Originally Posted by Cd1076
The RBJ expansion is still happening. I attended an East Cesar Chavez planning team meeting 2 or 3 months ago and a group of the developers gave a presentation on the expansion. There will be a large grouping of 4-5 story units around the RBJ tapering down to shorter units as they get closer to single family homes. The developers are wanting to connect Navasota st through the property as a main thoroughfare to connect to to Waller st near Flores st if I remember correctly.
There's also been a new apartment complex proposed where the failed Cesar Chavez hotel was supposed to go.
Great. Is there a plan online? Punching Navasota through is a good idea. Living in this neighborhood I am not opposed to more than 4-5 stories as RBJ is already 14 (or more).
Yes I heard the new units on C. Chavez will be micro and I expect less opposition to this compared to the hotel. That is ironic given that one of the arguments against the hotel was the traffic it generated and the fact that it was slated to be 65 rooms versus 260 micro units in the latest plan.