Pure power plays & racial politics are evident in this tape....with the health of the city (much less dtla) taking a back seat.
In a town of mainly one party politics, I bet lots of other ppl in LA city hall think, act & talk the same way. If white candidate A prefers the same thing that black candidate B does, who prefers the same thing Latino candidate C does, who asian candidate D favors too, it comes down to power plays based on race.
Then there are odd politics in the workplace or elsewhere too....look at what goes on in online forums, including this one. So it won't be any less ridiculous in city govt.
National politics or regional competition is at work too....look at how ppl representing dtla have had to travel to the east coast...NYC....to get funders & investors based there to support projs in dtla. I still wonder why Equity residential based out of chicago dropped plans for an apt tower at 4th & Hill St. They may have seen negative feedback about dtla...about crime, homelessness... along with the NIMBY politics that their proj faced from the beginning, & they got cold feet.