No Emporisy pages yet as things are not all in the right place, but in the meantime, heres the not to be forgotton uptown/historic district/ river west district, just so you remember it. (why is did I make the text so big?)
Here in the front is the U.S. Post office, the Lance Tower (wedding cake style) and a currently unnamed.
This is the United steel tower (right) and the Medical Arts Building (center, L shaped)
Heres the old ( as in real life) city pics.
That Gehry sculpture
Chase Tower, Southland Life, Pelli tower (in process of being renamed, suggestions?)
Dont look up, John Riter tower, some black box in which i forgot it name, and another and exchange place tower 1 (the south tower).
And one of my favorite in the city, W.T. Waggoner Building.
Thats all for now, ignore the trees as im experimenting with diff. ones.
Comments, suggestions wlecomed and appreciated