Originally Posted by Coldrsx
also a smaller minneapolis/st.paul....
how do we compare to Kansas city, st.louis, baltimore, nashville's of the world.
I've been to Baltimoreand it is really nothing like Edmonton. In a way it felt similar to Vancouver except a lot older and not as nice. Also, if you think East Hastings is bad go to the "hood" in Baltimore. I had a tour with a collegue who lived there and it makes East Hastings feel like Glenora. Why it felt like Vancouver? It is a waterfront city "Cheasapeke (sp?) Bay" and most of the downtown area is around the bay. It was very green and very industrial outside of the downtown area.
I have however heard from numerous americans that Edmonton is simialr to Dallas except smaller, Austin and Denver. Suprisingly, the guy I heard Denver from is from Denver and he said Denver is a lot more like Edmonton than Calgary. I thought it'd be the other way.