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Old Posted Sep 12, 2020, 6:32 PM
pttwarrior pttwarrior is offline
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從356M壽山頂遠眺68層遠雄The One夜景|圖片拍攝:吳才龍
"Asia's New Bay Area #Kaohsiung 2021" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2i2NhC695D0
"Asia's New Bay Area - 2020 Horizon Open House Quick Review" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iVn16Cg1zXE
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Old Posted Sep 25, 2020, 2:54 PM
pttwarrior pttwarrior is offline
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遠雄THE ONE 璀璨點燈 改寫高雄天際線
Nov 5, 2019

台灣之光 點亮台灣
全國第一高飯店住宅 2020年即將正式落成

遠雄企業團日前於高雄舉行「台灣之光、點亮台灣-遠雄THE ONE點燈儀式,將地上 68 樓,樓高268 米的遠雄THE ONE建築體展演出高雄港灣海洋意象。邀請到李祖原建築師、袁宗南燈光設計總監與及近兩百位已購貴賓一同參與點燈儀式。遠雄 THE ONE寫下許多台灣建築史的第一紀錄,是全球第 26 高、亞洲第 6、台灣最高 的住宅,高度 268 公尺的垂直複合星級飯店私宅會所。而在點燈儀式中,遠雄也宣告遠雄 THE ONE 2020年即將竣工,可望成為高雄全新地標。

Kaohsiung 高雄 가오슝 เกาสง
Taiwan 台湾 대만 ไต้หวัน
"Asia's New Bay Area #Kaohsiung 2021" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2i2NhC695D0
"Asia's New Bay Area - 2020 Horizon Open House Quick Review" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iVn16Cg1zXE
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Old Posted Dec 23, 2020, 4:40 PM
pttwarrior pttwarrior is offline
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Kaohsiung | Farglory - The One | 268M / 879FT | 68FL |
Taiwan's tallest residential building

183坪「億」級生活 開箱全台最高豪宅!|高雄市前鎮區-遠雄THE ONE|591|建案開箱秀|ep.12

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今天要開箱的豪宅 驚為天人😏
183坪霸氣大空間 總價直接破億元
🔷凌空233米 環景空中跑道
🔷 豪華吊燈+奢華沙發組 直逼3000萬
不用出國 在家也能來個5天4夜💯
"Asia's New Bay Area #Kaohsiung 2021" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2i2NhC695D0
"Asia's New Bay Area - 2020 Horizon Open House Quick Review" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iVn16Cg1zXE
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Old Posted Jun 22, 2021, 5:51 PM
pttwarrior pttwarrior is offline
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Taiwan's first InterContinental Hotel to open in Kaohsiung



No. 33, Xinguang Rd., Qianzhen Dist. , Kaohsiung ,806023, Taiwan

Located at the heart of Asia’s New Bay Area along the Zhonghua and Xinguang Road, InterContinental Kaohsiung, with its luxurious facilities and attentive service, is ready to provide you the perfect experience for your next business or leisure trip. We are conveniently located between the Kaohsiung International Airport and Kaohsiung Main Station. Hotel nearby Sanduo Shopping District, Kaohsiung Exhibition Center and the famous 85 Sky-Tower. IC Kaohsiung features 253 luxurious guest and suites.

InterContinental Kaohsiung is located at the heart of the Asia Bay Area, an urban development of a newly transformed, commercial, exhibition and cultural site. The Area includes Kaohsiung Exhibition Center and the largest library in Taiwan - Kaohsiung Main Public Library, department stores / shopping centers, as well as the upcoming Kaohsiung Music Center and Cruise Terminal. Since the development started, it expands the city’s international visibility to attract both domestic and international companies to invest. The area features jogging and bike paths, light-rail stations, green buildings and over 17,000 square meters of greenery – a true modern, vibrant and healthfulness environment for all.
高雄洲際酒店位於亞洲新灣區的核心區, 一個以商業,展覽和文化交流為主的新發展區。該區域包括高雄展覽中心和台灣最大的圖書館-高雄市立圖書館總館,百貨公司 / 購物商場以及即將到來的高雄音樂中心和郵輪碼頭。亞洲新灣區自發展以來, 擴展了高雄國際能見度,並吸引國內外公司進行投資。周圍設有慢跑和自行車道,輕軌站,綠色建築和超過17,000平方米的綠化區 – 成為一個適合各族群, 現代,充滿活力和健康綠能的優質環境。

Kaohsiung 高雄 가오슝 เกาสง
Taiwan 台湾 대만 ไต้หวัน
"Asia's New Bay Area #Kaohsiung 2021" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2i2NhC695D0
"Asia's New Bay Area - 2020 Horizon Open House Quick Review" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iVn16Cg1zXE
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Old Posted Aug 2, 2021, 2:58 AM
pttwarrior pttwarrior is offline
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Sat, Jul 10, 2021

InterContinental Hotels to launch a Kaohsiung property

By Crystal Hsu / Staff reporter

InterContinental Hotels Group PLC (IHG) is to launch a new luxury property, InterContinental Kaohsiung, in the fourth quarter, unfazed by a business freeze in the local hospitality industry amid a nationwide level 3 COVID-19 alert.

Sited in the heart of Asia New Bay Area (亞洲新灣區) and directly managed by IHG, the hotel is to offer 253 guest rooms, five restaurants and bars, two-story banquet and meeting spaces, and a Club InterContinental Lounge, the company said.

IHG has appointed Robbert Manussen to be the property’s general manager, taking advantage of his 15 years of management experience in hotel chains in Austria, the Czech Republic, South Korea, the Netherlands, Qatar, Vietnam and the United Arab Emirates.

IHG is optimistic that Kaohsiung would grow into a smart city, so has positioned InterContinental Kaohsiung as an innovative smart-luxury hotel, it said.

Microsoft Taiwan, Cisco Taiwan and Amazon Web Services have announced plans to invest in the Asia New Bay Area, Chinese-language media reports have said.

“I would like to thank Taiwan for its efforts to combat the coronavirus,” Manussen said, adding that he looks forward to Kaohsiung’s transformation.

The site is near several tourist spots, including the Kaohsiung Exhibition Center, Pier 2 Art Center, the Kaohsiung Music Center, the Kaohsiung Esports Arena, Kaohsiung Public Library and the yet-to-open Kaohsiung Port Cruise Terminal.

Individual guest rooms of 46.5m2 to 60.4m2 are to be priced from NT$6,800 per night and equipped with digital voice control systems that respond to Chinese, English and Japanese, speakers with Bluetooth connectivity, new-generation hair dryers and child-friendly amenities, InterContinental Kaohsiung said.

The hotel design is inspired by Kaohsiung’s harbor and ocean backdrops to symbolize the interconnectedness of all the continents, it said.

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed global travel and tourism as people assign more importance to health and wellness, Manussen said.

InterContinental Kaohsiung will adopt high-standard hygiene protocols, using hospital-grade disinfectants and placing sanitizer stations at high-contact points throughout the hotel, the company said.

InterContinental Kaohsiung will also follow the guidelines of health authorities at home and abroad to remain up-to-date on pandemic issues, it said.

Manussen said he believes in the growth potential of Taiwan’s hospitality industry in light of the nation’s effective virus control measures and self-disciplined people.

Guests would be able to immerse themselves in the city’s local culture, explore hidden tourist gems and embark on city tours, InterContinental Kaohsiung said.

Kaohsiung 高雄 가오슝 เกาสง
Taiwan 台湾 대만 ไต้หวัน
"Asia's New Bay Area #Kaohsiung 2021" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2i2NhC695D0
"Asia's New Bay Area - 2020 Horizon Open House Quick Review" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iVn16Cg1zXE
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Old Posted Oct 7, 2021, 3:34 PM
pttwarrior pttwarrior is offline
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Kaohsiung 高雄 가오슝 เกาสง
Taiwan 台湾 대만 ไต้หวัน
"Asia's New Bay Area #Kaohsiung 2021" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2i2NhC695D0
"Asia's New Bay Area - 2020 Horizon Open House Quick Review" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iVn16Cg1zXE
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Old Posted Oct 26, 2021, 4:29 PM
pttwarrior pttwarrior is offline
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by Benny - 2021/09/08更新


IHG洲際酒店集團迎接創立75週年,在台開設首間最具代表性的同名奢華酒店,傳遞「洲際人生,知行天下」品牌主軸定位。指派由擁有15年連鎖酒店管理背景的荷蘭籍羅嘉麒(Robbert Manussen)出任總經理,要為高雄旅宿市場帶來新風貌。即日起便可以預訂12/1之後的客房住宿,飯店控們不妨立刻下單。


高雄洲際酒店與遠雄集團全台最高豪邸THE ONE垂直共構,以創新智慧型奢華酒店作為定位。空間設計從高雄的港灣城市印象出發,酒店大廳、廊道、公共設施能看到沿海流域光影,呈現出銜接各大洲的「海洋」、從海平面向天際探索的視覺意象。

共規劃253間客房,呈現出品牌經典的「藝術裝飾Art Deco」風格,配上港灣景致相當舒心。客房空間平均為14坪、套房平均為18坪起,客房皆精選美國舒達Serta全新Perfect Sleeper系列床墊、LG電視、內建中英日語音數位聲控系統、BOSE藍芽音響、Dyson Supersonic吹風機、SMEG復古電熱水壺、Nespresso ZENIUS膠囊咖啡機、親子友善備品,房價6800元起(含兩客早餐)。






對於外國或異地旅客來說是一大福音!高雄洲際酒店整合最著名的Brilliant Concierge服務,提供客製化旅宿行程安排,將結合當地文化藝術與秘境景點打造深度體驗,享受一趟化繁為簡的道地之旅。


官網獨家首賣「重返洲際.璀璨經典」開幕住房專案,每房5988元起 (需另計10%服務費及5%稅金),最多兩人入住高級大床客房一晚,能享用全自助式Buffet早餐兩客,每房再享酒店內餐飲折抵1200元 (不包含烘焙坊內商品)。

Kaohsiung 高雄 가오슝 เกาสง
Taiwan 台湾 대만 ไต้หวัน
"Asia's New Bay Area #Kaohsiung 2021" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2i2NhC695D0
"Asia's New Bay Area - 2020 Horizon Open House Quick Review" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iVn16Cg1zXE
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Old Posted Mar 27, 2022, 10:24 AM
pttwarrior pttwarrior is offline
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InterContinental Kaohsiung : Taiwan's first InterContinental Hotel


高雄洲際酒店正式開幕!從家電、寢具到備品香氛 定義奢華飯店指標

更新時間: 2021/11/21 17:26

飯店迷等待已久,洲際酒店品牌終於重返台灣!IHG(洲際酒店集團)旗下的洲際酒店及度假村(InterContinental Hotels & Resorts)今年喜迎75周年,由品牌直接經營管理的「高雄洲際酒店」今(21)日舉行開幕剪綵儀式,首度曝光酒店最大亮點的數位光雕藝術裝置,同時合作公益,深耕本地文化,將奢華旅宿體驗賦予深意。高雄洲際酒店總經理羅嘉麒(Robbert Manussen)對於本地賓客高度關注支持,亦特別表達感謝,表示將會持續聆聽賓客回饋,優化服務升級,真實重現「洲際人生、知行天下」的品牌魅力。



高雄洲際酒店內規劃253間客房及套房,空間安排除了延續品牌知性典雅風格,亦以環境永續發展為出發點,重新定義旅宿奢華體驗。酒店客房寢具選用美國舒達Serta品牌與美國國家睡眠基金會(National Sleep Foundation, NSF)共同開發全新Perfect Sleeper系列,為賓客最重要的睡眠品質把關。同時,客房內一系列家電如LG 智慧型旅館電視、BOSE智慧型家庭娛樂揚聲器、義大利進口的SMEG 復古電熱水壺、Nespresso ZENIUS膠囊咖啡機、新一代Dyson Supersonic吹風機、中英日三聲道客房智能聲控Aiello小犀管家等,為賓客締造放鬆身心的解封忘憂之旅。


客房沐浴備品使用IHG集團指定的瑞典品牌BYREDO,以450ml規格遵循品牌的環保精神,獻上專屬洲際酒店的BLANCHE香型,香氣純淨而簡單,來自BYREDO創始人Ben Gorham對白色的理解,詮釋自然界中存在幾乎透明的芬芳。值得一提的是,客房精選西班牙 VICRILA 鋼化玻璃杯,因VICRILA品牌最大限度減少工廠對環境的影響,製造過程使用乾淨能源,以整合玻璃資源再生,達到真正的產製綠能迴圈和永續商業模式,為環境保護與預防全球暖化努力。

高雄洲際酒店內除了全日餐廳「SEEDS 大地」、中餐廳「湛露」、大廳酒吧「BL.T33」、烘焙坊「Delicatesse」等,其中「SEEDS 大地」提供全自助式客房早餐,獻上台灣知名小食及西式餐點,午晚餐則引入「品餉洲際」的無國界料理概念,以個人化服務和開放式舒適空間,為賓客用餐體驗帶來全新想像;「BL.T33」位於一樓大廳,與星光綠園道為鄰,空間動線與SEEDS流暢貫穿,引導賓客體驗餐前餐後的品飲時光,尊享洲際特色餐點、歐陸輕食、正統下午茶組合及經典特調。

「湛露」中餐廳由曾任台北、上海W Hotel主廚的 王欽正主廚領軍,規劃出符合南部賓客口味的菜單樣式,充份掌握高雄海港城市的地理優勢,精選現地和進口食材,以主廚巧思創意微調作法,融合粵式和上海菜式開發獨家招牌料理。業者提供

高雄洲際酒店開幕剪綵儀式(左起:遠雄集團總管理處副總經理 楊舜欽、高雄市議長 曾麗燕、高雄市市長 陳其邁、高雄洲際酒店總經理 Robbert Manussen、 遠雄集團遊憩事業董事長 武祥生、洲際酒店集團 Development Director Ms. Jessica Liao)。業者提供

Kaohsiung 高雄 가오슝 เกาสง
Taiwan 台湾 대만 ไต้หวัน
"Asia's New Bay Area #Kaohsiung 2021" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2i2NhC695D0
"Asia's New Bay Area - 2020 Horizon Open House Quick Review" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iVn16Cg1zXE
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Old Posted Mar 29, 2022, 7:13 AM
pttwarrior pttwarrior is offline
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InterContinental Kaohsiung : Taiwan's first InterContinental Hotel

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觀察者旅讀 1分鐘搶先看!高雄洲際酒店光雕數位藝術展演
21 Nov 2021

座落於亞洲新灣區核心地點的高雄洲際酒店今21日(日)舉行開幕剪綵儀式,22日璀燦迎賓。該酒店由有75年歷史的IHG洲際酒店集團品牌直接經營管理,與遠雄集團全台最高豪邸THE ONE垂直共構。
高雄洲際酒店總經理羅嘉麒(Robbert Manussen表示,集團看好高雄將轉型5G AIoT智慧城市的潛能,積極投資心力與資金,以創新的智慧型奢華酒店為定位,獻上品牌經典的ArtDeco藝術裝飾風格客房253間,並秉承品牌以善為本、以誠待客的精神,用心了解本地賓客需求,在高雄重現「洲際人生、知行天下」的品牌魅力,也期待透過國際級奢華旅宿品牌,再次讓世界驚豔高雄的精彩蛻變。
高雄洲際酒店內規劃253間客房及套房,空間安排除了延續品牌知性典雅風格,亦以環境永續發展為出發點,重新定義旅宿奢華體驗。酒店內除了全日餐廳「SEEDS 大地」、中餐廳「湛露」、大廳酒吧「BL.T33」、烘焙坊「Delicatesse」等,預計2022年第一季還會陸續獻上日料餐廳、主廚餐桌、南洋料理主題餐廳等豐富的餐飲選項,以精選本地有機食材倡議永續為主軸,嚴選本地食材,大幅降低食材碳足跡,為賓客獻上新鮮健康的珍味美饌。

Kaohsiung 高雄 가오슝 เกาสง
Taiwan 台湾 대만 ไต้หวัน
"Asia's New Bay Area #Kaohsiung 2021" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2i2NhC695D0
"Asia's New Bay Area - 2020 Horizon Open House Quick Review" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iVn16Cg1zXE
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