Originally Posted by benvui
They are also starting on work on the arena this spring. The arena has been sinking in one corner so they are taking out the floor and redoing it. There are a lot of people suggesting that all these municipal projects (the city hall, fire department and arena) should be one major project so that we would end up with something like what they have in Bouctouche with the JK Irving Center.
I was in Bouctouche a few weeks ago and spent some time in the new JK Centre. It's a great facility and one that Bouctouche desperately needed. Richibucto wants something similar but I can't see the government footing more money for similar projects, especially in places like Richibucto and Shediac where the Irvings may not step up with millions of dollars (and land) like they did in Bouctouche.
I've heard that St.Stephen wants a facility similar to what they have in Bouctouche, albeit for less money. If any new arena wants government money they need to include things like community centres and other recreation facilities. The JK Centre amounted to anywhere between $15-20 Million with contributions from the Feds, Province, Muncipality and the Irvings. Along with this, Bouctouche it turning the old Forum into their Fire Station, among other things. If Shediac were to get a new facility like Bouctouche (Arena, City Hall, Community Centre) perhaps they could turn the Festival Arena into their new fire hall similar to what Bouctouche plans to do.