Originally Posted by Truenorth00
I would love to see automatic blacklisting for ALL federal funding if a municipality doesn't comply. This means exclusion from permanent transit funding and any other infrastructure funding. Be that a new sewer main or road. Funding goes to the region or province? Reduce proportionally. This will force regions to cut services or increase taxes in those municipalities
There's almost never federal funding for sewers or main roads here. If the funding was reduced proportionately to TransLink for transit in Delta, (like support for electrifying the bus fleet) there's just less transit for the whole region (or in the case of something like a SkyTrain line, not enough money for it to be built, which doesn't advance anything). How would having reduced infrastructure make any reluctant municipality build more housing? It would just give them an excuse not to allow more development (and in the case of infrastructure like sewers, it might be genuinely an issue).
The province has already introduced legislation setting targets for additional housing, with the backstop of stepping in and taking over to ensure there's more development, if municipalities don't deliver.
There are literally tens of thousands of already approved units not being built for all sorts of reasons across Metro Vancouver, and it's not clear that the province could actually make a difference. Mortgage rates, confidence in the market, and the availability of project financing are all mostly beyond their control, and far more important in determining how much gets built. Both the province and the federal government are providing loan financing for rental projects, and that is supporting the construction of buildings that either wouldn't be being built, or at least, not as soon. Ironically, there are provincially funded non-market housing schemes that are waiting for financing to start construction, but are delayed because the building contractors bidding are needing more than the budgeted amount.