Originally Posted by Blitzen
I really hope this building can be saved, moved, or otherwise incorporated into the new hospital somehow. I know I've seen bigger buildings than this one moved before, so the only thing I fear is that the cost would be too great.
P.S. - Wouldn't it make a great new Civil Courthouse?
I have always thought that the Historic Trust and other Preservationist were a little misplaced in their fight against the VA and LSU hospitals. I usually tend to side with them due to my love of history and New Orleans architecture, but the importance of the hospitals, and considering the general condition of lower Mid-City and the city as a whole, justified the general demolition. But wouldn't a better fight for the National Historic Trust and other preservationist organizations from the start be to fight for the movement of some buildings and incorporation of other buildings or houses into the design rather than filing all those lawsuits trying to stop the construction of the hospital.
This school, along with the dixie brewery, the Green Mansion, some shotgun houses, and others are a good example of specific buildings that should be saved. And movement of those structures that can be moved to adjoining neighborhoods adds to the density of surrounding neighborhoods and would intensify the recovery of the neighborhood as the hospitals develop. Instead, the National Historic Trust and some others were fighting the State and LSU against the recovery of the city and medical services only for preservation of a few structures.
I think McDounough 11 should be saved no matter what. It is a great building that would add character to the hospitals. Be it incorporated into the design or raised to another site, but I'm afraid it is too late. These issues should have been raised a few years ago in order to make the design possible or to figure out a way to move it. If these organizations lended their support to the hospitals while requiring the preservation of some of the structures in the area, then they might have been able to provide more money and effort toward saving some structures and gaining support to save them by the VA, the State, and the City. Instead, huge fights and lawsuits just delayed the process.
I want to save as many structures as possible. But I'm afraid that the condition of the city, the future of the city, and the condition of medical services in the city warrant the construction of the hospitals at the expense of some of these structures. More shotgun houses will be saved all across town by saving the condition of the city and its economic status than by saving a few particular structures or a part of a neighborhood. Most shotgun houses in the neighborhood bit the dust because of several decades of economic downturn.
If we can push to save these structures, then lets do it. Is there money somewhere to do it? Can we force the VA or LSU to use it? I'm all for it, as long as it doesn't jeopordize the oportunity to build the VA or LSU. I am surprised that this school was not an issue before now. Why wasn't it a priority? It looks like a type of building that could easily be incorporated into the complex if time was taken to do it and if more people cared in the beginning.
My wife is currently 8 months pregnant yet there is only one hospital in the City of New Orleans that delivers babies. This is completely rediculous of a major metro area. I shouldn't have to leave my city of 350K people to have a baby. We need more hospital services, more groceries, better public transportation, and more basic services.