The tallest structure in the image is Pininfarina´s new two-towers residential complex in Balneario Camboriu, with around 80 floors. It shall be completed in 2020 or 2021.
The following two opera houses are gorgeous and restored and are in the (surprisingly) Amazon region of Brazil ( most of the Amazon basin is within Brazil´s borders, with its infinite amounts of natural resources that over the centuries created great wealth for Brazil such as these two luxurious opera houses in big cities in the Amazon region of Brazil)
The other opera house in another big city in the Amazon region
Last edited by Johnny Harden; Aug 7, 2020 at 9:36 PM.
Some beautiful images of Fortaleza, also on coastal Brazil. How much wealth there is in Brazil! The second most populous nation and the second largest economy in the Americas, only after US.
Last edited by Johnny Harden; Sep 10, 2020 at 5:33 PM.