Originally Posted by 10023
I will literally blow my head off with a shotgun before setting foot in Disney World.
yikes, let's hope it doesn't come to that.
but disney world is irrelevant. if you don't want to take your kids to disney world, then don't take them to disney world. that has absolutely zero bearing on your ability to be a good parent.
my comment about you seeming like you might not be a good parent candidate is based on the self-centeredness that comes through on a lot of your posts. you want to do whatever you want to do, with whom you want to do it, whenever you want to to do it, wherever you want to do it. whatever is going on, it's all about you and your wants.
as someone who formerly subscribed to that lifestyle, i'm telling you that it will be turned on its head if you ever become a parent and dedicate yourself to doing a good job of it. children absolutely place demands on your time, energy, and finances that will force compromises in some aspects of your life and what you want to do. they are exceptionally good at utterly obliterating the best laid plans.
Originally Posted by 10023
Back to the topic of the thread - the idea that you can’t live in a certain place because it’s not (in your mind) as good for kids is pathetic.
that's 100% true. children can be raised (and actually are raised) anywhere, from midtown manhattan to the isolated wilderness of northern alaska, and everywhere in between.
that said, it's not realistic for every single person to raise a family anywhere on the surface of this planet. many are restricted by finances, family bonds, life situation, personal desires, etc. that's what centropolis meant with his initial comment that started this whole tangent.
could i raise my children anywhere? possibly.
but do i want to raise my children anywhere? no.
unlike most on this forum, i am
FAR more oriented to familial relationships than to other aspects of life like climate, or culture, or topography, or food, or what have you. so for me, raising my kids in a place where they can form close intimate bonds with their grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins is paramount. i place that above all other considerations. so while i technically could raise my kids in bulgaria or australia or tanzania or colombia, realistically that's not in the cards for me because it goes against one of my deepest core values.
other people are different and place more value on their children living in a foreign land than in staying near family, and that's perfectly fine too. those are the people who go globe-trotting about with their kids in tow. more power to them. there's no right or wrong way to do it. it's all about making choices based upon what you value, because it's impossible to have everything.