billions of dollars spent in oncological research have not made a cure.

Freedom of opinion does not equal freedom of consequences + I'm not trying to cancel you (I don't stop you from posting these things!). I have every right to also call out your shitty views (and scam!).
Ah yes, because according to YOUR infallible logic, NOTHING can cure cancer that is naturally made in the world - even though there is documented evidence of things such as siberian mushrooms doing just that. Entire populations of people who have grown up eating it who have never had any family history of cancer - ever. Or the fact that big pharm actually profits massively off "treatments" for cancer and other diseases and thus there will never ever be a cure for ANYTHING, just treatments and vaccines, things they can eternally profit off of.

it doesnt cause cancerous cells to grow or proliferate - I am well aware that cancer is damaged dna in cells that causes the body to fail to terminate and thus they grow wildly out of control. What ormus does is repair dna by providing elements to the cells, causing healthy ones to grow quicker, providing support to the cells that kill cancer cells and allowing damaged cells the ability to either terminate or repair. Ormus is still being researched, and is not a "scam" - I take it myself, and have observed wonderful benefits. It is farmed from a volcanic fissure in BC and then dried out and then bottled. It is 100% natural, and thus contains a lot of trace elements from the earth, some of which you cannot get anywhere else. Perhaps you should test it in a lab before you get on your holy pedestal. For a field that seems to know so much about cancer you'd think you'd understand cancer is not a "disease" - it is a reaction, or "weathering" of the body to many things

it can be a reaction to emotional stress and anxiety that can weaken the bodies immune system causing more cancer cells to grow - for every healthy human produces cancer cells daily that are destroyed by the bodys immune system - it is laughable that you think you have to have a degree in a field to know anything about it - like that somehow makes you better. I know quite a lot about cancer and how it affects the body - uv rays, radiation, anything that can damage the dna of cells can cause them to turn cancerous if their ability to self terminate is damaged, or if the cells that destroy them cannot destroy them in time. The human body is like a factory - there are 2 ways to keep it healthy - 1) you free up the agents that gunk up the machinery, and 2 you provide it with the raw materials it needs to build itself.


Ormus has documented effects - for instance if used to water crops those crops grow 200% bigger - this has been documented. It's not just random water - it has a lot of trace elements in it because it's DEEP from within the ground - its one reason plants grow like crazy in volcanic soil because those very same elements provide essential materials to the plants to grow - it's the same to the body - ormus provides essential materials that help the body grow and repair itself, and thus can also help to bolster cellular health. Get off your goddamn high horse and realize there are things about reality you simply do not know - you said it yourself - they've been researching cancer for years and they STILL don't know everything about it or the human body - we are constantly learning new things about us, and just because we cannot understand how something works doesn't mean it doesn't - sometimes it just means we lack the proper instruments to measure things.

As a result I have every right to counter call out YOUR bullshit. You're an arrogant person who thinks they are educated and thus claims to know everything. You don't. If this was hundreds of years ago and i claimed the world was round, or that antibiotics could help the body you'd be arrogantly claiming I was wrong about that too, simply because of what was said or known at the time. We've conducted our own science on it and have posted the results. There are also many philosophers of the past, as well as scientists and ancient sources that have all echoed the same benefits of the substance. )<-- read the "Modern Science Meets Ancient Alchemy" section of this to understand their "scientific" claim that it can cure cancer - coming from actual scientific sources) It's been documented and heralded for thousands of years and many prestigious institutions have done research on it. It's not the water itself responsible - that's just the carrier - its the white powder that's suspended IN the water - the orbitally rearranged monoatomic elements (ormes aka ormus) that is responsible for all of the effects. We evaporate it into the powder from the underground lake in the fissure we farm it from and then apply and condense that powder into distilled water for use. You can literally see the white flecks floating in the water in each bottle.

If it's a "scam" then it appears there are a lot of important people - people of the past, people in science and quantum mechanics, people who have done experiments on it - very notable people who appear to be in on this "scam" - there is only so much science one can ignore, and in this case, it appears that not only does science report and support it after extensive documentation, but investigating it may have actually led to breakthroughs in stealth technology as well as science into space travel.


And no, hitler viewed the jews as less than human because of how they looked and how they took over financial institutions like the plague and because there was a fear they would dilute what they considered the pure aryan race. That and they wanted more living space for aryans. I am not comparing them to that - I am stating that a person has to possess certain qualities and self-governing functions - we call people who are laying in a bed without the ability to move a vegetable - that implies they are not human. Humanity applies certain attributes to being human. I get where you're going with this, that all beings have inalienable rights, but that's like saying that if a person was infected to eat actual brains and became an actual zombie, that they are still a human, even if they are incurable and will always be a zombie. Most people would no longer call those people human. Or vampires the same thing. Humanity all across history has separated civil society from those "others" - it is not a eugenics thing - it is an acknowledgement that they require a different kind of care, and in some cases quarantine. But no, of course you have a high pedestal of morality you wish to stand on, and nothing I do or say will stop you from being on it - so go ahead and keep acting that way, it's not like what you think about me matters anyways. All I am saying is quarantine those who cannot be cured, and help those who can. The comparison to nursing homes I admit may have been a bit.. unevenly comparable but it still got my point across.

This will be the last time I bring any of this up - and I will only refer to this post in future if I must, because it's annoying to have to post this on a forum that isn't even meant for this, just so one person on it will back off on calling me a scammer.

Last edited by Chronamut; Aug 14, 2024 at 4:01 AM.
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Old Posted Aug 14, 2024, 4:15 AM
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1) Cancer is most certainly a disease and it's laughable you think it isn't.
2) Your link has no actual peer reviewed scientific articles. There is no data. There is no actual proof substantiating any of these claims that is able to curre cancer. I can't ignore science that doesn't exist.
3) Ruthenium is carcinogenic

Having a degree in a field doesn't make me better. It means I've put the time and work in to obtain an indepth understanding of a complex topic. Hence why it pisses me off beyond end when fools like yourself 1) act like they somehow know more than the world's cancer researchers combined and 2) you feel it's okay to take advantage of people SUFFERING IMMENSELY with cancer to make a quick buck.
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Old Posted Aug 14, 2024, 4:26 AM
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Originally Posted by Hawrylyshyn View Post
1) Cancer is most certainly a disease and it's laughable you think it isn't.
2) Your link has no actual peer reviewed scientific articles. There is no data. There is no actual proof substantiating any of these claims that is able to curre cancer. I can't ignore science that doesn't exist.
3) Ruthenium is carcinogenic

Having a degree in a field doesn't make me better. It means I've put the time and work in to obtain an indepth understanding of a complex topic. Hence why it pisses me off beyond end when fools like yourself 1) act like they somehow know more than the world's cancer researchers combined and 2) you feel it's okay to take advantage of people SUFFERING IMMENSELY with cancer to make a quick buck.
A disease is something that can be cured indefinitely. Cancer is an eternal battle the body has to fight, and thus can never be cured eternally. Thus you cannot protect the body 100% from things that cause cancer, you can only provide treatments for when cancer occurs or have things floating about that can help repair when it happens. If I was to stand unprotected in the chernobyl reactor I WOULD develop massive amts of cancer, guaranteed. Aside from gene editing, as some beings. like tardigrades who have shown an extreme resilience to cancer would help the body resist radiation itself on a cellular level.

Just because something doesn't have peer reviews doesn't mean the science isn't valid. There have been several instances where people simply haven't wanted to peer review something or admit its benefits as it would upset the natural order that science had built itself on - so that one's a grey area.

as for the elements these are all mono-atomic elements, not heavy metals that can accumulate and cause damage within the body, thus they would not be treated the same in the body as a chunk of the chemical would.

Let's agree to not drag this out and let those who know more about these things , aka those doing research on it to be the one to prove the claims. I simply distribute it, the claims that are made are their own and I suppose until they can be substantiated by others it will remain in the realm of homeopathic vs factual. We have a 100% satisfaction guaranteed return policy for anyone who isn't satisfied and so far nobody has asked for a refund due to not being satisfied with the results, and at the end of the day, what people actually get from the results , aka if they feel it has actually helped them is what truly matters. So far noone has bought it who has been suffering from terminal cancer- the homeopathic society tends to buy it for other things - I cannot confirm or deny whether it actually cures or helps with cancer or not - that was those who distribute it to me's claim. However I cannot also discount the fact they may actually be correct. Thus I put what they state on my site. I don't claim to know more - I simply am open to the possibility that those on my end who have researched it may know OTHER things about it that they may not. ALL fields of study are valid - this one simply may be too new to have concrete evidence yet on a scientific stage. I can give you contacts if you wish to discuss it with them further.

We also have this disclaimer on all our products: "*All of our products are concentrated formulas……please follow instructions as they will serve you the best way. These products are a part of a healthy lifestyle and in no way claim to “heal ” you. Please consult a physician about taking this or any other natural product before using." Everything stated are claims of what ormus CAN do according to research, not what it necessarily WILL do.

Now let's resume talking about architecture please.

Last edited by Chronamut; Aug 14, 2024 at 4:37 AM.
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Old Posted Aug 14, 2024, 4:32 AM
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Oxford dictionary defines disease as: " a disorder of structure or function in a human, animal, or plant, especially one that has a known cause and a distinctive group of symptoms, signs, or anatomical changes." Being curable doesn't matter. There are literally hereditary diseases.

But fair enough, I'll leave it -- goodnight, sorry for kind of being an asshole today
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Old Posted Aug 14, 2024, 4:41 AM
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Originally Posted by Hawrylyshyn View Post
Oxford dictionary defines disease as: " a disorder of structure or function in a human, animal, or plant, especially one that has a known cause and a distinctive group of symptoms, signs, or anatomical changes." Being curable doesn't matter. There are literally hereditary diseases.

But fair enough, I'll leave it -- goodnight, sorry for kind of being an asshole today
Eh it's alright - we both sorta have those personalities - glad we can come to a civil end to a discussion - and thank you.
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Old Posted Aug 14, 2024, 2:52 PM
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Just go around handing out big bags of fentanyl and the problem will solve itself. Hire some white vans and stock up on body bags to clean up the aftermath. It shouldn't take more the a week or two to clean up the problem.
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Old Posted Aug 15, 2024, 12:27 PM
BCTed BCTed is offline
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Even the Hamilton Santa Claus parade is not going to be downtown this year. On the mountain instead: https://www.thespec.com/news/hamilto...649c1134f.html
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Old Posted Aug 15, 2024, 1:14 PM
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Originally Posted by BCTed View Post
Even the Hamilton Santa Claus parade is not going to be downtown this year. On the mountain instead: https://www.thespec.com/news/hamilto...649c1134f.html
That is nothing new, it's been on the mountain before. Back in the I think the 80's or 90's they held it on Concession and I also remember it being on Fennell near Upper James and Mohawk college.
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Old Posted Aug 15, 2024, 4:04 PM
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Originally Posted by BCTed View Post
Even the Hamilton Santa Claus parade is not going to be downtown this year. On the mountain instead: https://www.thespec.com/news/hamilto...649c1134f.html
Lol read all the comments on the page of that site - everyone commenting on how its code for "noone feels safe in the downtown core anymore"
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Old Posted Aug 15, 2024, 11:27 PM
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Originally Posted by bigguy1231 View Post
That is nothing new, it's been on the mountain before. Back in the I think the 80's or 90's they held it on Concession and I also remember it being on Fennell near Upper James and Mohawk college.
This is definitely new, and definitely related to the dangerous vagrants that are currently occupying downtown. Don't try to downplay it. Our city is in a disastrous state right now.
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Old Posted Aug 16, 2024, 2:25 AM
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Originally Posted by TheHonestMaple View Post
This is definitely new, and definitely related to the dangerous vagrants that are currently occupying downtown. Don't try to downplay it. Our city is in a disastrous state right now.
But we can't hurt their FEELINGS..
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Old Posted Aug 16, 2024, 12:59 PM
Allroadsleadtoham Allroadsleadtoham is offline
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Originally Posted by Chronamut View Post
But we can't hurt their FEELINGS.
The core felt just as bad if not worse last year however it sounds like people are fed up. I think downtown businesses really want the core to gentrify. Prior to COVID, it seems Hamilton was going in that direction very fast but now development has slowed.

Also I'd like to understand why folks who defend encampments seem to think tenters are just down on their luck and are just hard-working folks that need to be respected. I live in the core, my house is right next to an encampment. Everyday I see people from encampments steal things from the neighbourhood, get high, and intimidate other folks walking by. Like every day this happens.
Also, we have the programs to get back on the horse of life and start riding. If you're unlucky enough to be in a tent it should only be temporary. This shouldn't be an ongoing issue.. And again, I know some have mental health issues but why aren't we putting them in hospitals then like we do for literally everyone else? Are they special because they live in tents?
I really think a lot of these folks would rather live in a tent and continue this lifestyle.
Side note - I could honestly care less about the folks who are going to attack me for sharing my thoughts on the issue. Life is not a carebear episode and your carebear stairs are annoying. Life is tough and people need to move forward and keep contributing. I for one am tired of paying very high municipal taxes and having my garbage bin stolen in return.
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Old Posted Aug 16, 2024, 3:36 PM
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Originally Posted by Allroadsleadtoham View Post
The core felt just as bad if not worse last year however it sounds like people are fed up. I think downtown businesses really want the core to gentrify. Prior to COVID, it seems Hamilton was going in that direction very fast but now development has slowed.

Also I'd like to understand why folks who defend encampments seem to think tenters are just down on their luck and are just hard-working folks that need to be respected. I live in the core, my house is right next to an encampment. Everyday I see people from encampments steal things from the neighbourhood, get high, and intimidate other folks walking by. Like every day this happens.
Also, we have the programs to get back on the horse of life and start riding. If you're unlucky enough to be in a tent it should only be temporary. This shouldn't be an ongoing issue.. And again, I know some have mental health issues but why aren't we putting them in hospitals then like we do for literally everyone else? Are they special because they live in tents?
I really think a lot of these folks would rather live in a tent and continue this lifestyle.
Side note - I could honestly care less about the folks who are going to attack me for sharing my thoughts on the issue. Life is not a carebear episode and your carebear stairs are annoying. Life is tough and people need to move forward and keep contributing. I for one am tired of paying very high municipal taxes and having my garbage bin stolen in return.
Perfectly stated. We need to bring back law and order on our streets, and tough love. Sorry, doing drugs, stealing, intimidating people, violence, are all not acceptable in a civil society. I would also go as far as to make it a crime to enable these addicts by providing them with tents, food and drug paraphernalia. Groups like keeping six, hamilton encampment support network should be outlawed/banned. We can only take so much of this BS.
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Old Posted Aug 16, 2024, 5:19 PM
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I don't think our taxes are particularly high, and wouldn't mid paying paying more if it meant things actually happened.

But I don't have a lot of faith in that happening. Really rubbed me the wrong way way I got an email from my councilor offering city workers to come clean up your property from encampment garbage (terms and conditions apply). No attempt to treat the cause, just the symptom.

The same councilor who, in a public meeting about various things to do with Tim Hortons Field, had no objection to people walking around screaming at no one, but did have objections to calling them "crazy".
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Old Posted Aug 16, 2024, 10:22 PM
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Apparently a vagrant was roaming around last night on James Street North with a machete threatening people with it. Police had to go bar to bar warning people to take shelter. This is the state of downtown Hamilton in 2024.

What is it going to take for our government to take action with these homeless encampments?
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Old Posted Aug 17, 2024, 2:20 PM
bigguy1231 bigguy1231 is offline
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Originally Posted by TheHonestMaple View Post
Apparently a vagrant was roaming around last night on James Street North with a machete threatening people with it. Police had to go bar to bar warning people to take shelter. This is the state of downtown Hamilton in 2024.

What is it going to take for our government to take action with these homeless encampments?
Exactly what would you expect them to do, their hands are tied. We can't just lock people up for being homeless or having mental health problems, the Charter of Rights won't allow it. If they are breaking criminal laws and violent by all means put them in jail. But no court is going to sanction imprisoning people for homelessness or mental health issues.

Unfortunately people like you would oppose doing the right thing and giving them a basic income and the ability to live with dignity. Give them 25k per year and the ability to access public housing and the programs needed to get them on their feet and many of these problems would go away. Instead people like you want to lock them up to the tune of 120 k per year which makes no sense at all financially.
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