
Huaguoyuan Twin Tower East Tower

88 Huaguoyuan Street
Guiyang GZ China

Construction Dates
Floor Count71
Basement Floors5
Building Uses
 - office
 - retail
Structural Types
 - highrise

 Heights ValueSource / Comments 
Roof1099 ftsection drawings
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• LWK & Partners
• China Huaxi Engineering Design & Construction Co. Ltd.

Developer: HLC Group

Introduction of the Huaguoyuan Project:
The Huaguoyuan project is the largest shantytown renovation project in China, located in the center of Guiyang. The total planning area of the project is 10 square kilometers, with a total of more than 20,000 households, involving more than 100,000 people and an area of more than 400,000 square meters. With a total investment of 100 billion yuan and a total construction area of 18.3 million square meters, the project is a large-scale urban complex integrating residential, commercial, art and culture, business office, tourism and intelligent life services

Introduction of Twin Tower:
Located in Huaguoyuan Zone D, The Twin Towers consists of A and B. Tower A (East Tower) is a super Grade A office building, Tower B (West Tower) consists of a hardcover platinum apartment Guiyang Central One and China's seventh Fairmont Hotel, and Dolphin Square is positioned as the luxury center of southwest China

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