Originally Posted by migol24
I sure hope it rivals any great art museum in the nation.
For what it’s worth (and not much), I would love to see a museum that focuses on Central Texas and southwestern artistic culture, even if that means a healthy dose of cosmic-cowboy kitsch for example. It’s not that I like it it on a personal level necessarily, but it is nonetheless representative of our region - our home. I wish for Austin to host worldly-cultural, cosmopolitan institutions someday, but also wish to see a full expression of local culture flourish as a base to grow upon first. We have a symphony, ballet, art museums, etc, but what makes them uniquely Austin? We built a statue for SRV - that is uniquely Austin. I love the museums, musical ensembles and institutions in Dallas and Houston, but they sometimes feel contrived in their setup - aspiring to be another prominent, historic place rather than the unique places they are. Hopefully the museum can be curated in a way that teaches us much about the many backgrounds and artistic expressions that make up the Central Texas experience to both enlighten us as the people who call it home, and the world which watches on. Better yet, make it the Willie Hugh Nelson Museum of Arts and Culture and call it a day.