Originally Posted by Duck From NY
Excellent find bud. Do you have a link to the NYC Transformation thread? I couldn't locate it.
The white church spire you see toward the bottom of the hill is entirely different. The original church had to be gutted due to a fire, and I believe it was a Yankee pitcher who stepped in to fund the rebuilding sometime during the late 80's or early 90's. I'm guessing this picture was taken sometime between 1976 and 1979 based on Manhattan and the cars.
I searched for that church, the Brighton Heights Reformed Church, and indeed it burned in 1996 and was later rebuilt. Curiously enough, from that point of view, the spire of the church is aligned with the WTC,which also was destroyed, less than a year after the new church was dedicated, and later was also rebuilt.
I posted some more pictures of it on the NY transformation Thread
Originally Posted by Duck From NY
Geologically more part of NJ though
Geologically part of NJ, administratively part of NYC, although northern New Jersey ends up being also functionally part of New York as it is part of Greater New York. So the same thing could be different things depending of how you see it
Originally Posted by Zapatan
Please tell me they're going to clad the top and not just leave it open :/
As far as I know, according to the renderings, it will be clad.