^That track map should be pretty neat, but sorry, i don't know about what software to use.
Now it is time for my
Chicago Transit Map Mega-post that 4 People Will See
I really like Geographically accurate maps, so i have been working on some for Chicago for while, bit by bit.
Only problem is, they are kinda big, sorry. I wasn't axactly too sure what i was going to do with them at first,
then i got too far into them to go back and make them smaller. And I didn't intend to put a Loop inset at first, so i
wanted it to all be legible. Anyways, i will just post the full version of one, and provide links to the other 4.
Ok, first is a full Chicago (and inner suburbs) Rail Transit Map map that covers both the CTA and Metra Commuter Rail (~340k): SCROLL ------>
Here is the version overlaid on the satelite image for better context, but no labels because that would be illegible (~1.2meg!):
Next, a slight enlargement of the Loop inset that is more legible, with satelite imagery. I never labeled this one, but oh well. (~550k):
Now for a map of something that doesnt exist! It is a map of the Circle Line proposal that has been floating
around in the last few years. It would facilitate transfers between CTA lines and Metra Commuter Rail lines,
and allow for better crosstown travel that doesn't require going into the Loop to transfer. No Key on this one, but
it is similar to the one above (~190k):
And again, with the satelite imagery for context (~660k):
for more info on the Circle Line, go
here, where i got the information.
EDIT: I changed the first map a little by adding a scale and the coastline. 6/19/06