Originally Posted by Geckos_Rule
Totally agreed. If you really want to broaden things, "Central Austin" could include south to Oltorf, east to Pleasant Valley, west to Mopac, and North to 51st/Keonig.
But either way, Airport and 71 right here is most certainly "East Austin"...
This is basically my definition.
I include Tarrytown, Zilker, and Barton Hills as well. This creates a one-two neighborhood buffer around Downtown/Capitol Complex/University in each direction comprising roughly a square around downtown.
On the north, moving west: Hancock, North Loop, 53rd, 53rd 1/2, and Tannehill Branch (the creek just north of 51st east of I-35).
On the east: Springdale (north of the river) and South Pleasant Valley (south of the river).
On the south: Oltorf (east of Lamar) and Lamar (south of Oltorf).
On the west: Barton Creek and the Colorado River but also including Zilker park.
Central Austin overlaps with all of North Austin (starts at 38th), East Austin (starts at I-35), West Austin (starts at Shoal Creek), and South Austin (starts at the river). Hence, Central East Austin, Central North, etc.
I have for years wanted to put together a neighborhood, area, regional map of Austin with everyone’s input since this topic comes up quite often that we could utilize for a standardized way of discussing “regions” of development, but wasn’t sure if there would be anyone who wanted to deal with interacting with me. If anyone wants me to do this and present a starting point off of which we could build, let me know.