Originally Posted by HomeInMyShoes
I know there's probably only one. It's too bad we couldn't get two, but the costs would be high and the opportunities given the current built form are pretty poor. It's one of the reasons I am really interested in the how because it is a tough design challenge and it's an important piece to how integrated downtown ends up feeling.
Further consideration should be given to the current Broad and Albert Street underpasses. Proximity wise, they aren't far...but they act as poor connection points in that they aren't even remotely passable as welcoming places. If the adjacent Broad and Albert street corridors were to transition in their form, and the City invested in redesigning the underpasses into more welcoming pedestrian friendly spaces, they could easily act as quick connection points between the RRI and downtown.
As a comparison, Calgary is redesigning a lot its underpasses from the downtown to the Beltline neighbourhood, as they suffered from many of the negative design qualities as the aforementioned two in Regina.