Originally Posted by biguc
This is pretty cool. Too much suburban coverage though, I think.
Here's mine:
Google kind of blew it by not letting it handle more lines and points. I have a third line and a few more stops that are only on the second page (scroll down on the bar to the left). If you're curious about any station or part of the system, click on a point near the part you're wondering about. I commented on quite a bit.
Oh yeah, if you didn't catch it, dark lines are elevated, medium lines at grade, pale lines submerged.
Yeah, that's why I only added stations to the Initial Plan.
Here's my full plan
I've designed the plan in a way so that you can get from one corner of the city to another only having to transfer once. I've also added an LRT/subway from Henderson to Osborne. By the time anything like this gets built (or ever gets built) we will be looking at a radically different Winnipeg, one with at least a population of 1.5 million. Rapid Transit routes should be built where there is the most trip demand. That's why I think my Initial Plan makes sense since it serves the two busiest bus routes right now while serving both urban and suburban neighbourhoods.
A lot of interesting elements in your plan biguc. I think a line on Henderson would have to go underground to avoid the Disraeli overpass though. I've also thought about extending a line on Inkster and adding a McPhillips - Notre Dame Line.