Originally Posted by tennis1400
I thought this is interesting and definitely smart but how is the city going to connect the two Howard Avenues? any thoughts
Drive Shack Seeks Additional Sales-Tax Incentive For New Complex
The company has argued that this is a good way to offset development costs without dipping into the city’s revenue. The developers have also offered to split the increase 50/50 with the city, if the city agrees to link Howard Avenue to downtown, which would create a new entrance to Drive Shack.
I guess connect this little area together?
If they can get it under the I-10 EB flyover , and across those two RR track it shouldn’t be that hard. The gap is small, it’s just where the Superdome leg of Howard turns east to go under the Pontchartrain Expwy and connect to Julia.
There’s already a design contract underway to connect Howard to Loyola by running it between the main post office and UPT. Still, I think connecting the lower level of S Broad at Earhart would make more sense.