So for those of who come home from work and enjoy nothing more than reading emails about SDCs, URAs and TIF between City of Portland commissioners and bureau directors, then this is the evening you've been waiting for.
Part I,
Part II over at the Portland Mercury.
TL;DR version. Hales and Novick argue that because there is no development happening in Old Town / China Town anyway, waiving SDCs represents no net loss of money to the bureaus that levy SDCs (Parks, Water, Transportation, Environmental Services). i.e., $5,528 per unit x zero units is the same number as $0 x 500 units. Fritz argues that those new residents will want and use parks, and that money could be spent on other projects in the central city that parks are currently planning. (Conway, Waterfront Greenway @ Zidell Yards, 511 building). Apparently the parks SDC only raises 75% of the money required to expand the parks system to meet new demand. Parks Director Mike Abbaté thinks it's a bad policy decision to waive development fees at the same time that the city is about to ask voters to extend a property levy used to fund park maintenance. Charlie Hales thinks Abbaté is an idiot.