that overview of the underground parking lot construction is really interesting
I wasn't aware of this Masonic building until I came across this illustration.
Los Angeles Herald 1907
Chronicling America/Library of Congress
I was so hoping the building would still be there (masonic buildings seem to withstand the test of time). Alas, it wasn't to be.
It's gone. (if it was ever built on the site)
-the southeast corner of Pico and Fedora Street today
-the tall slender evergreen in both the illus. and the gsv view indicates the artist probably visited the location and was aware of the surroundings.
I didn't find the Masonic building, but I found something very intriguing across the street.
Northeast corner of Pico and Fedora Street (there's a jog in Fedora at this point)
This building has some of the most dazzling and intricate terra-cotta glaze designs that I've ever seen on a commercial building in Los Angeles.
-above: notice how at the ground floor they merely painted over the beautiful terra-cotta tiles...hopefully they can
be restored one day.
-just imagine the artistic detail covered up by those crappy makeshift storefronts.
one last view
I'd love to know the history of this unusual building. It's such a beauty!
-after finishing my post, I've been thinking that there's a possibility we've seen this building before on the thread,
but I don't think so-