

Status: Built
• 152 highrise buildings
• 153 total structures
• 121 drawn towers

Formerly known as Hangchow or Hangchou.

A city of eastern China at the head of Hangzhou Bay, an inlet of the East China Sea. Founded in 606, the city was the capital of a powerful kingdom from 907 to 960. It was later described by Marco Polo as one of the finest and noblest cities in the world. Today it is a modern industrial center and the capital of Zhejiang province.

Building Search  

Building Status Default  • All  • Built  • Under Construction  • On Hold  • Proposed  • Stale Proposal  • Cancelled  • Destroyed  • Vision  • Fantasy

Listing 1 to 12 of 12 buildings
Hangzhou West Railway Station Hub 182under construction(1)
Hangzhou West Railway Station Hub A61under construction(1)
Hangzhou China Resources Liangzhu MixC58under construction
Excellence Times Square Towers A70under construction(1)
Hangzhou International Center Tower 266under construction
Excellence Times Square Towers 266under construction(1)
EIC Tower [2]40under construction
EIC Tower [1]40under construction
EIC Tower [3]37under construction
EIC Tower [5]40under construction
EIC Tower [4]40under construction
EIC Tower [6]38under construction