Originally Posted by Tornado
It's not always about size Kevin..you Austinites are spoiled with super tall construction and that's all you guys focus on...(yes I'm slightly bitter that everything that happens here in SA is midrise.)
I'd like to see some elevations at night so we can see what their lighting plan is going to be.
Also, any chance the city can incorporate some bike lanes into this area?
Actually, shorter buildings tend to be bigger because of the larger footprints they have versus taller buildings that tend to have smaller footprints covering a smaller lot. That's the whole point of building taller is to reduce land usage. For example, this building appears to take up roughly 80% of the block instead of only a portion of it as a taller tower likely would. As an example, this project will have 325 units and is 10 floors over almost the entire block, whereas there's a new building in Austin proposed that will occupy about a third of the block with 275 units that will have three times as many floors and cover an area that is 130 by 190 feet. This building in San Antonio will be 230 by 335 feet, which is about the same size as the Frost Bank Tower's footprint including the parking podium in Austin. This is a big building.
Also, when I say elevations, I mean the architectural drawings showing the building heights and other technical features, not the artist's renderings show it's cosmetic appearance.
I like the building. I think it looks nice, and I would be happy with something like that in Austin. I would love to see something like this under one of our capitol view corridors.
Anyway, I did a couple of Google Earth models to show it. You can also compare the footprint sizes to the other proposed buildings. It's bigger than a lot of the new buildings proposed for downtown.
Elmira at Myrtle is the blue building on the top left.