Originally Posted by YOWetal
I don't know how Faid and Wei became Canadian but I know my experience abroad is these Canadians of convenience are always blathering about Canada. Certainly my relatives who moved to the US and now have kids who are Canadians yet only spent summers here wear Canada on their sleeve. Now they are white so maybe they count more? Despite being born in the US, UK and Australia they still skate, watch hockey, even put maple syrup on their pancakes. Their yearly trips here probably see them pay more taxes than the huge chunk of Canadians (ignoring reasons why whether they be disability or laziness) don't do anything but take from the public purse. Now several have enjoyed cheap University tuition and that bothers me more than evacuating them if their country collapses or is invaded. I mean we took Ukrainians in (and paid for it) and they aren't even Canadians of convenience why wouldn't we pay to take passport holders?
You're normally smarter than this (descending into race-baiting).
More rationally, I suppose Canadians living in the US are a bit different as they are living in the belly of the nation's historico-cultural existential threat. Saying you're Canadian in the middle of the mass of Americans with whom you otherwise perfectly blend in with is kind of like dyeing your hair purple in high school.
Fadi in Beirut, Wei in Hong Kong or even Werner in Stuttgart or Didier in Toulouse will probably feel less of an urge to do that.
Regarding financial contributions to the Canadian economy, the average Canadian household pays about $40,000 a year in taxes of all kinds. Those Canadians of convenience who come and visit us in the summer are sure having lavish vacations back home if they're topping that amount in a few weeks.
Note that I am still not opposed to the government bringing Canadian citizens resident abroad back home if they're in trouble.