This reminds me of the time when I honked at a cyclist that was travelling in the middle of Fairway Road (KWC), running red and then travelling in the wrong direction, just to hear him say “F—k you” to me twice.
Another time, I was going down Courtland Street, and there was a cyclist that held everybody up,
when there’s a bicycle lane on that street.
Honestly, it’s because of people like this that make many harbour the anti-cyclist sentiment.
(Ps: IMO forcibly adding bike lanes has made the configuration of certain Waterloo roads, such as Seagram Drive facing University Avenue and Columbia Street/Lexington Road awkward.)
But as a reminder, in Ontario and in Quebec, neither pedestrians nor cyclists are allowed on freeways. Heck sometimes they aren’t even allowed on certain at-grade highways (11-17 Twin City Bypass, 61-11-17 T Bay Expressway, 17 Garden River Bypass, 17 Sudbury Bypass <?>, 11-17 N Bay Bypass, 3 St Thomas Bypass, 6 Hamilton Bypass).