CBRE? That's a pretty big deal. Also the renovation of the Bulletin building has been happening for a while now. I posted some photos that I took of if on here a short while back. I haven't checked it out since but I'm sure progress has been made. However Spark Therapeutics has signed on for around 107,000 of 284,000 sq ft already so there's not a whole of of space left.
While checking the Schuylkill Yards master plan here ( I noticed that while there's around 7,000,000 sq ft in total, only 2,800,000 of that will be office space. If I remember correctly, Amazon is looking for something around 8,000,000 sq ft. This means they're going to have to spill over into other development areas and office buildings. Maybe they will want to fast track the 30th St Station District development.