Originally Posted by biguc
I guess the point is, does it matter? What's the fourth city in the US? San Francisco? Houston? How about in Argentina? Or Mexico? Who gives a shit, right?
I'm pretty firmly on the side of who gives a shit, but in the case of the US, I have to think that Miami is the pretty obvious, though often forgotten, 4th city.
10-15 years ago, I think Calgary would have been the undisputed 4th city of Canada, but with the oil & gas industry experiencing a relative decline and with the Calgary School becoming less relevant, it seems far less present on the mind now than it did then.
At the same time, as government now seems more tied to personality than place; Ottawa as the institution of government has receded from the forefront and been replaced by Trudeau, and I think that has led Ottawa the city to be less prominent as well.