Originally Posted by RonnieFoos
Most likely. Also, as azsunsurfer stated, the City of Phoenix is offering to relocate those this would displace. It sounds like a win-win to me. We get new affordable housing that the core is STRONGLY lacking in and the seniors this displaces will receive city assisted relocation. Not sure what the problem is with that. Also as Biggus stated, this is definitely journalism angled to make the reader feel bad right off the get go...without offering up any facts until nearly the last paragraphs in the article.
I think it would be HUGE win-win. All of us folks crazy about highrises, get one almost directly next to the I-10. Depending on how tall it is, that would add more to the skyline helping connect downtown to midtown. I'm so for this and definitely look forward to hearing what the City Council has to say in May.
Plus if this highrise truly is affordable housing, (not $1,800] for a 400 sqf studio) that would give the opportunity for more working folks to live in downtown.
And yes, as I read the article again, I can definitely see the slant in the journalism.