Originally Posted by CherryCreek
I think things developed far faster than anyone anticipated. Union Station will be a poster child for how public spending can spur private investment. The public investment in Union Station was not without critics but, in the end, the the economic growth and tax revenue will easily justify the investments made many times over.
Yes, I was thinking the same thing - on the one hand it also took longer than a lot of us thought (several projects on the edges of the neighborhood were supposed to start around the time of the recession and seem to have gotten delayed). But you're right - once the public investment was finally in place, the private development came speeding in faster than I ever would have expected. I'm sure this also had to do with the economic cycle we're in, but still!
In either case, it's definitely something for Denver to be proud of. Thanks to Pablosan for getting all of these photos up so those outside the local Mountain West echo chamber can see!